My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
Kiddy123 Frame

Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)

Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)
Apple King, Setia Ecohill (Tadika Epal Setia)

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2000

Student Age Group: 2 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Half Day/Full Day - Apple Kids Fun and Play Learning Approach

Medium of Communication: English

Average Class Size: 1 : 15

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia & Chinese

Facilities: Indoor Playground, Outdoor Playground, Computer Lab, Reading Corner, Music Corner, Science Corner & Art Corner.

Admission & Fees: From RM380 - RM650

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Other Services: After school Enrichment Class, Primary Tuition Class

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm


Apple King Ecohill Centre is a “One-Stop Learning Centre” for kindergartener school students with establishment about 2 years.

Our centre has caring, dedicated & qualified long service educator in a warm family oriented environment. We provide quality child care through various learning experiences to develop student’s preschool early literacy, numeracy, science, mathematics, social and emotional development together with physical health developmental programs. We offer home-cooked meals, computer education, a fun approach to learning and Montessori Method.

In a 2-storey (3 units) fully air-conditioned double-storey set up with 7 spaces classroom, big outdoor playground area, complete Montessori apparatus and dining area. Apple King Ecohill centre is situated inside the Setia Ecohill neighbourhood, near the LEKAS Highway which is easy to access from both outside and inside Semenyih area.

Our centre offers half-day and full-day programs, as well as transportation services, to meet the needs of parents.

We also provide enrichment class for English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Mandarin for Non-Chinese, Art, Agama and Tamil.

Parents Testimonials (59)

Ekin Myzara rates this listing with

Saya sgt2 berpuas hati menghantar anak sy di appleking setia ecohill.Cikgu nya sgt mesra dan bijak attract kid,anak sy pun hari2 bersemangat nak ke sekolah dan nampak kemajuan dia dlm peljaran dan keyakinan diri.Next year sy akan hantar adiknya pula.Tq appleking setia ecohill

23/08/2024 - 03:11 pm


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Vanessa Tai rates this listing with

我是Hong Yi and Hong hui 妈咪,谢谢Apple King Setia Ecohill Kindergarten老师,我看到孩子说话和学习方面进步不少,我很开心,希望接下来更上一层楼!

22/08/2024 - 01:08 pm


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Nur Sabrina rates this listing with

Appleking in Setia Ecohill is truly outstanding. The teachers there are warm, easy-going, and top-notch. My Daughter Alesha loves going to school there. She would always tell me about her day at school and what her teacher taught in class. The teachers are also very gentle and loving towards the children; I find myself reassured knowing that my child feels safe and loved at school.

22/08/2024 - 01:07 pm


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Nisa Kamaruddin rates this listing with

Both of my sons enjoy their time here. Within 6months, we notice that our 2 yo improves his social skills day by day. As for my 6yo, we can see that he shows great interest in learning! Thank you to all teachers from Tadika Apple King Setia Ecohill for your dedication and great work teaching our young future generation!

22/08/2024 - 01:03 pm


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Yew Py rates this listing with

我是wei yuan 妈咪,今天出席 Apple King setia ecohill kindergarten 的家长会, 首先真的要感谢teacher doris , kwan, wan anger, heidaya, 老师都说孩子在上半年都有进步在学校可以自己独立做自己的功课,真的谢谢每个老师们的用心去栽培每个学生,在上半年也是看到孩子进步不少,希望下半年孩子会更上一层楼,在此真的要感谢老师们辛苦你们了加油

22/08/2024 - 12:55 pm


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Nurfarina Samsudin rates this listing with

I highly recommend Apple King Setia Ecohill. A kind, loving, and fun learning environment. Excellent teachers and small class size really give each child a chance to shine! My 4 years old & 2 years old son truly loves going to school! It is clear to see how much the teachers care for the children. I love to see my 4 y/o son improvement. He can write and count well. My 2 y/o son learn through play, which I feel is very important at this age. Fine motor skills are developed with lots of cutting shapes, craft etc. Thank you so much to teacher Doris, Sobana, Wan, Anita, Kwan, Yee & all teachers in Apple King Setia Ecohill. You are the best!

