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Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)

Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)
Kinderland USJ (Flagship Centre)

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Infant Care, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2003

Student Age Group: 3 months - 6 years old (Infant Care: 3 - 18 months old)

Program / Teaching Method: Uses Kinderland's unique & holistic, music-infused education Programme
( Using Integrated Learning Approach )

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese

Average Class Size: Infant: 10-15 PN1 - K2: 15-20 (follow JKM/MOE student: teacher ratio)

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, Music, Physical Education, Coding, Math and Science

Facilities: Infant Care Room, Music Room, Outdoor playground, stage and hall, iBotanic garden

Admission & Fees: Fee Range: RM850 - RM1,750 per month

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: No

Other Services: Half day or Full-day programme

Before/after school care

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:30 pm

Editor's Review

Kinderland USJ, Subang JayaKinderland staunchly believes that every child has the potential to be the best that he or she can be. And they deliver on this belief via a unique Kinderland curriculum that nurtures a child to be curious, creative, capable, confident and caring. READ FULL REVIEW


In keeping with out philosophy and the requisites of the Ministry of Education and the Early Childhood Development Agency, our programmes are designed to enrich and complement a child's school experience.

To achieve that, we strive to:

  • Promote holistic development and learning

  • Encourage integrated learning

  • Develop active learners

  • Provide supported learning

  • Promote learning through interactions

  • Promote learning through play

Uniqueness of Kinderland Programmes:

  • Integrated Language Arts Programme (I-LAP)

A multi-sensory, thematic approach that combines stories, phonics and language experiences to bring meaning to the learning of the alphabet, speaking, reading and writing.

  • Chinese Language Activity Programme (CLAP)

Fun and effective ways of learning Chinese through proven techniques such as rhymes and songs, storytelling, dramatisation, movement and penmanship exercises.

  • Bahasa Malaysia Bersepadu

Interactive and effective ways of learning Bahasa Malaysia through

- Rintis Aktiviti Awal Pra Sekolah Bahasa Malaysia Kinderland

- Sukukata

  • Math Alive Programme (MAP)

A meaningful and concrete way to acquire early mathematic concepts through hand-on learning - the play way and the fun way!

  • Children Music Course (CMC)

The Kinderland Children Music Course is integrated into the curriculum as one of the essential aspects of nurturing and developing a child's total personality. It cultivates self-expression, creativity and musical sensitivity through listening, playing and singing.

  • Technology Integrated Learning (TIL)

Children use specially selected software that gives them the technological head start, while learning the basics in language and mathematics. Technology Integrated Learning also enhances children's creativity through the use of computers.

  • Kinder Fit Programme (KF)

This programme is specially designed as a health and fitness programme for young children aged three to six years. It emphasizes a 'whole-person' approach to wellness and the development of self- confidence, responsible habit, team spirit and a positive attitude towards a healthy life-style.


Centre's Activity

Kinderland USJ Field Trip to Central Fire & Rescue Station and The Royal Malaysian Police Museum

To coincide with Theme 1 “Community Helper”, a field trip was planned for the 4, 5 & 6 year old to the Central Fire and Rescue Station and The Royal Malaysian Police Museum on 16th March 2017.

Field trips give students educational experiences and provide alternative educational opportunities away from their regular school environment. They also aim to expose the children to professionals who help with the health and overall well-being of the community and to appreciate these professionals by understanding their respective roles.

Kinderland USJ

Demonstrations were also held on how to handle a high pressure hose during a fire. Children were also taught the methods and techniques to roll and crawl to safety during a thick smoke.

Kinderland USJ

The visit to the Central Fire and Rescue Station was truly an amazing and rewarding experience for the children. They learnt values like integrity, responsibility and solidarity and skills through collaboration, critical thinking and self-knowledge. After their visit to the Central Fire and Rescue Station, the children went to the Royal Malaysian Police Museum. The older children were really fascinated by the artifacts on display and exhibits that comprised of police uniforms, forensic tools, armor, guns, etc. Here, children learnt about the history of policing in Malaysia through exhibits ranging from police uniforms and weapons.

