My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
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Kinderland Kota Bharu

Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu
Kinderland Kota Bharu

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2005

Student Age Group: 18 months - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Uses Kinderland's unique & holistic Programme ( Using Integrated Learning Approach )

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese

Average Class Size: 7-12 students

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, Music, Physical Education, Math and science

Facilities: Indoor and Outdoor Playground.

Admission & Fees: Fee Range: RM410 - RM430 per month

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: No

Other Services: Half-day or Full day programme

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm


In keeping with out philosophy and the requisites of the Ministry of Education and the Early Childhood Development Agency, our programmes are designed to enrich and complement a child's school experience.

To achieve that, we strive to:

  • Promote holistic development and learning

  • Encourage integrated learning

  • Develop active learners

  • Provide supported learning

  • Promote learning through interactions

  • Promote learning through play

Uniqueness of Kinderland Programmes:

  • Integrated Language Arts Programme (I-LAP)

A multi-sensory, thematic approach that combines stories, phonics and language experiences to bring meaning to the learning of the alphabet, speaking, reading and writing.

  • Chinese Language Activity Programme (CLAP)

Fun and effective ways of learning Chinese through proven techniques such as rhymes and songs, storytelling, dramatisation, movement and penmanship exercises.

  • Bahasa Malaysia Bersepadu

Interactive and effective ways of learning Bahasa Malaysia through

- Rintis Aktiviti Awal Pra Sekolah Bahasa Malaysia Kinderland

- Sukukata

  • Math Alive Programme (MAP)

A meaningful and concrete way to acquire early mathematic concepts through hand-on learning - the play way and the fun way!

  • Children Music Course (CMC)

The Kinderland Children Music Course is integrated into the curriculum as one of the essential aspects of nurturing and developing a child's total personality. It cultivates self-expression, creativity and musical sensitivity through listening, playing and singing.

  • Technology Integrated Learning (TIL)

Children use specially selected software that gives them the technological head start, while learning the basics in language and mathematics. Technology Integrated Learning also enhances children's creativity through the use of computers.

  • Kinder Fit Programme (KF)

This programme is specially designed as a health and fitness programme for young children aged three to six years. It emphasizes a 'whole-person' approach to wellness and the development of self- confidence, responsible habit, team spirit and a positive attitude towards a healthy life-style.


Parents Testimonials (7)

Regina Sayup rates this listing with

Kinderland adalah tempat terbaik untuk anak belajar dan membesar seawal usia 3 tahun. Saya berpuas hati dengan tahap perkembangan mental, sosial dan pelajaran anak saya. Dia menunjukkan minat untuk belajar di rumah. Seawal usia 3 tahun, dia boleh hafal huruf-huruf dan bunyi dan juga nombor. Di usia 4 tahun, dia boleh menulis dan mengeja suku kata yang singkat.

Cikgu di Kinderland friendly, baik dan senang untuk berkomunikasi. Mereka mesra dengan ibu bapa dan juga anak-anak yang belajar di sana. Saya dapat memantau tahap kemajuan atau perkembangan anak melalui buku catatan bulanan dan perjumpaan ibu bapa dan guru setiap 2 kali setahun.

Secara keseluruhannya, saya berpuas hati menghantar anak ke Kinderland dan tidak perlu risau kerana anak dijaga dengan baik di sana.

Sekian, terima kasih

19/09/2022 - 09:27 pm


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Ahmad Ruzqan rates this listing with

Salam sejahtera. Kami adalah ibubapa kepada PUTRI QAMELIA BINTI AHMAD RUZQAN. Kami bangga dengan pencapaian anak kami sepanjang sesi persekolahan beliau di Tadika Kinderland. Qamelia dilihat semakin berani untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang yang tidak dikanali dan beliau juga mampu untuk berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan rakan-rakan sebaya beliau. Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Qamelia juga semakin baik di rumah walaupun terdapat sedikit kesalahan yang boleh ditambah baik. Disiplin Qamelia juga agak memberangsangkan, sebagai contoh beliau selalu menyebut “ ibu, I want to go to wash hand” sebelum pergi membasuh tangannya. Tahap imiginasi dan kreativiti beliau dengan permainannya juga agak tinggi di rumah. Beliau sering kali bermain permainannya di luar pemikiran kotak kanak-kanak biasa. Hal ini amat membantu Qamelia untuk terus berfikir secara kritis dan inovatis. Terima kasih kepada guru-guru Tadika Kinderland kerana telah mewujudkan tempat belajar yang telah meningkatkan pretasi Qamelia dari setiap aspek.

19/09/2022 - 09:25 pm


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Syarafina rates this listing with

Finding out about Kinderland Kota Bharu was incidental as we were thinking of enrolling our eldest daughter in a kindergarten with an extra language class, in our case, Mandarin. After 2 wonderful years in this kindergarten, she has absolutely flourished in terms of academics, self-confidence and social interaction with her multi-racial friends. We then didn’t hesitate sending her little sister to Kinderland as early as 3 years of age, and we even recommended the place to our friends. The teachers’ dedication, diligence and affection towards their students are truly remarkable. We are glad that we’ve made the right choice of picking out KInderland as our kids’ stepping stone to primary school. The programme is very well laid-out according to the children’s developmental milestones. We wish Kinderland Kota Bharu all the best in guiding more children to prepare themselves to face the world.

19/09/2022 - 09:24 pm


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Ong Choon Lin rates this listing with

Pre school education is very important and truly key to a great head start for a child and I’m glad I choose Kinderland Kota Bharu for my girl.

The teachers are so friendly and calibre of the teachers is always fantastic and very reliable. Thank you for your professional and quality educare.

I’m glad to see Joaquim is so happy and enjoy her school life in Kinderland. She really enjoyed going to school everyday to meet her teachers and friends.

Truly appreciate and thankful to teachers for guiding with patience, dedication and hard work. I can see lots of improvement in Joaquim development.

Kinderland is such a great and wonderful place for children’s early learnings.

19/09/2022 - 09:23 pm


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Muhammad Faris rates this listing with

This is our daughter’s first pre-school experience, we were nervous at first but the teachers and the rest of the staffs at Kinderland are so incredible that they made our child feels comfortable. We are so pleased with KINDERLAND’S methods of teaching. We are truly delighted with how our child is embraced, nurtured and supported by the teachers and staffs. Our child is excited to go to school and learn new things every day. She always tells us that she loves her teachers and friends.

We are very thankful to have discovered KINDERLAND KOTA BHARU and their incredible Teachers and Staffs. It’s great to see our child enjoys learning in so many different ways.

Thank you to all Teachers and Staffs. We highly recommend this school.

Thank you.

19/09/2022 - 09:21 pm


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Mrs. Chua rates this listing with

Hi Tadika Kinderland, my past experience with you was excellence. Tadika Kinderland has been providing good service and Justin Chua is well taken care when he is taking lesson at your kindergarten. While Justin Chua is boarding the kindergarten, his social interaction with stranger a lot and nowadays he is not as timid as before. He show more of his emotion and interact more which is a good sign. Thank you to all Tadika Kinderland teacher for allowing Justin Chua to grow and develop himself.

From Justin Chua mommy

09/09/2022 - 05:42 pm


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Kim Li rates this listing with

Kinderland is a remarkable place for kids. At here, my kids are challenged academically and socially. The academic curriculum is engaging. This environment enrich my kids with character traits such as confidence, independent, caring etc. My kids are flourishing in this emotionally safe, academically challenging school.

09/09/2022 - 05:42 pm


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