My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
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Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)

Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)
Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Day Care & Tuition Centre

Year Established: 2000

Student Age Group: 7 - 15 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Half Day/Full Day - Apple Kids Fun and Play Learning Approach

Medium of Communication: English

Average Class Size: 1 : 12

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia & Chinese

Facilities : Reading Corner, Pantry, Changing Room

Admission & Fees: From RM380 - RM650

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Other Services: Preschool

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday:
8:00 am - 12:30 pm (morning session)
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm (afternoon session)

Editor's Review

Apple King Tuition Centre, Sungai Chua (Pusat Tuisyen Cerdik Pandai)Apple King Tuition Centre has been operating for 20 years and continues to be highly recommended by many satisfied parents who have seen the positive outcomes in their children’s performance. READ FULL REVIEW



金苹果安亲补习中心(锡米山分院)成立于2004 年, 目前占两间店面的面积。本中心重视每个学生的学习品质,故实行小班制的教学。本中心提供安亲班和补习班两种教学,安亲班主要针对学校教师所交代学生完成的作业,监督孩子们完成,并给与指导;同时也照顾上学前或上学后的生活起居。补习班则是给与孩子们额外的课程,加强孩子们各学科的学习。本中心以“培养品学兼优,独立,自信,敢于创新的孩子”为教育目标,致力于提升教育品质。






本中心秉持着让“孩子开心,家长心,教师心” 的理念, 以“五心级”即“关心,爱心,耐心,用心很尽心”的精神,这10多年以来,深获许多家长的肯定,信赖和支持。若您对本中心感兴趣,欢迎您联络我们或登门拜访或关注我们的面子书网站。

Parents Testimonials (21)

Miqael’s parents rates this listing with

Thank you for all your hard work this year. Miqael loves Apple King Tuition Centre and it’s easy to see why. We hear all about the dynamic way you deliver lessons and encourage students and are pleased that our son is learning so much. He showed a lot of improvement in his Mandarin & we can see his confidence level when he speak with outsiders. We hope that Apple King will continue to help our son to grow. Once again thank you & you’re doing a fantastic job!

30/10/2019 - 10:03 pm


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Chee Mei rates this listing with

Thank you for all your effort thur this year, my daughter Merrilyn is the first year in Apple King Tuition Centre and I’m a working mom which lack out of focus on her homework thank you Teacher Gan being your teaching, encouragement are pleased that Merrilyn showed a lot of improvement on her knowledge, Merrilyn will continue her second year in Apple King Tuition Centre.

30/10/2019 - 02:01 pm


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Yong Wei Yee rates this listing with


30/10/2019 - 01:51 pm


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Suriya rates this listing with

We have 3 children and all 3 have attended Apple King Kindergarten. We have never had any 2nd thoughts about sending our kids here. The management and teachers are always receptive to questions, concerns and helping with your ever-changing and developing children.
We are picky parents, so it should speak volumes that we have had all 3 of our kids go here. But don’t take my word for it, stop by for a tour and see for yourself.

30/10/2019 - 01:44 pm


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Elani rates this listing with

The decision that I made that day of sending our daughter to Apple King Daycare Centre is what makes me happy even now. We were particularly impressed with the care our daughter received at Apple King. Very friendly staffs who seem to genuinely love all the kids especially Teacher Ivy. She made my daughter feel happy, special and developed love in learning. I highly recommended this centre to any parent as we love this place and of course all the teachers. Keep up the good work!

30/10/2019 - 01:43 pm


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Jasmine rates this listing with

我是一位在职母亲,平时忙于工作,忽略了女儿的功课。多亏这6年来,有Apple King的Teacher Ivy, Teacher Jannie, Teacher Mei, Teacher Gan尽心教导与帮忙,女儿成绩也慢慢地进步,万分感激,谢谢老师们,感恩!

29/10/2019 - 08:45 pm


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洁菱 rates this listing with

时间过得真快,我的女儿谢洁菱已在Apple King Tuition Centre 补习将近4年了。我发现她的学业跟得上课程的脚步,成绩也有慢慢的进步,这要感谢各位补习老师们负责任的教导。在此也要特别感激Teacher Jannie会通知我学校临时更改的通告。

29/10/2019 - 04:45 pm

+ 1

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Chevonne rates this listing with

I chose this Apple King Tuition Centre because it is very accommodative, fulfilled the parents working need. This centre open from Monday to Friday, with a half day Saturday. Where makes it more convenient to those parents require to work on Saturday. Besides, the school holiday program also build the interest of my kid to go to the centre. Especially the day trip organized by the centre has make it more fun and make my kid looking forward for the next trip.

