by on 29/08/2018 25216
10 Best Food To Increase Breast Milk Natur...10 Best Food To Increase Breast Milk Natur...
Breast milk is the most nutritious food for newborns. But what happens when you can’t produce enough milk for your baby? Don’t worry; you are not alone. While this is a common fear especially among new mothers, there are only a small number of mothers who truly aren't to produce enough breast milk.
That being said, just because you can make enough breast milk, doesn’t necessarily mean it happens automatically. Here, has recommended the 10 best foods to establish and increase your breast milk supply naturally. Good new is, they can be obtained easily in life!
Water makes up 93% of asparagus’s composition it is a high fiber food. Asparagus is low in calories and is very low in sodium. It is rich with vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. It can be steamed or fry lightly with some olive oil or with other vegetable.
Salmon is rich in essential fatty acids and Omega-3, which are considered a super food. Adding salmon intro your diet, it makes the breast milk more nutritious. Salmon is very easy to prepare, you can grill, pan-friend or steam and serve as a main dish.
Green leafy vegetables are very nutrient and healthy, such as spinach, kale, fenugreek leaves, and mustard greens. Greens are the Number One food you can eat regularly to help improve your health and boost your milk supply. You should add at least one portion of green leafy vegetables in your daily diet.
Oatmeal is easy to prepare and it is great in rich in energy and fiber. It is also good in controlling diabetes post-delivery. Having oatmeal with some fruits for breakfast is always easy and a good choice. Nutritionists recommend adding oats to any diet to increase breast milk production; you can try eating oat cookies as well.
There are researches shown that brown rice enhances breast milk production. It is also highly beneficial to the mother by giving her more energy and contributing to a healthy direction. Soak brown rice for half an hour and pressure cook it. Eat it with vegetables.
Unripe papaya has been used as a natural sedative which may help you to relax and feed baby better. This fruit can be cooked in for thai-inspired soups, salads and noodle dishes. Unripe papaya is considered one of the best fruits to increase breast milk.
Nuts containing many vitamins and minerals especially rich in Vitamin E and omega-3, they are gluten free, and low on the glycemic index. You can eat variety of nuts such as almond, peanuts, cashew nut raw or find almond supplements to increase milk supply.
Sweet potato is rich in carbohydrates, which is a major source of potassium. It is rich in vitamin C, B-complex, and a muscle relaxant mineral – magnesium. You can baked a sweet potato, make some cakes or pudding for dessert.
Brewer’s yeast is good serving as a dietary supplement for breastfeeding mom. It is rich with protein, iron, and vitamin B, which can be used to support lactation and boost your milk supply. Some research also found that vitamin B can improve the depression symptom. A mother’s mood impacts a lot of your milk supply during breastfeeding.
Tips by Stress causes depletion in breast milk supply. Always be happy!
Water is the main and the most important component in our body. A mom supply about 700-850ml of milk every day during breastfeeding, meanwhile, extra intake of water is very important. Make sure you drink at least 10 glasses of water per day.
Remember, being a nursing mother, whatever you eat during this period will directly affect the amount of milk produced. It is also crucial to look after your post-natal recovery, because when your body is not fully recovered, your milk supply will always be affected too.
For more information about confinement centres, visit SN Confinement Care Centre, Sri Petaling or AfterBirthCare Services, Country Heights. Or click here to find out the confinement centres near you.