22/08/2024 - 12:53 pm


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Azie Yusof rates this listing with

I have 2 kids..the eldest one i sent to apple king bangi and the youngest i send to apple king at setia eco hill.. i like both school. it is because their has own technique to attract their student.. my kids learn everything at scool and the teachers was very2 supportive to their student..surprisingly..!!my youngest one can speak mandarin.. tq teachers who teach my kids very well...tq tecer doris..tecer kwan..tecer teh..tecer hidayah..tecer thilaga..tecer wan..and all tecer at apple king eco hill..

22/08/2024 - 12:52 pm


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Zainur Amirah rates this listing with

Highly recommended to everyone who looking a good place for your kids. My son in Appleking Setia Ecohill since 3y/o. we as parent can see his progress from time to time. we love the teaching method.
Thank you so much for all teachers in Appleking, Setia Ecohill

22/08/2024 - 12:49 pm


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Maxine Fong rates this listing with

I am very thankful to all teachers from Setia Ecohill Apple King and especially Teacher Kwan and Teacher Doris.Teachers very friendly and my son has improvement.He more excited to attend school everyday.

22/08/2024 - 12:48 pm


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Raja Azreen rates this listing with

hai.. sy parent zahirah dr Setia ecohill apple king..thankz ticer byk mngajar ank sy dgn baik..zahirah da blh bt homework sndr dgn baik, mood ke skolah pn hari2 baik, ade peningkatan sehari demi sehari...thankz smue teacher..anda smue trbaik..

22/08/2024 - 12:47 pm


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Nur Zahidah rates this listing with

I'm mommy Haura, A big thank you to all the teachers Apple King Ecohill especially her class teacher Ms Kwan .
Thank you because always be patient when teaching my daughter. From zero now can count, read and write. Many improvements! I as a parents really appreciate it.
The important thing is that my daughter is happy when going to school. thank you all teachers!!!

22/08/2024 - 12:38 pm


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Sofia Sani rates this listing with

I send my two kids in Ecohill branch and they love it. I truly appreciate the activities in school. Alot of the activities are simple but helps with my son's motorskills. But what I really like the most is they usually reuse items like boxes as their medium. It is good to teach the kids that they can reuse empty boxes to play instead of having aesthetically pleasing (expensive) toys.
The teachers are very nice and attentive too. My daughter loves it when the teachers fix her hair in school. Yes, small gesture but gives a big impact. You know your kids had a good day in school when they come back home and excited to tell you what happened even without asking.
Keep it up! Hope to stay with the school until the kids are of age.

22/08/2024 - 12:28 pm


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Tine Christine rates this listing with

Highly recommend! All the school teachers very nice. I can see my kid improve alot! Thank you Teacher Wan, Teacher Anita, Teacher Sha, Teacher Sobana and all the teachers at Apple King Setia Ecohill

22/08/2024 - 12:25 pm


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Nurjannah Binti Arfandi rates this listing with

I can see my twins so many improvement when i send them to Apple King Setia Ecohill dari segi percakapan many words yang keluar dari mereka, and my first twin can counting 1 until 20 and he baru 2 yrs old. My second twin also follow his brother counting until 10

22/08/2024 - 12:21 pm


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Zalmiral Yusof rates this listing with

I am so grateful for a wonderful opportunity to have my son (Rafael - K2E) attending Apple King Setia Ecohill.
My son has an incredible year and learns so much. He loves going to school and is encouraged to learn. The teachers at Apple King Setia Ecohill are awesome and super dedicated. Their encouragement, creativity, patience, care and love during school made my son experience one of positivity and growth. This school offers quality learning, conducive classroom and fun environment, experienced and well trained teachers, good food and etc. I am impressed with their thought, time and energy they put into their school (classroom and teaching). My son exceeds my expectations in learning (reading, calculating, writing, understanding, etc) and behavioral skills. I am very satisfied with my son's improvement and achievement while attending Apple King Kindergarten. I would like to thank Mdm Doris, Teacher Tilaga (K2E Class Teacher), Teacher Yee, Teacher Wan, Teacher Hidayah, Teacher Angel, Teacher Kwan, Teacher Sha, Teacher Anita, Teacher Teh, Teacher Balqis and Kakak Ikin. You will always be remembered. Thank you.

