10 Ways to Supercharge Your Child’s Right Brain Genius
by Pamela Hickein (Creator of TweedleWink and Wink) .
on 05/04/2016
Did you know that the images you provide for your child’s mind are akin to food for the body? In a world of TV, DVD, computer and video games, it’s important to know which images will help — and which could harm — your child’s brain development. What your child sees and hears can enhance future learning.
Healthy images can nourish positive cognitive growth, especially important during the early ages when the brain is developing rapidly and setting the base of thought and emotion for life. Healthy images bring whole brain balance to your child’s IQ and EQ development by stimulating the right brain.
Why is the right side of the brain important? Because the brain is laterally divided into two hemispheres: the right side and the left side. The left side of the brain is also known as the “logical mind.” The right side is known as the “emotional mind.”
Most early educational programs focus mainly on left-brain cognitive development. But when you involve the right brain in the process, you have a balanced, whole-brain menu for your child.
Use pictures representing people and objects from real life. Images formed by Mother Nature contain marvelously varied patterns, shapes, geometric proportion, color and depth.
Expose your child to works of art from artists who reached a high level of mastery in their field.
Play classical music in the background. (Auditory data is recorded as a mental image!)
Read to your child. What image will he retain? Words, grammar, vocabulary, and YOUR LOVE!
Phonic sounds
Teach sounds before letters. Give your child the gift of “phonemic awareness” — the ability to hear individual sounds of the language before seriously learning the symbols. Play games to increase awareness of these seed sounds: “c – a – t” is “cat.”
Lower case letters
Teach young children the alphabet using lower case letters first. Consider how seldom you read text written in all caps. Children who begin with only upper case have to relearn the symbols used for actual reading.
Informational readers
Choose books that teach. When reading to your child, select stories that teach science facts, history or values. They make connections within the brain that make later learning more of a breeze.
Math pictures
Teach quantities before numeric symbols. If a child sees “three” as three fingers, or three apples, before learning about three as the symbol “3,” then the brain is better neurologically wired to calculate and count later on.
9 Flashcards
Ignite your child’s understanding and curiosity by exposing him/her to a wide array of subjects using flashcards.
And last — but definitely not least — the most important image your child will record and refer to far into the future is you and your love.
So smile! Encourage. Radiate unconditional acceptance and respect. Think about what you would like your children to learn, and then model it.
Because the right hemisphere is considered the “emotional brain,” your loving heart is the best image you can give to your child through loving words, kind actions and belief in their success!
Pamela Hickein, a mother of four, is the author of Right Brain Education: Changing the World One Heart at a Time, and the creator of TweedleWink™ and Wink International Right Brain Learning Centers, products and training programs. You can learn more about right brain learning products, training and services at
To find out more about a TweedleWink Learning Center in the Kuala Lumpur area, call 03-7710 1090.