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Essential Steps In Raising A Smart Child

by on 02/08/2017 4221

Nothing pleases a parent more than being told that their child is intelligent and smart. Are there any secrets in raising a clever kid? Indeed there are. In fact, here are some secrets shared on stimulating a child’s intellectual growth.






Give your child a head start beginning from infancy. Ronald Ferguson, director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University, recommends a number of activities to support early childhood development:


  • Maximize loving responsiveness. When your little one tries to get your attention, respond to him or her with love.


  • Talk to your child whenever you can. Singing and gesturing also supports early development.


  • Enable and encourage basic competencies in your child beginning from as young as possible.


Start reading to your child regardless of the fact that he or she might not even understand the words. This gives your child a head start in developing language skills. Kids who are read to when young are more likely to develop a lifelong interest in reading, do well in school, and succeed in adult life. Reading books is one of the most important activity that make kids smart.







Having conversations with your child helps to develop strong language skills. Also, listen to your child when he or she has something to say. This reinforces the effort to communicate and develops a knack for a language.





Playing with children makes them feel loved – Scientists observed that babies who were not cuddled, played with and loved have stunted brain growth. They also observed that babies who were not held and did not receive attention failed to grow and some even became depressed. On the other hand, many studies have shown that loving, hugging, interacting and playing with a child has a strong effect on developing his or her intelligence. The loving connection formed between you and your offspring, including one-on-one interactions, provide the foundation for higher thinking skills.






During playtime, a child is creating the foundation for intellectual, social, physical and emotional skills. When a child plays with other kids, ideas, impressions and feelings are combined with other kids’ experiences and opinions.





Studies have shown that listening to music can boost memory, attention, motivation and learning. It can also lower stress that is destructive to your kid’s brain. Learning to play a musical instrument has an effect on the brain’s proportional thinking and spatial temporal reasoning that lay the foundation for abstract math.







Children learn by modeling your behavior. If your child sees you engaged in reading books, writing, making music, or doing creative things, he or she will imitate you, and in the process, get smart!


Limit your kid’s TV viewing – Your child should not be watching TV before the age of two. Letting your kid watch too much TV takes him away from doing activities that are more important to his developing brain, like playing, socializing and reading books.





Appropriate kid-friendly computer games can help teach about letters, math, music, phonics and many others. It also develops a child’s hand-eye coordination and prepares for tomorrow’s technology. More importantly, a child learns these while playing. Learning and having fun at the same time is the best way for a young kid to learn.





This article is taken from Smart Kids World 2016 Volume. 07