Kids with dyslexia have trouble reading accurately and fluently. They may also have trouble with reading comprehension, spelling and writing. Here’s an overview of dyslexia to understand this learning disability.
A list of the top 10 inspiring TED Talks by talented kids, for your kids to watch.
In today's world, assistive technology has the ability to simplify the educational process for not only atypical children but also neurotypical children.
Schools need to oversee that important milestone and teaching fundamentals are met and followed. But how does one do this, and why do we do it?
According to a new study, 2-3-year-olds who go to daycare/nursery are generally more skilled than their peers who stay at home with mum.
Here are five easy activities to make grammar a fun learning experience for kids!
Here are Kiddy123’s favourite classroom apps that’ll help enhance your teaching method.
Here are a few useful pointers to help you pick the right preschool to meet your child’s unique needs.
Here are a few supplement therapy ideas that you can try to optimise the outcome of your child’s speech and language development.
Established Kindergartens Share Tips to Run a Successful Early Childhood Education and Care Business. Featuring The children’s house, Hi-5 House of Learning, San Lorenzo Preschool and 3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten.