by on 06/04/2023 2079
As a parent, you may be surprised at how much you can do to help your children learn English. Younger children can seem more receptive to language learning, whether it is done simply through conversation or by giving them a new toy that "communicates" exclusively in the target language.
However, with older children, there is much more that needs to be done to support and encourage them in learning languages besides simply working on their schoolwork or practising verb endings with them. Here are seven effective methods to support your child in learning English.
Give your child their favourite books in English if they find reading in English a chore. This will make reading in English more enjoyable for them. Many well-known favourites have been translated, and their favourite book may have been initially written in English.
Reading their favourite books in English not only increases interest in the story but also makes it much easier for them to read in a foreign language. If there is a word they need help understanding, they won't need to constantly look for the dictionary because they can figure it out from context more effortlessly.
Reading a book in a foreign language can be stressful, mainly if a misunderstanding causes you to lose track of the plot's development. But when it's a book you are already familiar with, it is easier to follow and understand.
It's advisable to concentrate on teaching children vocabulary instead of grammar if you want to help them learn English in addition to what they learn at school. This is because teaching grammar in a classroom is far easier and more successful than attempting to break down what modal verbs are while doing the dishes.
Furthermore, you don't want to confuse them because their grammar lessons are likely taught by their teacher according to a properly planned curriculum. However, the primary reason is that mastering grammar improves communication, but increasing vocabulary improves communication much more. Additionally, improving communication is the solution to making learning a foreign language more enjoyable and valuable.
Teenagers, in particular, benefit greatly from watching English-language movies and television shows since it allows them to learn while having fun.
You could watch movies in English with subtitles in your native tongue if their English isn't yet fluent enough to keep up with the story. When it becomes too easy, change the subtitles, so they are also in English. This will offer your child two chances to understand what is being said. Remove the subtitles entirely when that becomes too simple.
Keep in mind that having fun when surrounded by English is the main goal; if they find it difficult to comprehend what is happening, it defeats the purpose. Similar to books, picking their favourite movies and TV episodes can be helpful especially if they can follow along.
Correcting your child’s every error will lead them never to use English again. Self-consciousness is detrimental to learning languages, and repeatedly checking themselves for minor errors is a sure way to make someone feel highly self-conscious.
It's best to prioritise your child being capable of communicating confidently and fluently rather than having them be able to articulate on a much limited variety of topics without any errors.
So what should you do if they consistently make a mistake? One strategy is to focus on one error each week, which you should decide on with them beforehand. This aids their development without creating the sense that they should give up since they are making so many errors.
It's a standard recommendation to urge your child to communicate in English at scheduled times, such as mealtimes. However, this might be unpleasant for the child because of the pressure to perform and the frustration they may experience if they find it difficult to explain themselves properly.
Early learners may lack the vocabulary necessary to reply appropriately, which forces them to follow a textbook dialogue rather than engage in genuine communication. That goes against the idea of making language learning enjoyable.
Something you can do to alleviate the pressure is to use English for simple tasks. For example, simple instructions that can be understood in English and only require a yes or no response can be presented. In this manner, they will keep hearing English spoken and thereby learn without being too demanding on them.
After they are familiar with more words, you can also attempt performing simple things in English, like cooking or playing sports. These exercises require a relatively limited vocabulary that you can get into the habit of instructing in English. Your child can respond to you in either English or their native language, whichever fits them best.
Start educating them when they are young so that as they get older, they will not hesitate. Additionally, keep in mind that every child learns at a different rate, so don't be alarmed if it takes them a while to speak English. Take your time, and don't rush. Enjoying yourself when helping your child learn a new language is crucial.