Epsom College in Malaysia, KLIA
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Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor

Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor
Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, Johor

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2018

Student Age Group: 3 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Montessori

Medium of Communication: English & Chinese

Average Class Size: 10 - 12 students

Facilities: Indoor Playground, CCTV, Sickbay, Learning Corner

Admission & Fees: From RM600 - RM1,300

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: No

Operating Hours: Monday To Friday: 7:30 am - 7:00 pm

Editor's Review

Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, JohorEverything Hey Preschool, Johor, does is designed to magnify children’s abilities to become lifelong learners with a resilient mindset to face future challenges. They want children to be able to “Say Hey! to the world confidently every day”. READ FULL REVIEW


At Hey Preschool, Nusa Bestari, we are always looking to improve to maximize the development opportunities for children under our care. After 10 years of operation, we have now rebranded to elevate the quality of early education so that children can “Say Hey! to the world confidently every day”.

Everything we do, we do with love. All with the intention to nurture children to become lifelong learners equipped with strong academic knowledge and a resilient mindset to tackle any future challenges. As they move through the levels of our programmes, they discover broader concepts of things that exist in the world around them and build better essential skill abilities.

Aside from providing a developmentally appropriate curriculum that can help children excel in primary school, locally or abroad in Singapore, we put a strong focus on developing positive parent-school relationships, as well as maintaining the standards of our teaching team. 10 more years down the road, we endeavour to offer the same educational opportunities for children in rural areas. We believe every child deserves equal access to high quality education despite their background.




Parents Testimonials (34)

Nada's Parent rates this listing with

Hey preschool had been established since 2011 with rapid growing up to reach its peak in 2022. My son BadrEldin Yasein Tawfig enrolled in 2018 to playgroup class & Graduated in 2022.

Words cannot express the impact that Hey has had on my son. My son has grown so much both academically and emotionally. The social emotional learning environment that Hey fosters emphasizing the importance of learning through activities is like No other. Ms Raine Huiyin (Principal), Ms Shalini Mohan (Senior staff), and every teacher in Hey are phenomenal.
My son's teachers has fostered his love of learning and he is so excited to go to school each day. Teachers are nurturing and loving while providing the structure, guidance, encouragement, patience, and care my son needs.

We toured 3 different schools before choosing Hey, it was truly the best of the bunch.
Thank you so much for all the positive impact on my Son & We are grateful beyond words.

Be Hey or Not to be

24/02/2023 - 05:38 pm


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TEH JIA rates this listing with

在这2年里,我女儿的学习都在进步。我发现她慢慢的成长,会和老师同学沟通不再那么文静。我很开心让她转校到Hey Preschool Nusa Bestari 这里学习。谢谢老师们的细心教导,让我孩子拥有那么好的学习及环境

24/02/2023 - 05:38 pm


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MAELYS rates this listing with

很感激老师们对Maelys和Yveson的教导。尤其是Maelys,这两年不管是成绩还是态度他的进步真的很大。 这两年里面他从来没有说不想去上学,每天都很开心的要去学校学习。和同学们也从一开始的不敢开口说话到现在可以用中文表达,当中的转变真的是很感激老师们的耐心引导。 我对于孩子教育宗旨一向秉持态度大于成绩。对于Maelys的成绩我没有太大的期望,但是这次的考试明显看到他的进步,真的很感激每一位老师的教导。 离别的日子就快到来,我和爸爸由衷的感谢每一位老师,Aunty对于Maelys的爱与关怀。谢谢

24/02/2023 - 05:37 pm


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ELENA GAN rates this listing with

五歲畢業咯 六歲繼續加油 看著你從不會寫字,不擅於表達,到現在的能夠自己完成老師交代的功課,表達自己的意見,訴說學校每天的故事讓我聽 也開始學會了分享自己的玩具給比較小的弟弟妹妹一起玩 現在也不需要媽媽幫忙整理讀書的書包,會自己整理書包,確定有把水瓶,食物,口罩,鉛筆盒,顏色筆都放進書包裡面 看著瑤瑤一點一點的長大與進步,真的感到很欣慰,很感謝Hey Preschool 的老師們,感謝你們無私的愛與付出及用心教導 讓孩子可以在快樂的環境下長大與學習

24/02/2023 - 05:37 pm


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CHANG HAO rates this listing with

谢谢Heypreschool 的所有老师们一直如此耐心地教导皓文。虽然皓文上课时有不专心及捣蛋时,你们都一直指导,鼓励及帮助他改过自新,谢谢你们。在Heypreschool 里他学会很多知识,还有懂得了很多道理。谢谢老师们,你们辛苦了!

