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3 quick ways to help students refocus on learning in the classroom

by on 11/05/2022 2486

With schools now allowed to operate in full capacity, many teachers are having to press reset on their classroom routines to help students get back into the rhythm of school. These quick breaks are great for switching up the pace of the classroom when students get restless, and bringing them back into a calm state of focus.


Fun breathing exercises such as breathing like a frog can help children release tension and refocus on learning.

Frog breaths

Have students squat down like frog with their heels off the ground, toes pointed out and fingertips touching the floor. They should inhale when they stand and exhale when they squat, just like a jumping frog. Aim for 15-20 repetitions.

Image credit: ABC Yoga for Kids


Brain breaks that involve movement do not have to be big run arounds that may create even more havoc in the classroom. Movements can be subtle and executed simply from the student’s existing seated position like doing fist pumps to help bring an oxygen flow to the brain. 

Fist pumping

Have students clench their fists. Start by moving the right arm up in the air and breathe in, then bring the arm back down and breathe out. Repeat with the left arm and alternate for 30 seconds.

Image credit: Balance Kids Yoga


Sometimes, the most effective way to recentre the kids is to take a moment to rest. This can be as simple as asking students to close their eyes and put their heads down on their desks for a short while or doing a vision quest.

Vision quest

Have students look at one object in the classroom and focus their attention on it for 30 seconds. After that, ask them to slowly broaden their gaze, creating a more open vision of what’s around them. When they do this, their respiration rate and heart rate will calm down and be ready to engage in lessons again.