22/08/2024 - 12:20 pm


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Lee Su Yean rates this listing with

I started to enrol my kid with Apple King Setia Ecohill since he was 3 years old as a full day student until now. From there, he learns to be independent and he is eager to learn and explore new things as well. I am very happy to see him progressing well year by year, especially in his studies and on how he expresses himself ie communication with friends, teachers and family members. He loves and looks forward to going to school everyday. He enjoys all the fun activities and events organised by the teachers, apart from the academic subjects. Thank you to all teachers at Apple King Setia Ecohill for teaching with care, compassion and love! Thank you Teacher Doris, Teacher Tilaga, Teacher Yee, Teacher Wan, Teacher Hidayah, Teacher Kwan, Teacher Sha, Teacher Anita, Teacher Teh, Teacher Angel, Teacher Balqis. Not forget to mention, Kakak Ikin for preparing tasty food for the children.

22/08/2024 - 12:20 pm


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Fatin Fadhilah Zaid rates this listing with

It has been one whole year journey for our daughter Hanan at Apple King Setia Ecohill. It is a very fruitful experience for my daughter, to experience the environment for her future growth. Though halfway of the year, we decided to let her continoue online learning at home, with great videos provided, she can still achieve proud achievement. Thank you very much for all teachers, especially Teacher Kwan, Teacher Doris.

22/08/2024 - 12:19 pm


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Shi Hui rates this listing with

Apple King Setia Ecohill is an amazing place! I am grateful to all the teachers who are passionate and dedicated (even MCO period) especially Teacher Wan, Teacher Sha, Teacher Anita and Teacher Doris. My special thanks to Teacher Wan who constantly send me the pictures and videos of my child in the center and for that I know that my child is taken care of brilliantly. Thank you for your hard works, you all are awesome!

22/08/2024 - 11:27 am


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Jane Lee rates this listing with

This is the final year of my son (Isaac) studied at Apple King, Ecohill. Thank you for all the teachers’ hard work in supporting Isaac as he develops.
Isaac used to be very shy when I first enrolled him at school. With the guidance, support and patient from the teachers, now he loves school very much. He even gets up early every day and wanted to go to school early so that he can meet his teachers and friends in the classroom. He comes home every day telling us stories about how fun it is to be in the classroom. Thank you for instilling this love of learning into our child. It has been such a pleasure watching him grow these 3 years.
We would like to take this opportunity to thanks all the teachers especially Teacher SauLing Yee (K1E Class Teacher), Teacher Tilaga (K2E Class Teacher), Teacher Teh (K3E Class Teacher), Teacher Wan, Teacher Anita, Teacher Balqis, Teacher Idaya, Teacher Dorris (School Principal), & last but not least Teacher Nadiah (Previous School Principal) who really putting their hard work, patience and guidance in helping our child to develop the skills and confidence that he will carry forward into the next school year.
Thank you from the bottom of our heart

21/08/2024 - 04:52 pm


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Tengku Zulhilmie T. Aziz rates this listing with

Our daughter Tengku Aischa Hanan started first year this year at apple king ecohill. We never expect that it is a very ideal environment for my daughter, we wish we could send her earlier before (but corona happens)
We can see that she is now diligently doing all the given homeworks, has more proper sleep and wake up time, which hopefully will be a good preparation for her on upcoming primary school.
She seems to be doing ok with Chinese language subject, though she started with zero knowledge. Her other subjects like Math, English improve a lot comparatively.
Additionally we never knew that she receives also Pend. Islam subject.
Thank you all the teachers - Doris, Kwan, and the rest.

