My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
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UMS Aquarium and Marine Musuem

3200  2212
UMS Aquarium and Marine Musuem


Located at the scenic seafront, the Marine-Aquarium-Museum complex houses colorful and beautiful marine life. It is one of the key components of Marine BioValley of University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) dedicated to inspiring ocean conservation through education, research, innovation and exploration.

Learning about marine life is more interactive, interesting, and worth enjoying in a real life situation. It instills a sense of respect towards the marine environment and inculcates an understanding of the importance of marine environment in the life of mankind.

Arrangements inside the aquarium section display ecosystems as complex communities of organisms interacting in their environment for a unique learning experience. The excellent education tools develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things and awareness that the sea is an integral part of our existence, needing protection.

The atrium leads into a deep dive diorama that gives a visual sensation of being beneath the waves and at the sea floor in the midst of rich marine biodiversity in an environment of dark deep sea cave and ship wrecks that tell a tale.
Visitors experience a lively atmosphere in the aquarium when they are face to face with the ocean life and are entertained by unique behavior of living corals, clams, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, shrimp, lobster, fish and turtle among other groups. This produces admiration and a passionate love for marine life.
The museum section offers close viewing of the preserved remains of marine flora and fauna, including seaweeds, corals, turtles and marine mammals.
A mangrove walk area reminds visitors of the need to conserve and rehabilitate this remarkable coastal vegetation. An illustrated and easy-to-understand book on ‘Marine BioValley’ that serves as guide to the aquarium and provides information on marine life of Sabah is available for sale at the entry regulating counter. Visitors can also buy an interactive DVD on the same topic.