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Little Mandarin House, Bangsar Park, Bangsar
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Tan Sri Noor Hisham Appears In BoboiBoy To Teach Ways To Fight COVID

by on 27/01/2021 3240

Wow, not only did the boys want to see Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham's special appearance in this popular BoboiBoy animation, it feels like Malaysians are excited to watch too.

Recently, the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) has uploaded a BoboiBoy animated video post on their official Twitter page. In the video, the animated character Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham shows the public ways to fight COVID-19.

The 1-minute video published by Animonsta Studio (MONSTA) aims to promote preventive measures to combat Covid-19 among children and all Malaysians.

Just practice CAPP


This video shows the BoboiBoy group fighting the virus using the powers that they have. However their powers are not effective against the virus at all.

At this moment, Dr. Noor Hisham appears, sanitizes his hands with hand sanitiser and successfully destroyed the virus!

Dr Noor Hisham said fighting viruses like Covid-19 does not require extraordinary powers. He advised the public to adopt the concept of CAPP (Cegah, Amal, Patuh, Pantau) - (Prevent, Practice, Obey, Monitor). The key is early prevention, comply with SOPs, practise new norms and monitor your health. With CAPP you too can become a hero!


Prevent: Prevent this virus by educating families and communities.

Practice: Practice new norms by maintaining personal hygiene to prevent infections.

Obey: Adhere to SOPs set by the government.

Monitor: Monitor your health status and make sure not to step into the public if you show signs of symptoms.

Other symptoms of Covid-19

According to a report released by The Guardian, most children experience new signs of Covid-19 including abdominal pains and heart problems, and have claimed their lives.


Infected children will usually have a cough that will worsen if treatment is delayed.


It is understood that at least one child has received Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) treatment, which is a method of saving the lives of patients who are unable to breathe properly.


"For young children with Kawasaki disease, vascular conditions are relatively rare and is a major cause of heart disease for those under the age of 18," he said.


"Based on the three-week report, it is clear that there is an increase in the number of children with inflammatory problems and in need of intensive care throughout London and the UK," said the source.


In addition, doctors have been warned that children without COVID symptoms could go on to develop symptoms later.



‘‘ Pain in the abdomen and gastrointestinal tract is a common symptom. These observations have been made on COVID positive as well as COVID negative children. ''


This PSA video reminds viewers to monitor your health regularly and those close to you. Stay at home as much as possible and only head out for essentials only.


Source: KKM

This article was first published on theAsianParent.