Kinderland USJ

It was truly an educational trip for these children as they learnt about the different roles that people play in society. A visit to the Royal Malaysian Police Museum increased their knowledge and understanding of the police. Being in direct contact with them, they are now able to show empathy and a higher sense of awareness. It is proven that children of all ages regularly exposed to museums are provided with a strong foundation for intellectual growth and development, making museums the perfect place for children to explore, inquire, and see new things.

Parents Testimonials (27)

Yong Teck Chin rates this listing with

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and staff from Kinderland guiding and loving my son, Victor Yong. He had a wonderful adventure and learning through exploring. Teachers and staff are very friendly and it influences all kids which make them very warm hearted and caring. The environment is very safe, clean, comfortable, energetic and nurturing.

Victor Yong had wonderful and sweet memories throughout his years in Kinderland.

Thank you.

09/09/2022 - 06:38 pm


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Nor Ariff Imran & Khairin Afina rates this listing with

Ayra is always excited to go to school. There are a lot of activities to keep her active and busy while learning something new.

Teacher Melvin and Teacher Jonan have been very attentive to our daughter and we very much appreciate that. Same goes to all the teachers at the school.

Management and coordination of sending and picking up kids have been quite smooth. Communications too have been quite effective in terms of passing over information.

Kudos to Kinderland USJ!

09/09/2022 - 06:37 pm


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Candice Low rates this listing with

Environment :-
1) Comfortable environment in school
2) Well organized
3) Clean

Teachers :-
-Teachers in Kinderland all are friendly, kind and helpful. Caring too!

Kinderland is a good kindy, that’s why I sent my 3 children to Kinderland.

Thank you to all teachers and helpers in the school.

09/09/2022 - 06:34 pm


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Nur Anisa Firdaus rates this listing with

We feel so fortune to have had our son’s teachers. He loves them dearly and talks about them after. He has learned so much this year and we are grateful beyond words.

Thank you Kinderland.

09/09/2022 - 06:33 pm


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Norsuriani Khamid rates this listing with

I have long heard of Kinderland, having sent my eldest to the school many years ago. What I like about Kinderland most is the syllabus, which closely follows the Singapore pre-school education system. The lessons are considered advanced, and students from Kinderland are normally ahead in lessons and they have better confidence once they move on to their primary education.

My daughter Leia is also benefitting from being a student at Kinderland now. I can clearly see that she is more sociable, articulate and truly enjoying the lessons taught by her teachers. These are major improvements and I do have to thank all teachers for their dedication, patience, support and continuously hard work and creativity for making Kinderland not only a pre-school that is known for academics, but also on character development, by teaching them good values and never ending encouragement.

Thank you Kinderland!

09/09/2022 - 06:32 pm

+ 1

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Teoh Pei Fang rates this listing with

1) Thank you for helping my son develop his social skills and feel confident in your classroom.
2) Appreciate your time and effort in teaching and good to see his improvement.
3) Thank you so much by doing a great job in every event and getting child excited about school.

09/09/2022 - 06:13 pm


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Recca Tharmarajah & Ramajeevan Pulogasingam rates this listing with

Through the 1.5 years that Khoshen has been with Kinderland, he has developed tremendously both in academics and social skills. He has mastered reading, writing and speaking in English and Bahasa Malaysia, concepts of numeric, science and music as well as arts.

Khoshen is able to interact with other children and looks forward to meeting his friends in school!

All these were possible because of the dedicated, inspiring and encouraging teachers who do not only educate but instill a love for learning and thinking out of the box mind set.

09/09/2022 - 06:10 pm


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Mr & Mrs Rajeswaran rates this listing with

My son join Kinderland USJ 11 in year 2022 month of February because of 2 years stuck in covid 19 pandemic, he only able to join Kindy by 6 years old. Although the syllabus and the environment new for him, he able to catch up and adapt with teachers guides.

We are happy about our son’s progress in very few months which he able to do his spelling and ejaan very well. He also able to speak very good English. We surprised when the day he form mandarin word with ice cream stick to show us the word that he learn at school. We were happy to see him learn new language as well in Kinderland. He loves his teachers. He always talk about his class teacher at home. We appreciate all the teachers for their great efforts. We also enjoyed events celebrated at Kinderland. We eager to see our son’s participation in upcoming events. We take this opportunity to thank Kinderland to provide great learning environment for our son.

