by on 16/08/2017 16509
On a clear day, we can see forever. On a clear day in Mont Kiara one cannot miss the huge impressive building that is The children’s house (TCH) Mont Kiara. As you drive along Jalan Duta Kiara you cannot fail to notice this building painted in the iconic red and white of The children’s house. There are stringent security measures in place and all visitors are vetted at the security post at the gates before being allowed in.
I was met at the door by TCH Mont Kiara’s principal. Her big beaming smile as she greeted me with a, “Good morning. Welcome to TCH Mont Kiara” was so spontaneous and instinctive. The cavernous lobby and reception area where the Principal’s and Administrator’s offices are located have been designed with a modern corporate look, with plenty of glass, soft lighting and open areas.
There is even a glass paneled elevator going up to the upper levels! Off to one side and lined up neatly were racks for the children’s shoes and children sized benches and seating. There were also little touches here and there to remind us that this was a preschool. If you looked closely at the double doors at the entrance to every classroom, you will notice a child-sized door inset on the left side of the doors – this is for the children. There is also a second handrail below and running alongside the main handrail of the staircase in the centre of the building. Guess what this is for! Another nice touch is that the height of the steps are specially measured to accommodate a child’s steps! And if you happen to look up you would see the chronological history of all the TCH preschools depicted on the highest reaches of the ceiling!
The curriculum and syllabus at TCH Mont Kiara is the same as in any of the other TCH preschools. Once you walk through the big red double glass doors of TCH Mont Kiara you will enter into a treasure trove of Montessori teaching and learning resources. This is a ‘prepared environment’ where every area is purposefully designed and fully equipped with complementary Montessori materials to cater to the needs of each individual child, be it physical, social, emotional, intellectual or creative. Everything is designed to induce and nurture independent learning and exploration.
In the Montessori method, ‘Uninterrupted work periods’ are a norm of classroom life. During these periods, children become absorbed in their work because they have the freedom to choose activities that interest them and are relevant to their individual stage of development. During this period, the teachers observe and note the children’s progress and development only becoming involved when presenting materials in its proper work cycle and when gently redirecting children who are not adhering to the work cycle.
Another fascinating facet of the learning experience at TCH Mont Kiara is ‘Circle Time’. This is a time for the classroom to come together and to greet one another, to sing songs, to recite poems or participate in a “Topic of the Day” session and bond in general.
As I was taken on a tour of this very impressive preschool, I felt a very strong connection to its principal. Maybe its her passion that captivates me as she is as passionate about her children as I am about my words. And I do not exaggerate when I say that TCH Mont Kiara, just like the principal and her team, is full of the zest for life, the hunger for knowledge and the desire to excel.
TCH Mont Kiara welcomes children from eight months to six years old. There are half day, full day and extended day programmes to choose from and school hours are from 8:00 am in the mornings till 6:00 pm in the evenings, Mondays to Fridays.
In its entirety, the programme at TCH nurtures self-esteem, a sense of belonging and community, independence, social awareness and an inner discipline which will carry the children through their later stages in life. Thus reinforcing the maxim that the Montessori programme truly prepares a child for life.
As I weave the tapestry of my life, guided by an unseen hand, * I sing, I play, I smile, I learn, I love, I laugh. I work harder than I ever thought possible. I am a TEACHER. This in a nutshell is TCH Mont Kiara.
*The source is attributed to UNKNOWN