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The Temple Of Fine Arts

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The Temple Of Fine Arts


It was in 1981 that Swamiji lit a lamp to symbolise the beginning of something very beautiful for the arts, especially music and dance. In the preceding years, he had brought together two extraordinary dancing couples - Gopal and Radha Shetty and Sivadas and his spouse Vatsala - who were the main forces in creating awareness and appreciation of Indian classical dance.

Swamiji believed that music and dance were essential to the holistic development of the child. He envisioned that The Temple of Fine Arts would be the place where a
young child could learn music and dance from teachers who understood the true source of creativity and inspiration.

Swamiji made it possible for any child to learn at The Temple of Fine Arts without the burden of costly fees. This was his aim of serving the community.

The institution quickly grew and within five years, it enjoyed a student population of more than 800. Students were taught Bharatanatyam, folk dances, semi classical
movements, and musical instruments such as mrdangam, veena, flute and harmonium. There were students for vocal classes too