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Handy Back-to-school Tips To Make Your Kids' First Day Back Easier

by on 27/01/2021 3157

9 tips for getting back on the school routine

It’s time to say hello to the books and bags as the blissful holidays come to an end for the kids. Frazzled about getting the kids back on the schoolday routine? Here’s a handy checklist for all mums and dads to make sure that nothing gets missed out!

#1 Get back to routine before school starts

Tips kembali ke sekolah

Routines get dropped during the holidays – and rightly so. But to ensure your child gets off to a good start for the new half year, it might be a good idea to get back into the school bedtime routine a few days before school starts. This way, your child will feel better, perform better at school and be less grumpy. Be firm about your child’s protests about not needing sleep. Tell your child sleep is the time bodies grow and repair. Children vary in their needs but most six- to seven-year-olds need at least nine hours of sleep at night. Lack of sleep is linked to obesity and inattention at school. Remove all electronic devices from the child’s room.

#2 Check the sizes of uniforms and school shoes

Tips kembali ke sekolah

Try on your child’s uniform and school shoes for size. He or she may have had a growth spurt and need a new outfit. Label new items clearly and show your child where his name is.

#3 Need new snack box and water bottle?

Tips kembali ke sekolah

Check your child’s snack box and water bottle and buy new ones if needed. Make sure that your child can open them easily and independently. School staff are busy people.

#4 Holiday homework

See that any holiday work has been completed.

#5 Check school bag

Tips kembali ke sekolah #9 - Perancangan awal penting untuk ibu bapa yang sentiasa sibuk

Together, check the school bag and get your child to pack books for the new term. Look at your child’s pencil case and see that he/she has all the necessary items – and that pencils are sharpened. If your child is forgetful, make a picture check list together and put it by the door so he/she has a reminder before leaving the house. This cuts down on nagging.

#6 Look forward to the new term

Chat positively and enthusiastically about the new term – being upbeat about seeing school friends and teachers again and getting involved in activities. This is the time to let any worries surface and coach your child on how to negotiate any problems.

#7 Do not nag or compare

Tips kembali ke sekolah

Avoid ‘sermons’ about having to work harder this term, teachers having higher expectations and how hard other children work. Your child is unique – making comparisons breeds resentment.

#8 Eat healthy

Healthy eating and drinking routines may need to be re-established. Get back into eating healthy breakfasts with nutritious drinks like fruit smoothies if your child is more of a drinker than an eater. Keep the colours and appearance of the food attractive. Set a good example yourself. Have the whole family rise early a few days before school starts and do something like a walk, jog or swim together before having a healthy breakfast of bread, noodles, oats or rice porridge, or unsweetened cereal. Add in milk, fresh or dried fruit.

#9 Pack nutritious snacks

It is important to pack nutritious but tasty snacks for school, especially if your child is a fussy eater. Avoid food with high sugar content. Good choices are wholemeal or oat biscuits, soft brown bread, cheese, nuts and dried fruit. Crunchy veggie sticks like carrots or cucumber are good if your child likes them.

This article was first published on theAsianParent.