by on 18/08/2020 2743
He’s the world’s richest man and the creator of the modern computer industry, so it goes without saying that Bill Gates knows what he’s talking about when it comes to technology and the best age to give child smartphone.
So when he reveals the “safest” age for kids to have access to a smartphone, you know you better listen!
In a recent interview, the billionaire revealed that kids should not be allowed to own a smartphone until they are at least 14 years old.
Parenting and tech experts have praised Mr Gates, in the light of research that consistently highlights the downside of exposing kids to technology and the internet at a young age.
Too much screen time can hamper a child’s development. The key is to set rules related to usage.
Yes, it’s really annoying when you’re trying to get your kid’s attention and he won’t even look at you because he’s too busy staring at a screen. But the damaging effects of too much screentime go deeper than this.
Mums and dads, we’re not saying screentime is bad. There are plenty of great apps and educational games, songs and stories that help with your child’s development.
The key is to set rules – much as you would for most other parenting matters – and be strict about enforcing these and making sure your child sticks to them.
Share with us – what are your screentime rules for your children?
This article was first published on theAsianParent.