by on 07/02/2023 2855
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Identified as the only school in Malaysia offering all four programmes in the International Baccalaureate’s continuum, namely the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Years Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP); IGB International School (IGBIS) is unwaveringly committed to producing exceptional individuals who have the drive to think critically, have a knack for problem solving and have an unquenchable thirst for continuous personal growth. Consequently, it comes as no surprise to find that IB students are actually more likely to complete an undergraduate degree and go on to pursue graduate undertakings compared to their peers.
From the Elementary Years level (3 to 11 years of age), through the Middle Years level (age 12 to 16 years old), right up to the IB Diploma or IB Career-related programme (age 16 to 19 years, students get to experience differentiated learning within their classes, where each is ensured of being most appropriately challenged, in ways that suit their unique needs. Furthermore, at IGBIS, it’s a known fact that teachers don’t merely teach, but also work alongside their students helping them to thrive within their zones of proximal development (ZPD). This is why a student from IGBIS will, from a very young age (if they begin their education there early), develop independence, a remarkable sense of responsibility, and outspoken communication skills alongside their top-notch academic achievements.
The curriculum at IGBIS reflects an inquiry-activity-reflection cycle, which is central to IB pedagogy. Students are constantly encouraged to ask critical questions, take appropriate action and then consider their choices and effects. It is precisely this ongoing cycle throughout a student’s education/schooling journey within the IB programme that increases their understanding and awareness.
IB programmes encourage students of all ages not just to think critically, but to also challenge assumptions, incorporate research-based best practices and develop independently. IGBIS students are also prompted to interact with and learn about others from various cultures. These opportunities will help students develop their knowledge, get over language differences or barriers, and while doing so, also pick up several foreign languages. As they keep improving on these skills, they are inevitably exposed to a far greater selection of opportunities for educational advancement, often abroad.
The IB curriculum is known to be engaging and inspiring, and it enables students to truly excel and discover their potential. On top of that, the curriculum is incredibly rewarding for individuals who have the tendency to keep pushing themselves further. Students will also have the knowledge and a level of confidence that will propel them ahead for the rest of their lives. Today's parents place a higher priority on the caliber of their children’s education. As a result, parents place a premium on higher quality teaching power at the international school of their choice. Having said all that, from the perspective of the teachers themselves, lesson planning and development are more freely allowed in an IB curriculum, which allows them more room for creativity.
Parents-school relationship can get exasperating, especially when there is lack of transparency, or when parents are not offered enough access to important information regarding their children’s welfare at school, their progress, their teachers, etc. At IGBIS, parent workshops are held to help families better understand the school as well as the IB programme. Coffee mornings are also another feature at the school, and these allow parents, especially new parents, a chance to learn more about IGBIS from some of the key staff members. They also get to mingle with other parents. Parent conferences are also held, and they serve as the primary means of communication between teachers and parents for students’ academic and personal development.
Other activities at IGBIS include the 24-Hour Race for fundraising, where students can enjoy sports while also helping a worthy cause. Aside from that, assemblies and assessment sharing help students stay connected with the school and enhance their skills by keeping themselves updated about the school's activities and goings-on as well as knowing how other students excel in their subjects.
IGBIS also holds a ‘Day of Play’ which allows students to be innovative as they could be engaged in creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving through the materials or facilities they used during their play. This Day of Play also serves as a day for parent-student bonding as parents join the students during the play. Community-based events such as swimming events, international day, graduation ceremonies and bazaar are also held at the school, allowing for communication and quality bonding among students, parents, and teachers.
IGBIS graduates tend to go out into the world as principled, lifelong learners ready to create positive change for their families, friends, communities and beyond. Is it any wonder though, for students are encouraged to be autonomous, interconnected, global-minded and empowered by what seems like an infinite number of opportunities!