21/08/2024 - 04:42 pm


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Alisha Khalisha Eyla rates this listing with

Sincere review from the heart for apple king ecohill. Very nice kindergarten. Kindergartens that are very polite and also good at taking children's hearts when they cry. I feel very happy to see so many changes happening in my daughter. She is very fond of Mandarin and she also teaches her sister when she is at home. Thank you to Ms.Kwan who is the class teacher for my daughter. She was a very humble person and always caring. If there is school work or any information related to kindergarten, she will let me know as soon as possible. I was impressed with her responsible attitude. Happy 5 months my daughter is in school, I feel very satisfied with the service provided. Thank you to all the loyal apple king ecohill instructors for the guidance given. Not forgetting the principal, Teacher Doris. Thank you so much

21/08/2024 - 04:38 pm


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Tiara Nasrien rates this listing with

All the teachers there are very kind, friendly and loving. I am happy my daughter progress. She can catch up what she learn at school. Classroom Teacher always update about achievement learning to me. Tq apple king teams

21/08/2024 - 04:32 pm


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Hannah Deana rates this listing with

The teachers are good in handling my son & convincing me that my son doing well without me during his first few months and yes my son getting better in terms of mingles with friends & teachers(thats my concern). The teachers did great in building my son confidence in writing & also colouring(this is so obvious)thank you to all teachers! Yusouf did mention abt Teacher Doris, Teacher Angel, Teacher Balqis & Teacher Yee well i guess there are other teachers names that he missed out

21/08/2024 - 04:31 pm


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S.Darma Raj rates this listing with

My son attended here for two years, he has improved tremendously in his communication and behaviour, the teachers here has done a good job. very good teachers and good atmosphere for kids to learn. teacher are dedicated and updates the parents on what's happening in the classroom. would certainly recommend Apple King EcoHill.

21/08/2024 - 04:20 pm


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SueHwey Tan rates this listing with

My daughter is currently attending Apple King Ecohill. She loves going to school, even though sometimes it's a challenge waking her up in the morning haha... A good exposure for my daughter to mix with other kids. A big thank you to the teachers of the nursery class for teaching and taking such good care of my daughter!

21/08/2024 - 04:08 pm


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Xenel Xenep rates this listing with

My son Aidan has been attending nursery at Apple King Setia Ecohill for the past year and I have been amazed by his development. The teachers really care for the children and have been very helpful to the parents.

21/08/2024 - 04:06 pm


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Chuah Jie Ni rates this listing with

My son enrolled in Apple King Setia Ecohill nursery class early this year. He enjoys going to school every day and learn many different things. Thank you to the teachers for their patience in guiding the little ones

21/08/2024 - 04:01 pm


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Sharon Romeo rates this listing with

Kudos to the loving and passionate teachers of Apple King, Setia Ecohill for giving their best especially when it comes to the youngest among the whole group which is the nursery class..indeed the teachers are dedicated at doing things at its best for the children..keep going teachers as we, parents appreciate every single effort with having not to worry that our kids are in safe hands..keep up the good work!!!

21/08/2024 - 03:58 pm


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Vignes Rao rates this listing with

Here im taking a chance to thank all the teacher's at (Apple King Setia Ecohill) where my daughter (V.Jaishri) start her early education since Jan'20.All the teachers are very kind and polite with kids all the time.Also the teaching methods for (Nursery Class)are very easy for kids to catch up.You all did a good job to take care of children's early education.

21/08/2024 - 03:28 pm


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Zetty Zainor rates this listing with


21/08/2024 - 02:52 pm


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Maria Francisca Yenica Chan rates this listing with

My son, Andrew (K1S) joined apple king on the 2nd semester of 2019 as we just move in to the neighbourhood.
A very big thank you to Teacher Nadiah, Teacher Angel (Andrew's class teacher), Teacher Yee, Teacher Amitha, Teacher Tilaga, Teacher Wan, Teacher Sha, Teacher Shamila, Teacher Wong & the school kakaks. Because of all the teachers & kakaks, Andrew adapt quickly & comfortably in less than a week, he is able to catch up all the homework & syllabus. Thank you to all the teachers which gave in lots of efforts & patience on teaching my son who is a very active kid. A highly recommended kindergarten to all the parents out there.

21/08/2024 - 02:50 pm


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Christine Yaw rates this listing with

I would like to take an opportunity here to say thank you to all the teacher at Apple King Setia Ecohill branch.
Thanks for your loving, caring, passion, patient and dedication to my daughter Zhi Qian, 4yrs old (K1Eagle). She used to tell : Mommy, teacher love me and I love teacher so much.
I am so proud of her improvement in learning progress and communication skills.
Thanks for teacher Nadiah, teacher Yee, teacher Anita, teacher Angel, teacher Teh, teacher Wan, teacher Balqis, teacher Wong, teacher Tilaga, and teacher Shamilah.