28/10/2019 - 07:47 pm

+ 1

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Federline Alvin Hiew rates this listing with

I chose this Apple King Tuition Centre because
- Banyak membantu dalam kerja sekolah terutama bahasa Cina.
- Guru-guru yang baik dan ramah mesra.
- Sentiasa membantu dalam masalah murid.

28/10/2019 - 01:46 pm

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万承泰母亲 rates this listing with

我两个小孩都在 apple king kindergarten 长大。当我大儿子进入小学,就自然而然进了 apple king tuition centre。
这里的老师都很用心。班导师 Teacher Gan 除了对功课特别用心以外(学生如果有不懂的,会尽量跟家长沟
通),她还会很留意同学们的身心发展(矫正学生们的品行等)。在 apple king tuition 补习,让我觉得很放心。

27/10/2019 - 08:02 pm

+ 1

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Robi rates this listing with

My son has been in Apple King Tuition Centre for several years. Teacher Ivy and others are very considerate and helpful who go out their way to cater to the needs of the children and working parents like me. During the haze incident when the school was suddenly directed to close, I was grateful that teacher Ivy kindly helped to pick up my son from the school to the centre as I had by then reached Kuala Lumpur for my work. Teacher Jannie and Teacher Low who are teaching my son this year have helped him made very substantial improvement in his mid-term examinations. They are caring people whom I can trust to do their best for my son.

27/10/2019 - 03:53 pm

+ 3

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潘可惟 rates this listing with

一晃眼小学六年的学习生涯就将要结束。我家宝贝潘可惟,今年六年级。从小一到小六都在 Apple King。应为我们是双薪家庭,家里没有人可以照顾放学前后的宝贝,所以只能把她送进 Apple KingTuition Center。感谢所有曾经教过可惟的老师,帮忙安排交通的职员,还有 Teacher Ivy。谢谢你们在这六年里帮我照顾了我的宝贝,让我无后顾之忧。

27/10/2019 - 02:00 pm

+ 3

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颖琪 rates this listing with

首先,非常感谢Apple King Tuition Centre的老师对我的女儿林颖琪(六年级)的细心教导和对她的关怀。在此,我也要特别感谢Teacher Low, Teacher Jannie和 Teacher Chua今年对她的教导,让她的成绩变得更好。我也要感谢Apple King的载送服务,尤其是Ah Hai司机的责任心让我省下了很多时间。

26/10/2019 - 01:48 pm

+ 3

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Marion Lorelai Miseh rates this listing with

I chose this Apple King Tuition Centre because the centre provides a very conducive environment for my child to learn and grow. The services provided by the tuition centre range from educating, tutoring, care as well as transporting are very convenient to parents especially both parents are working like myself and my husband. My child is very motivated and happy to attend from the teachers. She improves a lot in her mandarin subject and this development is very overwhelming since she has become among highly improved non Chinese student in her school. As a satisfied parent, I would highly recommend this tuition centre to pother parents. My child has received not only good education and care, but as well as growing in a very conducive environment which boost her positiveness and confident.

25/10/2019 - 09:48 pm

+ 3

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Dr Yuka (Mother) rates this listing with

My son, Takumi, has been going to Apple King Tuition and day care centre for last 2.5 yrs. As a working mother, my major concern is his safety and well-being and I am very happy with all staff in the centre for providing him the care and attention while he is in the centre. He takes tuition centre van after his school and there is always a teacher from the centre who follows the van and ensure all children board on the van safely. His class teacher, teacher Bee and the supervisor, Ms Ivy, always update me if there is anything unusual, which can range from him forgetting some books at school to him being upset with his classmates for small matters. These may seem very trivial but as a mother, it is good to know what is going on in my son’s life on daily basis and it is reassuring that the staff pay attention to children under their care and are committed to have close communications with parents. They are also very supportive and understanding on his academic needs and challenges and encourage him to do his best and acknowledge his efforts regardless of his marks, which is important to boost children’s confidence to push them to excel further. In short, I am very satisfied with their support and commitment for children and Takumi is also happy and spend meaningful time in the centre while I am at work.

