by on 08/07/2022 7466
When you join a parent-accompanied class with your baby, you are in for an adventure! Your baby will be introduced to a host of wonder activities developed specifically to give a gentle introduction to the delights of music, movement, art, multisensorial experiences, signing, swimming and more. Right from birth, your baby will be soaking up new information like a sponge and the stimulation is proven to have significant positive long-term effects, as documented below, on their developmental journey. It does not take long for babies to find their feet and these sessions are very special for you to enjoy and treasure.
Meeting other babies and toddlers in playgroups is one of the best things for the developing child. Interacting with peers, bonding with adults and meeting characters in stories that they hear allow them to understand more about their own temperament and how to manage their emotional reactions. At their own pace, they are supported to strengthen their social-emotional competence and become more adjusted to their environment.
Little ones can get very active at playgroups. The range of activities varies but will encourage plenty of physical movements, as well as crafting, playing with toys, and assembling puzzles and blocks. Over time, you will see your baby build an increasing foundation of fine and gross motor skills, alongside better hand-eye coordination. Stronger large muscles such as legs and arms help the growing child explore the world with greater independence; more nimble smaller muscles such as fingers and wrists are perfectly useful for academic learning in later years. When dexterity and coordination are up to par, they open new doors to learning and creative expression.
From the start, babies eagerly explore everything, including themselves, other people and the world around them. Class environments are ideal for these curious minds to see, hear, touch, feel, taste and smell within an uninhibited but safe space. It is a boost to the brain by engaging their entire bodies and senses by exploring different materials and their world, indoors and out. It nurtures the little ones to become more innovative thinkers and better problem-solvers later in life.
Be it a music lesson, art class or baby gym session, they are full of language acquisition opportunities. Silly rhymes, catchy songs, learning colours, being exposed to new activities and materials, and listening to instructions all strengthen vocabulary, pre-reading and conversation skills, phonemic awareness and vocal development. These are absolutely vital to reading, writing, conversing and communicating as they grow.
The first years last a lifetime. The experiences that children go through in their earliest years really affect how their brains work, their ability to manage and respond to situations, and the way they interact with others as they grow up. Throughout the course of any baby classes, their basic motor skills form, language blossoms, thinking becomes more advanced, and they undergo a holistic growth in the main domains of development. As these programmes are designed to be age-appropriate, lessons are usually conducted in fun ways through play and games, and they, in turn, inspire a lifelong love and thirst for learning.
Shared activities create amazing opportunities to build a secure attachment bond with your baby. Having deeper understanding of your baby’s cues – their sounds, movements and gestures, you enable your baby to feel secure enough to fully develop how they communicate and interact. It sets the stage for the growing baby to enter healthy relationships with others. Plus, it is a great boost to a new parent’s confidence.
Early learning classes give teachers and parents more opportunities to assess developmental milestones by observing how babies play and interact with others. If there are any delays, prompt referral for professional assessment and activity-based strategies can be developed to ensure optimal development.
Ready to give your baby hours of enjoyment?
Join an in-person class at Baby Sensory today!