My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
Kiddy123 Frame
The children's house
Little Angel Kindergarten
Odyssey, The Global Preschool (Mont Kiara)
Small Wonder Malaysia
Little Mandarin House, Bangsar Park, Bangsar

Whats Your Child's Learning Style?

by on 19/04/2017 5659

How does your child learn and process knowledge? Take the quiz below to reveal how your kid’s brain works best, then play to his strengths to maximize his school potential.






1. You let your child pick out one toy at the dollar store. Which is he most likely to choose?


(A) Paint-by-number set     (B) Play microphone     (C) Hula hoop or football



2. If your child could only pick one after-school activity, which would he choose?


(A) Art lessons     (B) Music lessons     (C) Sports or drama lessons



3. You’re out to dinner and there’s a 10-minute wait. How does your child occupy himself?


(A) Doodling     (B) Talking your ear off     (C) Digging in your purse while bouncing in place



4. When your child picks the family activity, which is he most likely to choose?


(A) A movie     (B) A concert     (C) Mini golf



5. Which of these iPad activities is your child most drawn to?


(A) Looking at photos     (B) Listening to music     (C) Playing Angry Birds or another video game








Quiz from:


This article is taken from Smart Kids World issue 2016 Vol.08.