24/02/2023 - 05:36 pm


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CHOW XIN NI & CHOW YU rates this listing with

非常感谢老师们。昨天家长日老师跟我说搞笑儿子宇轩在学校学习的过程。宝贝从3月进入hey preschool短短几个月宝贝学到好多好多东西。连婆婆在kl打电话来问她在学校读书怎样宝贝跟婆婆说。婆婆说真的不一样宝贝读了书。婆婆以前还很担心宝贝不大会讲话。很多父母有训问妈咪孩子们在这里学校读到怎样。我告诉他们每一个小孩学习不一样的。本人两个孩子们学到很多东西。真的不一样。辛苦老师们了

24/02/2023 - 05:35 pm


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CHEW YU rates this listing with

的家长 小宝贝宣宣幼儿园毕业快乐 宝贝宣在幼儿园度过了愉快的三年时光,感谢Hey Preschool 的园长,老师们和阿姨,用自己无私的爱温暖、教导和照顾孩子们,让孩子们快乐学习和茁壮成长。宣爱你们哦❤️

24/02/2023 - 05:34 pm


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MAELYS HEE rates this listing with

很感激老师们对Maelys和Yveson的教导。尤其是Maelys,这两年不管是成绩还是态度他的进步真的很大。 这两年里面他从来没有说不想去上学,每天都很开心的要去学校学习。和同学们也从一开始的不敢开口说话到现在可以用中文表达,当中的转变真的是很感激老师们的耐心引导。 我对于孩子教育宗旨一向秉持态度大于成绩。对于Maelys的成绩我没有太大的期望,但是这次的考试明显看到他的进步,真的很感激每一位老师的教导。 离别的日子就快到来,我和爸爸由衷的感谢每一位老师,Aunty对于Maelys的爱与关怀。谢谢

18/01/2023 - 10:18 am


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Nada Elshikeri’s Parent rates this listing with

Hey preschool had been established since 2011 with rapid growing up to reach its peak in 2022. My son BadrEldin Yasein Tawfig enrolled in 2018 to playgroup class & Graduated in 2022.

Words cannot express the impact that Hey has had on my son. My son has grown so much both academically and emotionally. The social emotional learning environment that Hey fosters emphasizing the importance of learning through activities is like No other. Ms Raine Huiyin (Principal), Ms Shalini Mohan (Senior staff), and every teacher in Hey are phenomenal.
My son's teachers has fostered his love of learning and he is so excited to go to school each day. Teachers are nurturing and loving while providing the structure, guidance, encouragement, patience, and care my son needs.

We toured 3 different schools before choosing Hey, it was truly the best of the bunch.

Thank you so much for all the positive impact on my Son & We are grateful beyond words.

18/01/2023 - 10:17 am


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ELENA GAN RUI YAO rates this listing with

五歲畢業咯 六歲繼續加油 看著你從不會寫字,不擅於表達,到現在的能夠自己完成老師交代的功課,表達自己的意見,訴說學校每天的故事讓我聽 也開始學會了分享自己的玩具給比較小的弟弟妹妹一起玩 現在也不需要媽媽幫忙整理讀書的書包,會自己整理書包,確定有把水瓶,食物,口罩,鉛筆盒,顏色筆都放進書包裡面 看著瑤瑤一點一點的長大與進步,真的感到很欣慰,很感謝Hey Preschool 的老師們,感謝你們無私的愛與付出及用心教導讓孩子可以在快樂的環境下長大與學習

18/01/2023 - 10:16 am

+ 2

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CHOW XIN NI & CHOW YU XUAN rates this listing with

非常感谢老师们。昨天家长日老师跟我说搞笑儿子宇轩在学校学习的过程。宝贝从3月进入hey preschool短短几个月宝贝学到好多好多东西。连婆婆在kl打电话来问她在学校读书怎样宝贝跟婆婆说。婆婆说真的不一样宝贝读了书。婆婆以前还很担心宝贝不大会讲话。很多父母有训问妈咪孩子们在这里学校读到怎样。我告诉他们每一个小孩学习不一样的。本人两个孩子们学到很多东西。真的不一样。辛苦老师们了