21/08/2024 - 02:49 pm


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Nanthini Karthik rates this listing with

Highly recommended. Friendly teachers. Specially recommended for Ecohill branch.

21/08/2024 - 12:23 pm


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Chin Wan rates this listing with

感谢在金苹果EC0HILL分行的老师们细心教导我的外孙万佳顺K3S班 Balqis,Tilaga, Anita, Teh,Nadiah.. 和其她老师 如今他今年刚毕业了 在这里他学习了不少知识 态度 谢谢妳们的照顾 体谅 耐心 他的成长让我们为他感到开心和骄傲 祝福你们

21/08/2024 - 12:16 pm


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李玉珍 rates this listing with

Thank you to Apple King Ecohill Centre all the Teachers From K3S Kah Soon Grandma ^^ Good Job!

21/08/2024 - 12:15 pm


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Syaiful Nizam rates this listing with

I' m father of Ariana Arissa Syaiful Nizam. Now Arissa is 4 years old, i'm so pround when Arissa teacher told me that she so good in class .. she lovers her teachers and friend..
The Teachers are friendly and supportive and they nurture the kids with love. The teachers and friends are the motivations for our son to wake up early in the morning to go to school.
We never regret for sending to Apple King kindargarten and this is amongthe best decison that we have ever made.
Thanks to Apple King Setia Ecohill for giving the best care and guidance to Ariana Arissa Syaiful Nizam. She is happy and confident since she attended Apple King. She shows a great improvement in his English and Mandarin from zero to hero....tq very much...

21/08/2024 - 12:14 pm


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Zaa Zaliha Tanjung rates this listing with

friendly teachers, good syllibus, multiracial schoolmates and teachers, enjoyable and affordable.
p/s got agama class too!

21/08/2024 - 12:07 pm


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Nur Aziha Azi rates this listing with

I sent my son when he was 2 years and 5 months old. At that time, he couldn't talk very well and was quiet shy. The first month he went to that school, he starts to be talkactive when he wants to ask me something. He is getting better at talking compared to before. My husband and I are very happy and impressed. He learnt a lot at Apple King Setia Ecohill. He can also can speak good english considering how I usually speak malay at home. So for me it was an excellent achievement and improvement. I would like to say thank you very much to Apple King Setia Ecohill. I have a plan to send his younger sister to go there too next year..

21/08/2024 - 12:01 pm


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Nut Tin Aziz rates this listing with

Chempaka (6y) & Tuah (3y) started their school here at the beginning of the year, and it was the best decision that we have made. My daughter is flourishing day by day. Making a good progress, massive changes in her confidence, which is showing through her learning. She’s looking forward for school everyday. She loves her teachers & friends.
As for my son, the changes in his behavior were immediate and we notice that he’s happy, relaxed and thriving. He’s having struggles with his speech when we enrolled him here, but now he’s becoming a chatterbox. He knows ABC, 123, colors, shapes and loves singing all the nursery rhymes he learnt at school. Besides academics, he is also making a good improvement in his gross and fine motor skills. A big salute to all of his teachers for being very patience with him.
All I can say is we are very impressed with everything about this centre especially the teachers. They have been truly dedicated all the way in providing comfortness and happiness for our childrens. For parent, this is invaluable.
A massive thank you to the teachers for all the supports, guidance, patience and encouragements. You all are amazing. Thanks again and again.

21/08/2024 - 11:48 am


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Sakina Banu rates this listing with

Sy ibu kepada Danishaa kelas K1Swan di ecohill branch..thank you very much to all teacher..thanks to teacher Angel.

