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8 Signs That Show Your Child Is Ready For Preschool

by on 24/08/2022 3084

For any parent, whether it is your first or fourth child, the first day of preschool may be a challenging one. While the majority of preschools begin taking students at the age of roughly two and a half, this does not necessarily mean that your child is prepared for the preschool education system in Malaysia when they reach that age.

In fact, there is no list of prerequisite abilities for children to begin preschool. This is due to the fact that young children develop at very different rates.


Signs That Your Child Is Ready For Preschool

If you know what indicators to look for, figuring out when your kids are prepared for preschool will be simple. Often, these indications are very obvious. But other times, they are a little bit harder to spot.

The good news is that no child will be expelled from preschool in Malaysia for not knowing their numbers and alphabet yet. At the end of the day, it's okay if you feel your child is still not ready. Keep in mind that every child develops at their own rate, so there's no rush to enrol them in preschool.

Also, note that different preschools have specific ideologies and readiness criteria. Check the specific standards of the schools you are considering, as your child may not be ready for one preschool but may thrive in another.

If you want to make sure your child is ready for preschool, here are eight signs that show that your child is ready.


Able To Stay Apart From Parents

As it is the first time they are away from you, your children may frequently experience separation anxiety. It will be simpler for them to settle into preschool and not disturb the other kids if your child is willing and able to spend time away from you.

Allowing them to spend the day with a babysitter or family member will show you if they will be unhappy spending a full day apart from you. This is a key sign that your child is ready for preschool.


They Are Potty Trained

Potty training is a typical requirement for preschool students. In addition to keeping your child happy and preventing them from feeling embarrassed by constantly wetting their pants, the requirement makes it easier for them to enjoy themselves.

Children learn to use the potty at incredibly different rates. They may be socially and academically prepared for preschool, but they are unable to stay dry all of the time. Although this is not a developmental issue, preschool administrators frequently have challenges with this.

It will be useful to think about your child's potty habits and see whether they align well with the preschool's requirements.


Can Communicate Their Needs To Adults

Each child learns to speak at a different rate as they become older, as is common knowledge. While some three-year-olds are able to speak in complete sentences, others tend to use three- to four-word phrases. This fluctuation should be anticipated.

Consider whether your youngster has the language abilities necessary to communicate their needs if preschool is in your child's future. You probably always know what your child is trying to say thanks to your wonderful parenting skills, but it is worth considering whether other adults will be able to comprehend your child as well.


Comprehensive Speech

It's not common to anticipate flawless speech in 3-year-olds. But they should be able to make their point clear to others. Similarly, your preschooler should be able to hear and understand what others are saying.

Preschool-ready kids usually speak in short phrases of three to five words. They can describe a recent event, such as a trip to the library or zoo.


Able To Follow Directions

Preschool in Malaysia does not normally have tight restrictions, but they do expect your child to follow simple instructions. Typical preschool chores include:

  • Tidying up after themselves
  • Adhering to snack rules
  • Walking in line with the rest of the class

Giving your preschooler little activities they can complete independently, like setting the dinner table or helping bring in the mail, is a good idea if you think these needs might be an issue. Select daily tasks that are straightforward and manageable.


Is The Right Age For Preschool

Educators often define preschool as the two years before a child's entry into kindergarten. The minimum age that some preschools require for enrollment is three years old by December of the academic year. However, some will accept children as young as two.


Able To Play Independently

Children between the ages of 3 and 4 are not expected to do everything by themselves. However, some independence is necessary.

By the time they enter preschool, your child is expected to work cooperatively and independently on tasks or play games for a brief period of time without adult supervision. In many preschool programmes, children are required to choose a learning centre and engage with it for a short period of time at set times.


Learn To Self Feed

While teachers will be on hand to assist students as needed, your child should be able to manage the necessities of self-care while at school. This includes putting on and taking off their shoes, feeding themselves and cleaning up their toys.

If your child knows how to ask for assistance, they might still be alright even if they still have trouble with a few tasks, such as lining up a coat zipper which requires fine motor skills.


Enrolling Your Child In Preschool At The Right Time Is Key To Their Happiness

The abilities your child will need for preschool will typically develop organically around the time of preschool, so you will not typically need to do anything special to get them ready. But if you see that some skills are lagging, it may be beneficial to practice fundamental preschool skills before enrolling them in a preschool programme.


Looking for a highly recommended international school to consider in Malaysia? Visit our website now!

There is a wide selection of preschools in Malaysia and we know how important it is to enroll your child in a suitable one. Kiddy123 is Malaysia’s No.1 Early Childhood Directory where we help parents to find preschools, enrichment programs, and more! Contact us today or call us at +603-74981203.