18/01/2023 - 10:15 am

+ 2

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CHEW YU XUAN 的家长 rates this listing with

小宝贝宣宣幼儿园毕业快乐 宝贝宣在幼儿园度过了愉快的三年时光,感谢Hey Preschool 的园长,老师们和阿姨,用自己无私的爱温暖、教导和照顾孩子们,让孩子们快乐学习和茁壮成长。宣爱你们哦

18/01/2023 - 10:15 am

+ 2

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CHANG HAO WEN 的家长 rates this listing with

谢谢Heypreschool 的所有老师们一直如此耐心地教导皓文。虽然皓文上课时有不专心及捣蛋时,你们都一直指导,鼓励及帮助他改过自新,谢谢你们。在Heypreschool 里他学会很多知识,还有懂得了很多道理。谢谢老师们,你们辛苦了!

18/01/2023 - 10:14 am

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Parent of Hayden Mok Hao Teck rates this listing with


09/01/2023 - 12:21 pm

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Teh Jia rates this listing with

在这2年里,我女儿的学习都在进步。我发现她慢慢的成长,会和老师同学沟通不再那么文静。我很开心让她转校到Hey Preschool Nusa Bestari 这里学习。谢谢老师们的细心教导,让我孩子拥有那么好的学习及环境❤️

06/01/2023 - 12:09 pm

+ 2

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Shirley SK rates this listing with

我女儿是转校生,她五月加入了Hey Preschool, 那时开始主题二,也刚好碰到居家上网课。我还担心她不能专心,学习会慢(毕竟新环境,新老师),可是恰恰相反,我看到老师们的教导方式都让她学到很多,他也非常开心可以在这里上课,他都很期待老师问她问题。这里的幼儿园很棒,我可以很放心地给孩子在这里学习。

17/05/2022 - 01:41 pm

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Quennie Yong rates this listing with

非常感谢Hey Preschool的老师这么用心及耐心地教导孩子们,可以让孩子们在快乐中学习,谢谢老师。

17/05/2022 - 01:36 pm

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Caelyn Kiew rates this listing with


17/05/2022 - 01:35 pm

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Mei Ee rates this listing with


17/05/2022 - 01:34 pm

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黄瑞珠 rates this listing with


17/05/2022 - 01:33 pm

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Parent of Mah Jing Yao rates this listing with

To Hey Preschool,

2021年的尾声,很感谢Preschool里的老师们(Teacher Steffi, Teacher Chloe, Teacher Grace & Teacher Deepa)
儿子入学的第一年,刚好遇到COVID-19。这样也必须在家上课,也因为这样我才会认识老师们。也见识到老师们不同的教学方式。我也要机会和孩子一同学习Jolly Phonics。老师们也很有耐心和爱心。但也要求孩子们学习一些纪律。在学校过程中确实感受到孩子的进步。连在新加坡工作的先生都发觉老师们的教学很不一样,4岁已经会简单加法和减法。会自己写很多字。用不同的方式让孩子去深刻印象,有别于以往大儿子和女儿的学习,我也作出比较。

当初选择Hey Preschool是因为贪方便,靠近家,学费也under budget里。觉得学校应该差不多大同小异。现在改观了,觉得当初真的选择是对的。还让我意外找到好学校。很感激老师们的用心培育孩子们,期待孩子们不一样的成长。

17/05/2022 - 01:32 pm

+ 2

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Parent of Audrey Teh Wan Ting rates this listing with

学校教学方式很有趣,让孩子不会不想上学。自从孩子上学后学会了很多东西,老师也对孩子很好。感谢遇到hey preschool。


17/05/2022 - 01:22 pm

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Parent of Sin Wen Qing rates this listing with

感谢Hey preschool Nusa Bestari老师们对我孩子的关爱与照顾,孩子的成长需要你们的关怀与辅佐,对老师们的感激无法用语言来表达,但却记在我们身为家长心中!祝愿全体Hey preschool老师们桃李满天下,工作顺利,身体健康!也非常感谢Chole 老师这4年来孩子成长的路上有你陪伴

17/05/2022 - 01:22 pm

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Parent of Tan Yu Han rates this listing with




