by on 07/05/2021 3820
Did your child receive a huge sum of duit raya? Ha... don't spend it for your own wants though!
While there's nothing wrong with spending it on toys for your child, it can be put to better use such as investing it for his/her future.
But how?
Check out the 4 smart ways we have listed out for you below.
Image: Thekop Salad
First off, separate the duit raya from other pocket money, etc. This makes it easy to track.
Invest the money in a special investment fund. There are plenty of options out there such as Tabung Haji. Last year, Tabung Haji offered a dividend of 3.1%.
Plus, it doesn't take a lot of money to open a Tabung Haji account. Just bring along your myKad and your child's myKid and birth certificate.
Everyone knows about the benefits of having a savings account with Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB).
What are you waiting for? Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) has introduced a new unit trust scheme for children aged 6 months and above. This is great for saving all the duit raya.
Just bring along the registration form, myKad, myKid and birth certificate to get started.
Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN-i)(Education Savings Scheme) is a partnership with Takaful.
On a side note, if you do intend to get a loan from PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) for your child's higher education, you will need to have this account anyways. Might as well get it done now online.
SSPN-i depositors will receive health benefits and net savings of up to RM6,000 per year. What more are you waiting for?
With the current economic climate, it's best to save up and invest for the long run.
Happy investing parents!
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Source: Wikicara dan Majalah Labur
This article was first published on theAsianParent.