09/09/2022 - 06:01 pm


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Yew Peak Ying rates this listing with

Jolyn has been growing with Kinderland since she was 3 years old from a baby to toddler and now a very active girl. She loves the school very much and loves her teachers dearly. She is always looking forward to school every day.

Teachers are professional, good, kind, patient and great with kids. Management and staff are well dedicated. The school always proactively take the initiative to inform parents what’s happening and what’s the latest updates of the school. Especially when dealing with all the SOPs during pandemic, I really appreciate Kinderland’s teamwork on how they managed online learnings and trying very hard to bring the kids back to school physically.

Academic wise, the syllabus has prepared the children for Primary 1. At the same time, the school has created a very healthy environment, eg. teaching the children protecting themselves, what are good habits, good touch or bad touch, speak up.

We are grateful beyond words, our sincerest thanks for the wonderful lessons and efforts provided by your educators.

Thank you!

09/09/2022 - 05:59 pm


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Simon Raj rates this listing with

Kinderland has really helped Jayden in learning things fast. He is able to read and write much better as compared to his previous kindy. He is also more excited to go to school every day and is very proud of Kinderland appreciate the constant feedback and communication from the teachers when anything happens in school.

He has a lot of love for his friends and teachers. This can only the cultivated in a positive and nurturing environment that Kinderland provides. The calibre and dedication of the teachers and caretakers of this institution one to be praised. All in all we appreciate and thank Kinderland for providing top of the class education.

09/09/2022 - 05:58 pm


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Cendy Cynthia rates this listing with

Kinderland is the best call that we did for Jayden early education so far. From socially awkward boy due to covid, Jayden improved tremendously with the help of all the teachers. Jayden is not easy boy to handle but thankfully everyone at Kinderland tried their best.

Thank you to all the teachers involved especially Teacher Dot and Teacher Eve. Teacher Dot is the best teachers for such young children. Her patience, care and love helped our children to learn and understand themselves without force. Teacher Eve, young but I can see that she is great in handling children.

Kinderland no doubt the best for us for the past 5 months. I hope Kinderland continue grow and improved.

Thank you.

09/09/2022 - 05:57 pm


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Mark Lim rates this listing with

Over the last few months, Gavin have shown a lot of improvements especially his drawing, colouring, writing and reading.

He has shown more independent in taking care of himself especially going to the toilet and eating his meals.

He has also learn much about cleanliness and self-hygiene.

09/09/2022 - 05:54 pm


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Yeoh Huimin, Chai Soon Yee rates this listing with

Early this year, we were hesitant to send Min Joon to school due to rising Covid cases, but we did it anyway and it proves to be the best decision. Min Joon has progressed so much from his writing skills, speaking skills and social skills. He is eager to go to school every day and loves talking about his teachers and friends.

Syllabus wise, we like that Kinderland focuses not just on academic, but also motor skills and living skills. We like that physical exercise is also placed as an important subject. Further to that, we are pleasantly surprised that there is also music class to build interest in music from a young age. Kudos to that! Keep up the good work!

09/09/2022 - 05:52 pm


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Eavon rates this listing with

A caring, friendly kindy that gave both our children a great and growing environment.
Keep up the good work!

09/09/2022 - 05:51 pm


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Boh Sun Ron & Iris Ding rates this listing with

We can see obvious improvements in Benjamin in terms of being okay to get prepared and attending school compared to previous. He is more attached to teacher Melvin, as sometimes he will mention teacher Melvin’s name when doing colouring or drawing at home.

In general, we as parents are happy to see Benjamin’s progress over the time, and looking forward for more.

09/09/2022 - 05:50 pm


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Victor Lim rates this listing with

Kinderland provides a safe and comfortable environment for both my children to learn and play.

Both Asher and Iris has built friendships with the teachers and students.

We find that they have developed good social skills as well.

