Looking for more ways to keep your kids occupied? Check out our picks for FREE Disney online classes for kids (and 1 for parents).
Online education emerged as a safe and viable option for education continuity as the COVID-19 pandemic turned personal and professional worlds upside down. In this article, you will learn what exactly is meant by the phrase "virtual classroom".
Part of educating young students is observing them – to identify strengths and weaknesses. What happens when you can't observe them anymore?
There are many skills that need to be learned first for a child to speak. These preverbal skills (mostly hidden to the untrained eye) are the building blocks to language.
Check out the infographic for some tips on how to keep your child safe online.
As schools are closed and families are stuck, here’s how you can keep the kids’ learning active at home.
Children under 12 are not eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Malaysia yet. Here is what parents should know to keep children protected before vaccines become available to young children.
Father's Day festival give us the opportunity to express thanks to our Daddy for all their unconditional love and affection. Here are 7 pandemic-friendly ways to celebrate Father’s Day that doesn’t cost a fortune for Dad.
Top 5 reasons why you need to have an online presence for your schools!
Are you on the fence about getting a family pet? Think no more! Pets make great companions, and they can be amazing teachers to children.