21/08/2024 - 11:31 am


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Rani Low rates this listing with

Thank u to APPLE KING@Pelangi Ecohill Semenyih
She hav been improved on her education & behaviours,Now she hav more confident & independent when she do things by her self.
Thank you to all teacher's Apple King

21/08/2024 - 11:18 am


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Uchu Ridzuan rates this listing with

I loved to say thank you to all the teachers at apple king ecohill branch, due to their concerned about development of my doughter.nurien hafiyya 5 year old, not only the development but all the thing that related to improved the knowledge, study, communication with others and environmental. Such as weather..
I am glad made the right decision to choose this kindergarden as my kid education. My doughter was very happy meet their multiracial friends. She always keep telling me about daily routine at school.
Thanz a lot teacher for your love, patient and dedication to my doughter.
See you next year 2018 teacher tilaga,nadiah,teh,wan,wong and qis..insya allah

21/08/2024 - 11:17 am


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Fieyah Manja rates this listing with

Anak saya berumur 3 tahun belajar di Tadika Apple King cawangan Ecohill....
Saya berasa amat gembira ..dari mula nya anak saya tidak mengenali huruf,nombor dan warna ...setelah belajar di Apple King selama 7 bulan anak saya telah pandai mengira dan mengenal huruf.Saya amat berpuas hati...Terima Kasih kepada guru-guru yang telah mendidik anak saya .

21/08/2024 - 10:59 am


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Jeff David Raj rates this listing with

My son goes to Apple King at Setia Ecohill and though it has only been about 2 months, the journey has been fantastic. So much noticeable improvement in learning and behaviour. BRAVO for job well done and looking forward to many more !! Cheers

21/08/2024 - 10:57 am


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Syaiful Nizam rates this listing with

I'm a father of Ariana Arissa Syaiful Nizam. Now Arissa is 4 years old, I'm so proud when Arrisa teacher told me that she so good in class. She loves her teachers and friends.

The teachers are friendly and supportive and they nurture the kids with love. The teachers and friends are the motivations for our daughter to wake up early in the morning to go to school.

We never regret sending to Apple King Kindergarten and this is among the best decision that we have ever made.

Thanks to Apple King Setia Ecohill for giving the best care and guidance to Ariana Arissa Syaiful Nizam. She is happy and confident since she attended Apple King. She shows great improvement in her English and Mandarin from zero to hero. Thank you very much.

21/08/2019 - 12:30 pm

+ 2

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Rani Low rates this listing with

Thank you to Apple King @ Pelangi Ecohill Semenyih

My daughter Sarmisha Yogeswaran.

She have been improved on her education & behavior. Now she have more confidence and is independent when she do things by herself.

Thank you to all teachers Apple King

15/08/2019 - 01:06 pm

+ 2

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Zalee rates this listing with

Friendly teachers, good syllabus, multiracial schoolmates and teachers, enjoyable and affordable.

P/S: Got agama class too!

12/08/2019 - 06:16 pm


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Kak Za Lee rates this listing with

Currently my LO attends Ecohill Centre as we moved here earlier this year. She is in K3S. Her socializing skills improved so well, together with her language on Bahasa Malaysia, English and a new language,Mandarin.

Then, I noticed she is doing good in reading and mathematics. Well done to all teachers especially Teacher Nadia, Teacher Teh, Teacher Balqis, Teacher Thilaga, Teacher Anita, whom worked hard and your effort is very much appreciated.

My interest sending her here when I was personally walked through the school by Madam Lau. She explained about the education at AppleKing and the security of premise itself.

I was also very impressed knowing that Ecohill Centre have agama class and iqra for moslems children (additional class).

Nothing makes a mom happy than knowing her child experiencing exciting adventure learning at school. All balanced in the education of a child from languages, reading, art, math & science besides socializing development.

Her experience growing and learning with other races is also a good exposure. She learn by heart about other races celebration and it is a fun to her.

Having a cheerful girl feeling so positive waking up in the morning to go to school, to meet friends and teachers is a best thing for a child experience,and I thank you!

05/08/2019 - 12:50 pm


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Uchu Ridzuan rates this listing with

I loved to say thank you to all the teachers at Apple King Ecohill branch, due to their concerned about development of my daughter. Nurien Hafiyya 5 year old, not only the development but all the thing that related to improved the knowledge, study, communication with others and environmental. Such as weather..
I am glad made the right decision to choose this kindergarten as my kid education. My daughter was very happy meet their multiracial friends. She always keep telling me about daily routine at school.
Thanks a lot teacher for your love, patient and dedication to my daughter.