09/09/2022 - 05:48 pm


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Lim Wei Siew rates this listing with

My son has joined Kinderland USJ when he was 2 years old. Special thanks to all the teachers who had taught my son. As a parents, we can see a huge improvement on him especially on his speech. It was a fun, clean, happy nurturing and comfortable environment for young kids to learn.

We also would like to take this opportunity to thanks all the admin and teachers. Five stars for sure!

09/09/2022 - 05:47 pm


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Steven Chuah rates this listing with

My son Gavin has been attending Kinderland for 6 months. This is his first year enrolled in Kindergarten. Over the month, he has become more independent. As an only son, I can see improvement in his social development, and less picky about food.

During the pandemic period, the online classes allows us to know how he interacts with teachers and his peers. Great efforts and patience the teachers have put into the students during the changing time.

The teachers and staffs have been warm and kind and Gavin’s teachers are loving and being patient with him.

Thank you all for making school a fun and suite environment for the children.

09/09/2022 - 05:45 pm


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Daphne & Cris rates this listing with

Dear Teacher Lakshmi, Teacher Rani & Kakak Sulis, thank you for your love and care for Damian for past 1 year. I could have not asked for better people to care for my precious boy. I will miss seeing you guys at the end of each day. Thank you and God bless you all. Loves from Damian, Mommy Daphne & Daddy cris.

18/09/2019 - 12:17 pm

+ 1

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Cynthia Wong rates this listing with

Thank you Kinderland Subang Jaya USJ teachers for the love and care given in the past 10 years to our 4 kids

03/08/2019 - 12:15 pm

+ 1

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Gina Marie rates this listing with

A big thank you to all the teachers who made this year Raya celebration a memorable one. Worth the effort. It was a great time for all the kids. I'm sure, I see they really had a good time!

05/07/2019 - 12:12 pm

+ 1

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Jayden Lim’s Daddy rates this listing with

Thanks Teacher Molly for being his class teacher. Also, thanks to the other teachers and Kinderland. Teacher and the team have done a wonderful tasks/results for my son and please continue this effort.

28/06/2019 - 12:10 pm


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Lye Chow Chong rates this listing with

Teacher with heart! And is for intelligent parents who need no pressure for their love ones.

14/05/2019 - 12:07 pm

+ 1

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Mohan Dallumal rates this listing with

Great teachers! Beyond Words. God Bless all of you at Kinderland.

26/04/2019 - 12:07 pm


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Nadiya Abd Hamid rates this listing with

1st term parents-teachers day at Kinderland USJ. We are happy to see that Umar is happy learning in this school for the past 2 years. This school has been around for more than a decade in Malaysia, over 40 years since its establishment in Singapore. 2 of our older children were graduated from here too.

Today, they had arranged some fun activities for the kids but parents can join in the celebration too (we are those excited parents who joined in!) Good effort by the school. It creates bonding, relax & fun environment. A balance of nurturing rather than being so serious to know what my child grade is. Keep up with good work teachers & management team.

23/03/2019 - 12:04 pm


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Lye Chow Chong rates this listing with

The teachers, this is the main reason I send my son and daughter to Kinderland, where teachers are fun and sporting!

16/02/2019 - 12:04 pm


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Mrs Lee rates this listing with

Hi Teacher Gina & Aunty Roza,

Today, I've finally heard the words I have always longed for & dreamed of.

They were "Mummy, tomorrow Jayden WANT to go to school."

They were the most BEAUTIFUL music to my ears. For this, I owe it to none other than teacher Gina & Aunty Roza, who have both worked together tireless every day, to motivate, guide, monitor, and give lots of comfort, patience, confidence, care & love to Jayden, that it had managed to change his emotional state, from initially being very fearful of going to school & being alone, to now wanting & loving to go to school instead.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for both your MIRACLES, you have both given him confidence & courage he never had, and changed this little boy's schooling world, to a MUCH better place.

I owe so much to both of you, and look forward very much to Jayden's journey in Kinderland, developing more & more each day in every way, under both your guidance.

Thank you to teacher Gina, Aunty Roza, Ms. Thoo and Kinderland.

Best Regards,

Mrs. Lee

January 2015

03/02/2015 - 05:08 pm

+ 10

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