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Little Angel Kindergarten
Small Wonder Malaysia
Little Mandarin House, Bangsar Park, Bangsar
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Odyssey, The Global Preschool (Mont Kiara)

Author at 9: Anthony Foxter, Teenage Spy by Oh LeWen

by on 08/11/2014 5843

Oh LeWen is only nine, but he has written and published his debut book, ‘Anthony Foxter, Teenage Spy’. The book tells the story of the protagonist, Foxter, is full of personalities and wits. He is on a mission to search for a destructive nuclear bomb, enduring various adventures along the way.

Oh has been taking private lessons with Ms. Christine Wee of English Champ since he was six years old. 

“He is an attentive child who has always loved writing,” says Christine. “His mind is full of imagination and creativity. He has a passion for reading, especially spy stories.”

An aspiring archeologist, Oh spends his time playing with Lego set when he is not reading. This young author love to read (and reread them!) books by J.K Rowling, Anthony Harowitz and and Rick Riordan. When asked about whether he has any plans to write another book, Oh smiled and said that he plans to colloborate with his sister on a new book. 


In conjunction with English Champ’s 2014 Recital on Saturday, 8 November 2014, Oh will speak at The Wembley Room in The Club, Bandar Utama, PJ, on how he started writing and his experience in writing the book.

His book will also be on sale at the recital venue.  Also an animal lover, Oh has pledged 50% of the sales profit from his book to PAWS.

Oh’s family members are very supportive of his book.  In fact, his older sibling was the one who had helped to design the book cover for him.  They will also be there to support his book sale. 

With his book published, it is an encouragement to other young students to write and publish books. As quoted by Audrey Hepburn, “Nothing is impossible because impossible means I’m possible”. Oh goes on to say that anyone can write a book, as long as the writer do not copy the ideas of others and stay true to one's idea. He also mentioned that aspiring authors should not worry about how thick the book should be. He believes in effort and belief in oneself. Read more about Kiddy123's interview with this inspiring young man here.

For details of the book sale, contact 016-2091 989 or email Christine at