by on 11/06/2018 6183
Mother's Day is celebrated for a day each year all around the world. A celebration where we are to show our appreciation towards our mother, or any woman that embodies the quintessence of motherhood in our lives. In some countries, however, the celebration is somehow held on different dates. Malaysia for example, the Mother's Day celebration is celebrated on the day believably to be based on the conception of Anna Jarvis' "Second Sunday in May."
Whilst it's true that everyone should honour their mother every day, thanking them for all the unconditional love she has given us, sacrifices she's made, support she gave us, and simply the role she played being a mother, Mother's Day is perhaps yet another important day to remind us to realise the importance of mother in our lives.
Celebrating Mother's day, and parents ourselves, with each passing year, we've learned that most mums with small children in particular, are likely to fall into these two camps. Those who would like to pamper themselves, having an entire guilt-free day of me time or hanging out with like-minded mums, and those who would want to do something special, spending quality time with some of the most important people in their lives. Their little ones.
To each her own. But for this year's Mother's Day, we've decided to write an article that emphasises more on the latter. And with Mother's Day is right around the corner, now is maybe the right time to think of how to celebrate this forthcoming Mother's Day with your little ones. Here are some fun ideas you can give a try!
1) Get Outside
On a warm day, bring your little ones outside. To places you know your little ones will be vert happy to be at. Playgrounds, amusement parks, bookstores, local zoo or museum, fast food restaurants and fun fairs for example. Indoors or outdoors, doesn't matter so long they're happy.
2) The Day in Photos
Kids grow up fast. At point in life you'll find yourself wondering where have all of those years gone. Time is precious. The question is, what can we do to use it effectively? Photos. Document your Mother's Day celebration with your loved ones in photos. Have them printed. Or, go for a photo shoot and hang them on the wall.
3) Craft Together
It's never too early nor too late to get started doing a craft project with your little ones. Start simple. All you need is a set of A3 seized drawing papers crayons and maybe water colours. You may ask your child to draw a portrait of you. Or, get their footprints and handprints, write a caption to each and hang them on the wall! Make your Mother's Day bonding time through art a memorable one.
4) Celebrate Your Child
First, tell them that you're going to spend your entire evening or afternoon with them. And, instead of telling them what to do or where to go to have fun, let them call the shots! Ask them where they want to go or what they want to do. Give them some choices if that helps but let them decide. Museum, LEGO stores, bookstores, and amusement parks are a good start.
5) Catch A Movie
Forget all of the above and plan a family movie night. Pick a movie that's suitable for children. A movie, animated or not that emphasises motherhood is a good place to start. Head out to your local cinema or watch them at home. Don't know what movies to watch? Here, check this out, "" has a comprehensive list of 50 movies for kids parents can choose from.
6) Vacation
It doesn't have to be far nor costly. Head over to the nearest beach and resorts in your area. If you're in KL, Port Dickson may be a good choice or Melaka. Stay for a night or two. For an added touch, plan an activity that all of you can do together during the stay. Sing a song, read a good book or share a story.
7) Read a Book
Pick any of your child's favourite children books, and read them together. Alternatively, here are some children books that commemorate motherhood that you can choose from. These books aim to showcase that a mother's love comes in many different forms, making known the fact that how special mothers really are.
Whilst it's true that everyone should honour their mother every day, thanking them for all the unconditional love she has given us, sacrifices she's made, support she gave us, and simply the role she played being a mother, Mother's Day is perhaps yet another important day to remind us to realise the importance of mother in our lives.
"But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin." ― Mitch Albom, For One More Day.