My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
Kiddy123 Frame

War Museum (Bank Kerapu)

2072  1978
War Museum (Bank Kerapu)


Bank Kerapu was built by Mercantile Bank in 1912, on a land that apparently belongs to Nik Yusof, a renowned local chieftain. It is also believed to be the first stone. In 1941, during the Pacific War (1941-1945), Japanese troop landed near Kota Bahru. During the occupation, Bank Kerapu was used by the Japanese as their 'Kempen Tai', which is a secret police station for war coordination. Upon the fall of Japan and the return of British, Bank Kerapu continued to function as bank until 1992, when it was turn into a war memorial by the Kelantan Museum Corporation. It houses more than 1,000 exhibits relating to the war and a mixture of Japanese tool used during the occupation, including Japanese bicycle. Photographs, articles and artifacts in this memorial can bring you back to 1912 using your imagination.