See you next year 2018 teacher tilaga,nadiah,teh,wan,wong and qis..insya allah

03/08/2019 - 02:32 pm


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Sally rates this listing with

Both my son (Hakim) and daughter (Sofea) learn faster since enter this school especially in Mandarin, Math and English. All teacher are very good and talented. Very recommended to all parents outside there. Next year my 3rd child will follow her brother and sister as well.

Thanks Apple King Ecohill Centre!

16/07/2019 - 12:54 pm


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Fatin Nadia Aziz rates this listing with

Chempaka (6y) & Tuah (3y) started their school here at the beginning of the year, and it was the best decision that we have made. My daughter is flourishing day by day. Making a good progress, massive changes in her confidence, which is showing through her learning. She’s looking forward for school everyday. She loves her teachers & friends. That makes us a happy parents.

As for my son, the changes in his behavior were immediate and we notice that he’s happy, relaxed and thriving. He’s having struggles with his speech when we enrolled him here, but now he’s becoming a chatterbox. He knows ABC, 123, colors, shapes and loves singing all the nursery rhymes he learnt at school. Besides academics, he is also making a good improvement in his gross and fine motor skills. A big salute to all of his teachers for being very patience with him.

All I can say is we are very impressed with everything about this centre especially the teachers. They have been truly dedicated all the way in providing comfortness and happiness for our childrens. For parent, this is invaluable.
A massive thank you to the teachers for all the supports, guidance, patience and encouragements. You all are amazing. Thanks again and again.

11/06/2019 - 12:45 pm

+ 1

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Aziha rates this listing with

I sent my son when he was 2 years and 5 months old. At that time, he couldn't talk very well and was quite shy. The first month he went to that school, he starts to be talkative when he wants to ask me something. He is getting better at talking compared to before. My husband and I are very happy, and impressed. He learnt a lot at Apple King Setia Ecohill. Hee can also speak good English considering how I usually speak malay at home. So for me it was an excellent achievement and improvement. I would like to say thank you very much to Apple King Setia Ecohill. I have a plan to send his younger sister to go there too next year.

15/07/2018 - 12:16 pm


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Olivia Tan rates this listing with

My daughter, Olivia Tan started attending Apple King Kindergarten since she was 5 years old. Currently, she is completing her 6 years old studies before entering Primary 1 in the next coming year. During her schooling period here, I had observed some significant progress in her attitude and also in her studies. She had grown into a more confident and observant girl. Besides this, she is able to express her love and concern to everyone around her. This is the most important qualities that I am very much impressed with her. Through all her teacher’s guidance in Apple King, she is now continuing to develop the positive values and soft skills that is, I believe, very important for any person to have.

In her studies, she enjoys sessions which is interactive, especially art classes and activity-oriented classes. She is very well-paced in Mathematics and English. Although she is progressing well in her studies, I noticed that she took great pride in attending classes and she also have great love and respect to all teachers who had attended to her. Her honesty to her classmates shines as she loves to be in their presence (maybe a bit too much sometimes) and she is, I should say, extremely lucky to have a group of very dedicated teachers to have put in tremendous effort to guide and train her to a girl she is today. Thank you to all the teachers at Apple King Setia Ecohill.

28/05/2018 - 02:31 pm

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Nurien Hafiyya bt Mohd Ramzi rates this listing with

Anak saya Nurien Hafiyya bersekolah di tadika Epal king pada umur 5 tahun.
Saya lihat anak saya happy ke sekolah. Tadika Epal king mempunyai persekitaran yang bersih dengan guru-guru yang friendly. Selepas 1 bulan anak saya yang sebelum ini hanya menghafal lagu ABC, sekarang dah boleh ingat dan kenal huruf A-Z. Jikalau saya random pick huruf pun dia boleh sambung dan tulis.

Apa yang lebih menggembirakan saya, dia dah boleh converse simple English dengan saya dan adik beradiknya...simple sentence pun dah boleh buat..sometimes kalau saya tanya dalam English dia tahu dan faham nak jawap semula. Jika dia tak tahu nak guna perkataan English dia akan guna bahasa, itu pun saya rasa dah ok. Sekurangnya dia faham apa yg saya sampaikan dan maksudkan.

