My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
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3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri

3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri
3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2016

Student Age Group: 6 months - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: SMM Super Memory Map 精忆图全脑开发教学法

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese

Average Class Size: 1 teacher : 15 students

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese

Facilities: Outdoor Playground, Science Room, Gardening, Activity Hall

Admission & Fees: From RM400 - RM1,000

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Other Services: Music, Taekwondo, Art Class, Swimming Class, Afternoon Enrichment Class

Operating Hours: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Editor's Review

3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman MaluriChildren at 3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri will learn using the proven 3Q™ system and the most effective study tools that synchronise their left and right brain to nurture the whole brain development. READ FULL REVIEW


3Q™ MRC Junior is Malaysia’s first kindergarten school that utilises the proven 3Q™ system. Children will learn using the most effective study tools that synchronise their left and right brain development to nurture whole brain development.

The programme provides more than 7 subjects according to age, ranging from 4 - 6 years old, and is divided into three different age groups (J2 - J4). Each semester requires 5 months to complete.

Courses are approved by The Ministry Education of Malaysia and Singapore.

Learning Hours : Half Day (8am to 12pm) / Full Day (8am to 6pm)
Teaching Day : Monday to Friday

Programme Available:
MRC Whole Brain
MRC Kids (3 - 6 years old)
MRC Kids DEP (3 - 6 years old)
MRC JSP (7 -12 years old)
3Q Toddlers (1 - 3 years old)
3Q MRC Junior (3 - 6 years old)
3Q AEP (3 - 6 years old)


Parents Testimonials (19)

Chan Sook rates this listing with

My son has attended 3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten Maluri for four years now. He absolutely loves the school and the staff. His teachers are a great encouragement and the academic program is great. Small class sizes and leveled learning have enabled my children to gain confidence in their learning abilities.

17/04/2023 - 12:08 pm


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Ho Evelyn rates this listing with

Teachers are warm and friendly. School is tidy and clean. Teacher Liaw; the school principal is very kind and helpful. He is very close with the children and whenever you speak to him he always smile. I can see my girl enjoy going to school and when she grows up, she pick things up faster. I feel at ease sending my girl to school knowing that she is well taken care of. Thanks to all wonderful teachers for all the great moments.

17/04/2023 - 11:24 am


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CHAN SOOK YIN rates this listing with

My son has attended 3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten Maluri for four years now. He absolutely loves the school and the staff. His teachers are a great encouragement and the academic program is great. Small class sizes and leveled learning have enabled my children to gain confidence in their learning abilities.

13/04/2023 - 02:13 pm


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Tan Chin Yee rates this listing with

Teachers are teaching well, patience to kids

09/03/2023 - 01:36 pm


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Wong Ai Ching rates this listing with

Principal very friendly. We thank the teachers. The learning environment is good, teachers are professional and patient.

09/03/2023 - 01:35 pm


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Hoo Mei Huey rates this listing with

The teachers are good and caring, willing to take good care of my three kids since they are 2 years old. My kids now can be independent and always know what is right and wrong. My eldest scored good result since she gained a good fundamental preschool knowledge in this school.

07/03/2023 - 02:23 pm


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Sharipah Anisah binti Syed Yussof rates this listing with

Fantastic school. My daughter are very happy go to school every.We start sent here from my 1st daughter and now her little sister. The teachers are really good and friendly. Thanks to all teachers.

07/03/2023 - 02:11 pm


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Ngeow Swee Chyi rates this listing with

Since my little boy has gone to daycare/ nursery/ preschool, he is now so talkative and no longer so shy of interacting with others, not to mention he has learnt so many new words and phrases too. I am absolutely pleased with his progress there

07/03/2023 - 02:01 pm


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CAVEN LEE rates this listing with

Teachers are very caring and passionate. It’s a happy environment where my kid always looks forward to going to school everyday. He has learned to be more self-disciplined and well behaved ever since going to school. His academic progress has improved as well.

05/03/2023 - 02:21 pm


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Daphne Lim rates this listing with

Overall the school arrangements and the school teachers was very good. My girl loves to go to school and she will happily tell me everything that happened in the school when I back home. Thanks to all the teachers for taking care this naughty girl from 2 1/2 years old till now. Specially thanks to Teacher Liaw, Teacher Elaine and Teacher Iyana. Will bring the naughty girl to visit you all when available. Take care and keep up with all of your hard work.

