There has been an elevated frequency of children falling ill with diseases like influenza, HFMD and lung infections. Could it be true that children are more prone to infections after the pandemic?
For more effective read-aloud sessions, try using sentence stems to help young children share their thinking in complete sentences.
International schools in Malaysia have grown in popularity as parents seek a better education for their kids. Find out why an international school is the best choice.
We have identified the top 3 most common digital marketing mistakes schools make, so you can reevaluate your marketing strategies to improve the effectiveness of your efforts.
Are you deciding whether to send your kids to a home school in Malaysia? Read to find out what the common misconceptions that Malaysians have about home schools.
It is natural that learning Mandarin can be frustrating for kids because it has so many difficult sounds. Read to find out fun ways for them to learn effectively.
As a parent, you'll want to give the best education you can afford to your child. Read to find out the differences between private and public schools.
Various therapies are now available for kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and it is vital to pick one that is suitable for your child. Read to find out the difference between OT and ABA therapy.
One of the ways that Malaysian parents assist their children to achieve their potential is through English enrichment programs. Read on to find out their other benefits.
Passive stretching is the most common method of intervention in children with cerebral palsy. The purpose of passive stretching is to try to maintain or improve the range of motion (ROM). Ideally, we want a strong, flexible contractile muscle.