Dalam tempoh 5 bulan dia sudah tahu mengira dan menulis dalam English dan Bahasa dari 1 –100. Sudah boleh mengeja dan menyebut dua suku kata perkataan. Semua shapes dan colour dah boleh tahu dan hafal.

Saya pun dapat lihat dia minat bahasa mandarin. Kadang nyanyi lagu mandarin dia beritahu saya Chinese kata beg sekolah = supau..hehe.........

28/05/2018 - 02:31 pm

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Kaavyashri rates this listing with

We are delighted to share our appreciation to Apple King Kindergarten, Setia Ecohill with you. Our daughter, Kaavyashri arrived to this centre six months ago. Our experience with Apple King has been positive all along, from the minute we were introduced to this kindergarten by a family member who highly recommended the centre. They were absolutely right. This is a wonderful kindergarten and the kids receive the best education, love and care they can get at this age.
It is my pleasure to write a testimony for Apple King Kindergarten , Setia Ecohill as I am one of its biggest fans. All the staff are so friendly and interested in the children. Every day when I pick her up I get an update on what they have been doing, what sort of day they’ve had and if there are any issues they are always brought to my attention immediately.
It’s amazing to see how the kids are always occupied till the last minute with so much care, reading, playing or singing. The kids share a very relaxed, calm environment with structure, discipline & manners. We are very happy with Kaavyashri’s writing & reading progress and feel she will be ready for school in another 2 years.
When comparing Apple King with other centre in which my daughter studied for the past 2 years, it was a major shock to just have my child passed back to me at the end of the session with no comment and also to realise that after 2 years I didn’t even know the names of the staff there. Worse, I did not see much improvement or any positive changes in her academic even after 2 years of studying there.
In contrast, Apple King Educational Group’s early education and reading program gave our kids a great start at school. Apple King also goes the extra mile in picking up on the children’s interests and turning them into educational opportunities.
In conclusion I would highly recommend Apple King, Setia Ecohill to anyone looking for quality, well resourced childcare with top-notch staff who will love and nurture your child. Thanks for the wonderful memories that we will treasure for a lifetime!

28/05/2018 - 02:30 pm

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Goh Jian Jie rates this listing with

我在此要感谢院长,所有Apple King 的老师和同学们。
我的儿子Goh Jian Jie(K3E)在他5岁时就加入了Apple King。当时的他就连ABC,123,name 都不会写。也听不懂华语。我真的很担心,但在短短的6个月内,他学会写A-Z,1-100(English)和Name。但是他的华语还不是很好。
今年6岁班。在Apple King Ecohill,他的华语和数学进步的很快。以前不爱写生字的。现在自己会写。感谢Teacher Teh 对我儿子的教导。因为令他对话语更有兴趣,谢谢。

28/05/2018 - 02:28 pm


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EAN YONG RUI RONG rates this listing with



RUI RONG has been study at APPLE KING SEMENYIH around six months. From the beginning he felt afraid and defy, but he is now happy to go to school everyday.
Thanks teachers love and patience, so he feel happy to learn and enjoy.
Thank you APPLE KING

28/05/2018 - 02:25 pm


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Meksaadiah Matali rates this listing with

Bagus..cepat belajar,,Alhamdulillah banyak berubah pada cucu saya..saya cukup puas hati..terima kasih pada cikgu,,banyak membantu...

18/07/2017 - 12:21 pm


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Xiiao Lii rates this listing with

My nephew kah soon was 5 years old and study at the branch of Apple King Ecohill semenyih. He is very happy and enjoy at the school with his friend. At the same time, I'm so surprise only 4-5month he can understand and speak in English with others, reading, writing, colouring and so many many things like dancing and singing also... before he came to school he never speak, reading, writing, colouring at home but now he can do it as well as we see. My Mother and Father as his Grandma and Grandpa also feel very happy, because sometimes he will tell some funny things to us from school. Thank you Apple King Ecohill teachers giving to my nephew have a good environment for learning.

12/06/2017 - 12:24 pm


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