02/03/2023 - 02:20 pm


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Bhavani Das rates this listing with

Enrolling my kids in 3Q MRC Junior Kindergarten, Taman Maluri is the best decision i have made. Principal and teachers here are great with kids and learning is made fun and easy. My kids enjoy going to school and the lessons. Teachers are very helpful and understanding. My kids has improved a lot and become more confident. My sincere thanks to the principal and all teachers.

12/02/2023 - 02:17 pm


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Florence Ong rates this listing with

感恩我们当初做了对的决定选择了3Q MRC Taman Maluri 这里的老师们很好超有爱心的,当然不能少了kakak,很多时候老师们为孩子所做的一切让我感动万分. 还记得有一个星期五,孩子们玩了沙后很有次序的在排队等老师帮他们洗脚 每一次的节日庆典,看到老师们非常用心,让孩子们充分享受,有个美好的时光。还有校长在面子书的po文,实在是太幽默了 (很有创意)完全打破了一般学校枯燥乏味的文案。 话说我之前也是被那篇形容’幼稚园老师孩子的一天‘文案吸引到的。在疫情期间,学校的防疫也做得棒棒的!

07/02/2023 - 02:19 pm


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Yeoh rates this listing with

My son had studied in 3Q MRC Maluri for about 4years plus. We are glad that to send our kid to this school as we can see he had grown up happily and made friends with many joyful kids.

The teachers are friendly, warm and helpful. They always cared for the kids and ensure that the children are learning and playing in a safe and conducive environment. Thank you Teachers.

04/02/2023 - 02:18 pm

+ 2

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Ernie Nurul Hidayah rates this listing with

Anak saya suka pergi sekolah di sini. Sekolah bersih. Guru friendly dan tahu handle anak saya pada mulanya menangis masa mula2 ke sekolah. Guru baik. Tak penah marah anak saya. Anak saya akan rindu sekolah ini.

03/02/2023 - 02:17 pm

+ 2

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Tan Chin Yee rates this listing with

Teachers are teaching well, patience to kids

03/02/2023 - 01:59 pm

+ 2

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Lee Boon Teck rates this listing with

Teachers loving and caring students. children like to attend school.

02/02/2023 - 02:18 pm

+ 2

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Chung Xin Ye's Daddy rates this listing with

很开心加入了3Q MRC,至今也有3年了。因为它拥有一套完善的教育制度,老师们都很亲切和循循善诱的教导孩子,让孩子每天都很快乐的到学校上课学习。无论在学业上,品行上孩子都有显著的进步。在此谢谢每位老师的付出与爱心,也让我知道我的选择是正确的。感恩。

09/07/2019 - 10:19 am

+ 2

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Jayden Chu' Mummy rates this listing with

I choose MRC is because it nears my house. I found it through Facebook, there are so many good reviews and have a lot of activities. Friends who also sent their kids to one of the MRC branch gave me a good review as well. Teachers are cooperate, kind and patient toward my kid. They will teach my kid from zero to hero and update me on my kid improvement. They will also advise me on what activity or books i should do with my kids.
My kids have improved a lot.

09/07/2019 - 10:17 am

+ 2

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Chin Hui's Dad / Mr Chan rates this listing with

我们的女儿从2017起(小过一岁)就去MRC直到现在差不多三岁。在MRC,她可以跟不同种族的学生和老师沟通,玩耍,学习基本知识譬如把鞋子放好, 收拾东西,及用厕所。她也学会了三种语言。我觉得她去了MRC 以后获益不浅。更重要的是MRC的校长与老师都很有爱心,所以我们都很放心。

Our one and only girl has been with MRC since 2017 (before age 1) till almost age 3. At MRC, she can mix with children and teachers of different races, play outdoors, learn basic skills like keeping her shoes tidily, tidying up after herself and using the potty. Since going to MRC, she has learnt a lot. More importantly, MRC teachers are very loving and this gives us peace of mind.

09/07/2019 - 10:14 am

+ 2

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