Everything Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari does is designed to magnify children’s abilities to become lifelong learners with a resilient mindset to face future challenges. They want children to be able to “Say Hey! to the world confidently every day”.
After study a few months at Hey Preschool, we can saw her Chinese improved well in reading and writing and especially Bahasa Malay she able speaks a few words too. Now its turn my second daughter Ling Jin Ying study at Hey Preschool, She started attending school from her age of 2.1f there are any activity at school, Jin Xuan always would be request, Mummy, can I join the activity with mei mei? She once asked, Mummy, Why did I not going to Hey Preschool for tuition, shower and lunch there?
Although she is no longer Hey Preschool's student now, but she still missed her teacher and the school. Here, we would like to thank you teachers for your lovely care, patience and guidance for Ling Jin Xuan that during for the past year she studied at Hey Preschool. Jin Xuan wishes all teachers "All The Best"
17/05/2022 - 01:19 pm
+ 2
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17/05/2022 - 01:18 pm
+ 2
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Hey preschool had been established since 2011 with rapid growing up to reach its peak in 2022. My son Badreldin Yasein Tawfig enrolled in 2018 to playgroup class & Graduated in 2022.
Words cannot express the impact that Hey has had on my son. My son has grown so much both academically and emotionally. The social emotional learning environment that Hey fosters emphasizing the importance of learning through activities is like No other. Ms Raine (Principal), Ms Shalini Mohan (Senior staff), and every teacher in Hey are phenomenal.
My son's teachers has fostered his love of learning and he is so excited to go to school each day. Teachers are nurturing and loving while providing the structure, guidance, encouragement, patience, and care my son needs.
We toured 3 different schools before choosing Hey, it was truly the best of the bunch.
Thank you so much for all the positive impact on my Son & We are grateful beyond words.
Be Hey or Not to be
17/05/2022 - 01:18 pm
+ 2
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22/10/2020 - 03:50 pm
+ 2
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After study a few months at Hey Preschool, we can saw her Chinese improved well in reading and writing and especially Bahasa Malay she able speaks a few words too. Now its turn my second daughter Ling Jin Ying study at Hey Preschool, She started attending school from her age of 2.1f there are any activity at school, Jin Xuan always would be request, Mummy, can I join the activity with mei mei? She once asked, Mummy, Why did I not going to Hey Preschool for tuition, shower and lunch there?
Although she is no longer Hey Preschool's student now, but she still missed her teacher and the school. Here, we would like to thank you teachers for your lovely care, patience and guidance for Ling Jin Xuan that during for the past year she studied at Hey Preschool. Jin Xuan wishes all teachers "All The Best"
22/10/2020 - 02:45 pm
+ 2
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Hey preschool had been established since 2011 with rapid growing up to reach its peak in 2022. My son BadrEldin Yasein Tawfig enrolled in 2018 to playgroup class & Graduated in 2022.
Words cannot express the impact that Hey has had on my son. My son has grown so much both academically and emotionally. The social emotional learning environment that Hey fosters emphasizing the importance of learning through activities is like No other. Ms Raine Huiyin (Principal), Ms Shalini Mohan (Senior staff), and every teacher in Hey are phenomenal.
My son's teachers has fostered his love of learning and he is so excited to go to school each day. Teachers are nurturing and loving while providing the structure, guidance, encouragement, patience, and care my son needs.
We toured 3 different schools before choosing Hey, it was truly the best of the bunch.
Thank you so much for all the positive impact on my Son & We are grateful beyond words.
Be Hey or Not to be
24/02/2023 - 05:38 pm
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在这2年里,我女儿的学习都在进步。我发现她慢慢的成长,会和老师同学沟通不再那么文静。我很开心让她转校到Hey Preschool Nusa Bestari 这里学习。谢谢老师们的细心教导,让我孩子拥有那么好的学习及环境
24/02/2023 - 05:38 pm
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很感激老师们对Maelys和Yveson的教导。尤其是Maelys,这两年不管是成绩还是态度他的进步真的很大。 这两年里面他从来没有说不想去上学,每天都很开心的要去学校学习。和同学们也从一开始的不敢开口说话到现在可以用中文表达,当中的转变真的是很感激老师们的耐心引导。 我对于孩子教育宗旨一向秉持态度大于成绩。对于Maelys的成绩我没有太大的期望,但是这次的考试明显看到他的进步,真的很感激每一位老师的教导。 离别的日子就快到来,我和爸爸由衷的感谢每一位老师,Aunty对于Maelys的爱与关怀。谢谢
24/02/2023 - 05:37 pm
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五歲畢業咯 六歲繼續加油 看著你從不會寫字,不擅於表達,到現在的能夠自己完成老師交代的功課,表達自己的意見,訴說學校每天的故事讓我聽 也開始學會了分享自己的玩具給比較小的弟弟妹妹一起玩 現在也不需要媽媽幫忙整理讀書的書包,會自己整理書包,確定有把水瓶,食物,口罩,鉛筆盒,顏色筆都放進書包裡面 看著瑤瑤一點一點的長大與進步,真的感到很欣慰,很感謝Hey Preschool 的老師們,感謝你們無私的愛與付出及用心教導 讓孩子可以在快樂的環境下長大與學習
24/02/2023 - 05:37 pm
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谢谢Heypreschool 的所有老师们一直如此耐心地教导皓文。虽然皓文上课时有不专心及捣蛋时,你们都一直指导,鼓励及帮助他改过自新,谢谢你们。在Heypreschool 里他学会很多知识,还有懂得了很多道理。谢谢老师们,你们辛苦了!
24/02/2023 - 05:36 pm
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