You may think it’s too early for babies to join classes of any sort, but according to many child development experts, it’s never too early as the benefits are vast. Read on to find out more.
There’s a whole lot of amazing reasons why parents should expose their kids to robotics. If you are unfamiliar with robotics, here’s an introduction for you.
What to expect when you’re expecting … to be an Early Childhood Educator.
Is your child struggling with their homework? Here are some tips on how you can support them with their studies at home.
Renew your school’s learning goals to ensure students are equipped to thrive in the future. Bring the magic of robotics to your school today!
After a lengthy absence from the classroom due to the pandemic, these quick breaks can help students refocus on learning and get back into the rhythm of school.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) has been gaining popularity over the past few years. Find out more about what it is and how it will benefit your child’s future.
Many may have skipped over the fact that with a class of 20 children, teachers are also taking on roughly double the number of parents. Here are some tips to help you manage those difficult parents.
Role play stimulates young children’s imaginations and helps develop their social skills. Incorporating role play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace, and opportunities for creative learning and it's also a source of fun!
Many educators have realised that it takes more than technological literacy to conduct a successful learning session, be it online or offline. Here are the top skills that educators must own to excel in 2022.