by on 14/06/2019 3759
Father's Day is fast approaching. Like Mother's day, celebrations like these are but a great reminder for us, parents, to spend some more quality time with our kids, getting to know them a little bit more. After all, we wouldn't be where we are (talking about what to do on father's day) without them.
Toddlers, they aren't exactly at the age of knowing what those celebrations marked in the calendar should mean. In spite of that, they are typically keen to get involved in anything and everything. So, make use of this opportunity to bring them in on the celebrations.
For a start, you may explain the idea behind Father's Day (and Mother's Day) to them; why there are such days. Or, you may begin by telling them how great your father and your mother were; sacrifices they made to feed you and raise you then.
Telling them how much you respect and love your father and your mother, and what such days mean to you, is the best way to teach them what these celebrations should mean. Also, encourage them to have their own ideas about how they want to celebrate, or thank their father for being the great guy that he is.
Your child must have one or two local destination s/he's been eager to see. Pack up the car and go for a drive. If s/he doesn't have one, any of the attractions in this article is a good start.
Head over to a nearby campground. If safety is your concern, it can be in your own backyard. Set up a simple tent, stargaze and read books by flashlight.
Visit your father and stay for the weekend. It's important your child sees you maintain a healthy relationship with her grandfather. If he's not alive, spend some time telling your kids about him.
It's so easy to get sidetracked by our daily routines and work. Slow the pace and take the moment to spend some quality time together. It can be as simple as watching a TV programme with her or doing some drawing. Let the kids know that you're available to listen to anything they have to say on any topic at all.
What's great about board games is that they can help you and your family interact and connect in an old-fashioned way: through face-to-face interactions and teamwork - no screens required.
Do something important for the community. Bring your kids to do some volunteering work. Old folks home is a good start.
Plan nothing. Do nothing. Yup. Spend the day with the kids doing exactly what they want to do. Focus completely on them.
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