31/05/2018 - 09:36 pm

+ 5

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Maya's Mommy rates this listing with

Most tuition centers become well-known when they are able to produce students who excel in their academic achievements. My daughter is fortunate to be one of the students patronizing Apple King Tuition Center who has performed excellently in all the seven main subjects for UPSR level i.e. BM, English, Mathematics, Chinese, Science, BM Pemahaman and Chinese Pemahaman.
The teachers in this tuition center not only teach the subjects well, but also follow each student’s progress in the subject taught. The teachers’ diligence and meticulous dealing with the subjects that they taught ensure the success of their students. They are also well-known with the current syllabus taught in school and their lessons synchronize with the focus on each subject matter.
I will not hesitate to recommend Apple King Tuition Center to other parents who are looking for a serious, dependable, and systematic place for their children to study and enhance their skills and knowledge in the core subjects taught in schools.
Parents also do not have to worry about their children’s well-being while at the center because meals are provided for those who come directly from schools. Not forgetting the transportation services also provided if needed.
In short, apple King Tuition Center is a safe and great place for any children who are serious in their studies where they are trained to excel academically.

31/05/2018 - 09:35 pm

+ 4

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Jason Teoh Ming Jie's Parents rates this listing with

As working parents, we sent Jason to Apple King Child Development Center since he was 3 and now continue on to Apple King Day Care Tuition Center.
The main reasons for this are that we noticed the teachers in both centers are very caring, creative in teaching methods, patience and always use positive and encouraging ways of guidance.
Personally, I always believe all children have the potential to excel and what is important at their young age is the proper guidelines and encouragements by their teachers/parents. This exactly what we see is provided in Apple King Day Care Tuition Center and hence we are really happy with the progress by Jason not only in academic but overall aspects. We can see Jason is enjoying his every moment there and we are pleased with that.
A special thanks we would like to dedicate to Teacher Shirley for the kindness, Teacher Pang who is willing to take on extra efforts and personal time for the good advices/feed back and all other teachers who have also contributed to the good progress of Jason!

Teoh Chee Cheang& Winnie Eng

31/05/2018 - 09:34 pm

+ 4

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静葱妈咪 rates this listing with


31/05/2018 - 09:22 pm

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王洳恩妈咪 rates this listing with


31/05/2018 - 09:09 pm

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Papa & Mama Hakimi rates this listing with

Salam Sejahtera, kami sekeluarga ingin berkongsi pengetahuan kepada semua berkenaan dengan Pembelajaran di Apple King.
Anak kami Hakimi adalah pelajar darjah satu di Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Sungai Chua. Pada dasamya anak kami tiada asas dalam bahasa Mandarin untuk bersekolah di SRJK (C) kerana takut beliau tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan dalam bahasa yang digunakan, justeru itu kami mengambil langkah berani untuk menghantar beliau di SRJK(C) dan kami mencari inisiatif untuk menghantar beliau di Apple King (Pusat Tuisyen) Sungai Chua agar beliau dapat mempelajari kesemua subjek dan boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Mandarin sambil membuat kesemua kerja-kerja sekolah.
Kini, anak kami boleh membaca dan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Mandarin serta berkeupayaan membuat kerja-kerja sekolah dalam semua mata pelajaran yang telah diberikan mahupun dalam bahasa Melayu, Mandarin, Inggeris, Matematic (B.C) & (B.I) dan beliau dapat menyesuaikan diri di Apple King mahupun di SRJK(C).
Kami berterima kasih penuh kepada semua tenaga pengajar di Apple King kerana telah menberi peluang dan tunjuk ajar kepada anak kami iaitu Hakimi mempelajari bahasa Mandarin dan mengajar kesemua subjek pembelajaran di Apple King.

Sekian Terima Kasih

31/05/2018 - 08:56 pm

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李廷康& 李怡芯的父母 rates this listing with

儿子李廷康(五年级)& 女儿李怡芯(四年级)在Apple King 补习中心已有三年了。在这三年里,学习到不少除了课堂上的科目,也学习了在学校学不到的东西。
本人是双薪家庭,所以与孩子们的相处时间是非常少,也无法一一了解孩子们在学校的课业等等,这几年让他们在Apple King 补习中心,让我们父母最放心,最安心的事,也能时时接到补习老师们的来电告知孩子们的进度。另外,老师们也会在每次考试周前,特别让孩子们额外补习,让孩子们在考试中拿到更好的成绩。

31/05/2018 - 08:41 pm

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