17/05/2022 - 01:22 pm

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Parent of Chow Xin Ni rates this listing with


17/05/2022 - 01:21 pm

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Parent of Joyce Toong Jing Yu rates this listing with

Joyce在Hey Preschool老师们的教导下学会了很多知识,虽然她只是上了半年网课但可以看到她进步的很多,每次上课都很期待玩游戏回答问题环节,可以看到她自信满满的回答问题。我告诉她将要回学校上课了她开心的每天在倒数。

17/05/2022 - 01:21 pm

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Parent of Gan Jin Hern rates this listing with


17/05/2022 - 01:20 pm

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Parent of Koh Min He rates this listing with

首先谢谢各位老师 爱心!耐心!

17/05/2022 - 01:20 pm

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Parent of Chua Zhi Xuan rates this listing with

在帮小孩报名幼儿班时,有参考了几间学校。那时还在MCO的时候Raine通过Zoom介绍和讲解小孩所学的课程和透过镜头环视学校的环境。再三的考虑最后决定选择Hey Preschool. 第一是因为距离家里很靠近,第二是上网看到其他家长对学校和老师的评论都非常高。老师们都很有爱心,耐心和负责任, 孩子回来都会高高兴兴的说我还要去读书。老师通过有趣的学习方式和良好的互动教学,让孩子对学习产生兴趣。良好的教学环境对我的小孩来说是对她引起学习兴趣的第一基础。老师们都做到了,也很庆幸最后选择了Hey Preschool.感谢各位老师对孩子的付出,辛苦你们了。

17/05/2022 - 01:19 pm

+ 2

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Parent of Ling Jin Xuan rates this listing with

After study a few months at Hey Preschool, we can saw her Chinese improved well in reading and writing and especially Bahasa Malay she able speaks a few words too. Now its turn my second daughter Ling Jin Ying study at Hey Preschool, She started attending school from her age of 2.1f there are any activity at school, Jin Xuan always would be request, Mummy, can I join the activity with mei mei? She once asked, Mummy, Why did I not going to Hey Preschool for tuition, shower and lunch there?

Although she is no longer Hey Preschool's student now, but she still missed her teacher and the school. Here, we would like to thank you teachers for your lovely care, patience and guidance for Ling Jin Xuan that during for the past year she studied at Hey Preschool. Jin Xuan wishes all teachers "All The Best"

17/05/2022 - 01:19 pm

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Parent of Chew Yu Xuan rates this listing with






17/05/2022 - 01:18 pm

+ 2

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Nada Elshikeri rates this listing with

Hey preschool had been established since 2011 with rapid growing up to reach its peak in 2022. My son Badreldin Yasein Tawfig enrolled in 2018 to playgroup class & Graduated in 2022.

Words cannot express the impact that Hey has had on my son. My son has grown so much both academically and emotionally. The social emotional learning environment that Hey fosters emphasizing the importance of learning through activities is like No other. Ms Raine (Principal), Ms Shalini Mohan (Senior staff), and every teacher in Hey are phenomenal.

My son's teachers has fostered his love of learning and he is so excited to go to school each day. Teachers are nurturing and loving while providing the structure, guidance, encouragement, patience, and care my son needs.

We toured 3 different schools before choosing Hey, it was truly the best of the bunch.

Thank you so much for all the positive impact on my Son & We are grateful beyond words.

Be Hey or Not to be

17/05/2022 - 01:18 pm

+ 2

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Parent of Chew Yu Xuan rates this listing with






22/10/2020 - 03:50 pm

+ 2

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Parent of Ling Jin Xuan rates this listing with

After study a few months at Hey Preschool, we can saw her Chinese improved well in reading and writing and especially Bahasa Malay she able speaks a few words too. Now its turn my second daughter Ling Jin Ying study at Hey Preschool, She started attending school from her age of 2.1f there are any activity at school, Jin Xuan always would be request, Mummy, can I join the activity with mei mei? She once asked, Mummy, Why did I not going to Hey Preschool for tuition, shower and lunch there?

Although she is no longer Hey Preschool's student now, but she still missed her teacher and the school. Here, we would like to thank you teachers for your lovely care, patience and guidance for Ling Jin Xuan that during for the past year she studied at Hey Preschool. Jin Xuan wishes all teachers "All The Best"

22/10/2020 - 02:45 pm

+ 2

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