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Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2

Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2
Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2016

Student Age Group: 1.5 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Montessori approach

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia & Chinese

Average Class Size: 10 students per class

Available Classes: Montessori (Morning)

Facilities: Outdoor Playground, CCTV, Cycling area, Outdoor art corner

Admission & Fees: From RM750 to RM1,300

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Other Services: Daycare (Afternoon)

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Editor's Review

Rise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2Rise N Shine Childcare Centre SS2 is a Montessori guided preschool that nurtures children to Rise N Shine like a bright star! Even children with mild disabilities do very well in this Montessori environment. READ FULL REVIEW


Rise N Shine, a Montessori guided preschool that caters for 1.5 yo to 6 yo. Imagine a childhood filled with piles of homework and memorizing. We do not do that here at Rise N Shine. With the child’s interest and needs as our first priority, our syllabus provides great learning experience that benefits a child’s growth and development. Our open concept learning environment also provides lots of hands on experiences and stimulating apparatus that constantly challenges a child. In addition, our teachers are also qualified with at least a Diploma in Early Childhood and also years of experience in this field. They strive to plan activities for children and get them excited for a lifelong learning journey.



Parents Testimonials (33)

Annabelle Kuoh rates this listing with

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the good work from "Rise and Shine's" staffs team. Teachers are amazing and they have helped my children from the first day they started attending school. We as parents have seen great improvement in our children's learning skills not only in academics but in life itselfs. Teachers in Rise and Shine not only educate children but to prepare and nurture them into responsible members of the community. Kudos to the teachers for all the effort putting for the children

19/10/2023 - 03:45 pm


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Wei Qi rates this listing with

Highly recommended. Both my kids love school. Teachers are very responsible and hardworking. They tried their best to make homework interesting and fun --> kids learn through play. Can't wait to send my 1yo to school next year

19/10/2023 - 03:44 pm


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Fanny Lam rates this listing with

Highly recommend child care centre, all the teachers are very patient and caring. And they have many activities for the kids to learn and have fun at the same time. I can see my son improve a lots before and after. I like their system to update weekly for the progress of what my son learnt , and communicate with parents for child improvement as well. Thank you for the passion to helping my son grow and learn.

19/10/2023 - 03:43 pm


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Melody Kong Yee Ming rates this listing with

I couldn't be happier with my daughters's experience at Rise n Shine. The teachers here are not just nice, but also incredibly friendly and professional.
My 1.5 years old daughter has blossomed in their care, and every morning her first instinct is to hug her teacher, which speaks volumes about the warm and nurturing environment the school create.
My 4 year old daughter has shown remarkable improvement in her reading skills, thanks to the school's strong emphasis on phonetics for English and Pictorial strategies for Chinese. It's heartening to see her grow academically and develop a love for reading in both English and Chinese.
Additionally, the school has a user-friendly app that fosters excellent communication between teachers and parents. The class teacher upload weekly progress reports on the children's learning, which is not only informative but also strengthens the interaction between parents and the school.
However, one minor drawback is that the school takes the initiative to organize many programs that involve parents' participation. While this is generally a positive aspect, some of these activities are scheduled on weekdays, which can be challenging for working parents to attend.
Despite this minor inconvenience, I am grateful to have found such a nurturing and educational environment for my daughters.

19/10/2023 - 03:37 pm

+ 1

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Xue Ni rates this listing with

Ever since my kid enrolled in this school, I've noticed he has improved a lot in his conversational skills, able to articulate his thoughts better and see improvement in his fine motor skills. I would like to express my upmost appreciation to the dedication of the teachers (especially teacher sabrina) for their patience and understanding.
I would also like give few suggestions:
1. Include some sport activities to foster team work, develop passion and discipline.
2. Introduction more cultural/traditional game like congkak
3. Include potty training as part of the life skill training program, of course with parents involvement at home
4. On operational aspects, would suggest additional tiers to existing childrens shoe racks. It would be easieŕ to locate and avoid misplaced incidences if shoes are placed according class. Perhaps another tier or two with sectionised dividers.
5. Waiting parents to pickup usually hang around the stairways which inadvertently distract young children in ongoing session visible thru glass partition. Suggest a chair or two at top of stairs as waiting area or cover 3 ft up with glass stickers the children study area visible both ways.
6. the reserved parking bay is highly abuse. For its convenience, people parked there for a quick bite or takeaway. Probably enlarge signage and repaint bay border to highlight might deter such acts.
The comments above are purely personal opinion derived from observations and hope it does no offence. Once again a salute to good work and dedication of Rise and Shine Management, teachers , staff and not forgetting the kakaks.

19/10/2023 - 03:37 pm


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Pricila Lala rates this listing with

The teachers are very responsible and care about the progress of my LO. Always willing to listen to parent’s advice/comments and work with parents. I can see the growth in my child ever since he started school here.
On top of that, the environment is clean and very detailed.

19/10/2023 - 03:35 pm


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Michelle Lkh rates this listing with

My experience with Rise N Shine Childcare Centre for both of my kids was truly exceptional. The nurturing environment, dedicated teachers, and engaging activities created a perfect blend for their early development. The focus on social skills, creativity, and basic academics, especially Mandarin class, helped lay a strong foundation for their future learning.
The safe atmosphere at Rise N Shine made it feel like a second home for my child. I didn't have to worry about their well-being and it helped foster a love for learning and making friends.
Overall, it's a top-notch school that values education and emotional well-being.

19/10/2023 - 03:35 pm


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Jaclyn Joelle rates this listing with

Hi this is Arielle’s mom and I will be sharing my views on this kindergarten.
First of all, based on the experience of my child the teachers here are very passionate. They are very caring and patient to all the children which I believe builds trust and a good bond between the kids and their teachers.
Next, the school program Introduces a very engaging and fun learning experience for both parents and their children. I especially love that parents are very involved in their learning process too as homework is given every week as well as a weekly update to check on their progress. I’m glad that the school hosts events as well such as the mooncake festival carnival. It gets parents to join the fun too!
On top of that, It enables the kids to feel like school is their second home, so as a parent convincing my child to go to school is not an issue as she willingly will do so.
However there is also an improvement to be made in the near future, the location. The location is not very practical for parents because below the kindergarten is a Kopitiam and directly beside the doorway is a stall selling fried goods with the hot boiling oil right there. This poses as a safety risk and hazard when walking the kids to the car.
I hope that there could be a discussion with the kopitiam owner to perhaps cover the oil or switch the stall location.
Overall, I think that sending my child here was the best decision I could’ve made as everything is pretty much top notch and worthy of commending, however I still wish my worries can be resolved.

19/10/2023 - 03:31 pm


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Tatt Hoong rates this listing with

I like the environment of this school that its clean and neat, and children are being supported to do things independently with the facilities provided and the way the things are being arranged. The toys here are also Montessori based which can help the children develop motor skills and concentration. My kids motor skills had much improvement after learning and repeating activities like pouring, transferring, building towers and many more. The school also provides lots of sensory activities for the younger kids for them to touch and do hands-on exploration which are my kids’ favourite time as they can do messy play and have endless amount of fun with their friends. Another favourite lesson is cooking as every week they will prepare a small meal on their own which my kids always enjoy as it is tastier when you do it yourself.
One thing I always look forward to is the weekly feedback that I get from teachers along with photos/clips of my kids. I’m always happy to see what sort of activities or teachings that are carried out that week and that also helps me to create conversation with my kids. