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Raising Children Who Love Learning

by on 16/12/2013 4910

Parents of today lament that their children are far more interested in a tablet (of the entertaining kind) rather than a book or activity. Kids are more interested in learning about new tabs instead of wanting to learn about the world around them. Learning not only refers to the academic learning children do in schools, but also learning about this thing we call our world. How do you raise children who love learning in this world of ours that is filled with entertaining distractions?

1. Set an example

You are your child’s best teacher. Your child may not do what you say, but they will definitely do what you do. I was at a café earlier today, looking for inspiration for this topic over a cup of green tea. A parent walked in with her son of about 12 years of age. After placing their orders, they sat at a table across from me. The mum took out her phone and began to spend time on it. Soon enough, after looking around for a couple of seconds, the child took out his tablet and was engrossed in it.

This is a common story on most dinner table sin restaurants, cafes and homes. And then we complain that our children are not interested in learning. If, as a role model, you do not engage in learning activities, how can you expect your child to?

2. Dinner table topic

An interesting activity we started off for learning is the dinner table talk. Our dinner table is always a technology free zone. Each of us is required to look up an interesting detail about any topic and bring it to the dinner table as a question. If someone knows the answer, they explain it and if no one knows the answer, the person who asked the question explains it to the rest. When a family of four takes turns doing this, you learn four new things every day you eat together. At one time, we learnt about the different kinds of phobias, discussed oxymorons in great detail, and knew more about the history of the Taj Mahal, all through dinner table discussion. Many interesting topics makes children want to know more and in this way, a path of learning opens up naturally.

3. Respect school

Respect your child’s school as an institution where they are receiving knowledge. Ensure you’re your child takes care of their belongings, respects their teachers, and completes work on time. On your part, attend school functions and make learning at school a top priority. Children who are driven and motivated at school are the ones who form life-long discipline habits and love learning forever.

4. Opportunities

Children don’t have much free time today with all the school burden and extra-curricular activities they go for. Don’t be tempted to rely on the TV or technological devices when your children are free. Although they can be a great source of information and learning, they may not be the best and only one. Plan activities for the weekend in which children are able to learn and discover. Pique their curiosity by exposing them to different activities. Take them for a hike in the hills to learn more about nature, go for a cave tour to learn more about caves or go to museums to learn about history.

Although education is a big part of growing up, more and more employers of today are looking for employees who are not only academically smart, but also have learnt a lot and can apply what they have learnt.

What have your children learnt today?