Malaysia Education Star Awards by Kiddy123 Terms and Conditions
  1. Introduction

    Kiddy123 Sdn Bhd is a company registered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our company registration number is 1005921-P and our registered office is at D-3A-5, Seri Gembira Avenue, Jalan Senang Ria, Taman Gembira, 58200, Kuala Lumpur. These are the terms and conditions subject to which we will allow you as a business (“you” or “your”) to enter the Malaysia Education Star Awards by Kiddy123 (henceforth known as "Awards").

  2. Making an Entry
    • Entries must be made following the process and rules set out on the Awards website and related communications.
    • We will not accept responsibility for entries that are lost, mislaid, damaged, or delayed in transit, regardless of cause.
    • If we accept your entry, we will communicate that acceptance to you via phone or email. We are not obliged to accept any entry or give any reason for non-acceptance.
    • Acceptance of your entry shall not (unless expressly stated otherwise) prejudice any rights, obligations, and/or contracts you may have with us, which may have accrued independently of this Agreement.
    • You undertake to ensure that all material supplied in support of an entry either belongs to you or that you have the right to use such material. We reserve the right to remove an entrant if the information provided is fictitious, untrue, or has been plagiarised or includes intellectual property belonging to another.
    • You hereby acknowledge and agree that any employee, director, or individual within your organisation who submits an entry does so on your behalf and with your full knowledge and consent.
    • We shall not be required to verify the authority of any person submitting an entry or otherwise acting on your behalf.
    • All entries submitted will not be returned in any format.
  3. Eligibility & Judging
    • The Awards are open to Entrants who fulfil the relevant entry criteria as set out on the Awards website.
    • Entries will be judged by Kiddy123 and a panel of judges. The decision of this panel is final.
    • We will consider all entries on their merits, based on the information provided by the Entrant. However, we may also consider any social media, portfolios, or websites related to the company when deciding a winner.
    • We reserve the right not to make an award in any given category.
    • Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
  4. Awards Ceremony
    • Finalists must be available to attend the awards ceremony where possible.
    • Attendance at the Awards Ceremony is a separate process from making an Entry. Acceptance of an Entry does not automatically confirm attendance.
    • Once you are shortlisted and notified, you shall RSVP your attendance to the Awards ceremony. Your attendance is not confirmed until you receive an email confirmation and an invoice from Kiddy123.
    • It is your responsibility to update us on any changes to your contact details so that we can contact you.
    • If we have notified you that your Entrant is a winner, you shall ensure that you or a representative from your business will be present in person to receive the award at the Awards Ceremony.
    • We are not responsible for any offense caused by the presenter or any acts or other entertainment at the Awards Ceremony.
    • You are required to make your own arrangements for transport to the venue. We are not responsible for any inability to attend owing to failure of transport or other unforeseen circumstances.
    • An attendee who arrives late may not be allowed to enter the venue until there is a suitable break in the Awards Ceremony, or after the doors have closed unless prior special arrangements have been made.
    • During the Awards Ceremony, we may shoot video footage and take photographs which may include footage of you and/or your attendees. By attending the Awards Ceremony, you consent that we will make use of such footage and photographs in marketing and promotional materials.
  5. Venue & Special Requirements
    • You must comply with the rules and regulations governing the venue including dress codes and rules of entry. If an attendee brings any property to the venue, you do so at your own risk. We are not responsible for any loss and/or damage to such property.
    • If an attendee uses car parking facilities at the venue, you do so at your own risk. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss and/or damage resulting from your use of such car parking facilities.
    • If there are any specific requirements for any attendee(s) due to a disability, food allergies, or for any other reason (a “Special Requirement”), it is your responsibility to tell us this (with details) at least 14 days prior to the Awards Ceremony. When you inform us of a Special Requirement less than 14 days before the Awards Ceremony, you understand it may not be possible to accommodate that Special Requirement.
  6. Fees & Payment
    • Once recipients have been informed that they have been shortlisted, we shall raise an invoice for all attendance fees or packages in relation to the Awards.
    • Payment is due within 5 working days of the date of the invoice. All fees must be paid in full before the Awards Ceremony.
    • If you fail to make payment of any sums due by the due date for payment, we reserve the right to cancel your entry and/or the registration of attendees prior to the Awards Ceremony.
    • Payment of any bank transfer charges is your responsibility.
    • All sums due shall be paid in full without any set-off, counterclaim, or deduction.
  7. Cancellations, Withdrawal & Change of Venue
    • We reserve the right to cancel, postpone, or move the Awards Ceremony to another venue, or to change the date, time, capacity, or setting at our discretion. However, we will notify you promptly if the change relates to a change of venue or timing.
    • We reserve the right to change the Awards Ceremony presenter or any other performers and do not guarantee the attendance of any guest.
    • No refunds will be given should the recipient fail to attend the Awards Ceremony.
    • No refunds will be given if the Awards recipient chooses not to utilise the Awards collateral package (including logos or any other promotional material), after such collateral has been sent to the recipient.
    • If you (or if any of the attendees you booked) cannot attend the Awards Ceremony we may, at your request, allow a substitute attendee at our discretion, provided the request is made no later than 14 days prior to the Awards Ceremony. Any such request must be made by email to the address set out on the Awards website and should include the name of the attendee who will not be attending and the full name of the substitute and contact details. If the substitute has differing requirements (e.g., dietary) from the original, we may not be able to accommodate these requirements. We may reject any unsuitable delegate at our absolute discretion.
    • We will have no liability under this Agreement arising out of or in connection with any cancellation or postponement of the Awards Ceremony or the moving of the Awards Ceremony to a new venue, including but not limited to travel and accommodation costs.
  8. Privacy Notice
    • We shall collect Personal Data from the nominating person for the purpose of nomination to the Kiddy123 Star Education Awards, including professional information provided to us in the nomination form.
    • We process Personal Data to administer the various phases of the Awards, including to (i) collect information about nominees; (ii) Communicate with nominees during the selection process; (iii) Allow the Judging Committee to select the winners; (iv) Organise the Awards Ceremony, and promote the Awards and our activities to the public.
    • We do not collect special categories of Personal Data (sensitive data related to your health, ethnicity, etc.). Please make sure you do not share any special categories of data in the nomination form or any information that is unnecessary for the purposes of the Kiddy123 Star Education Awards.
  9. Confidentiality
    • Each party shall only use the other party’s Confidential Information for the purpose of performing its obligations and exercising its rights for the Awards, and shall keep the other party’s Confidential Information secret, safe, and secure.
  10. General
    • For any information regarding the entry process, submitting work, awards, timing, or any technical issues regarding the website, participants may contact Kiddy123 through the contact methods listed on the Awards website.
  11. Limitation of Liability
    • To the fullest extent permitted by law, Kiddy123 shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the Awards.
  12. Governing Law
    • These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.
  13. Amendments
    • We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Any such amendments will be communicated to you via the Awards website or other appropriate means.
  14. Force Majeure
    • We shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations under these terms and conditions if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside our reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, or any other force majeure event.

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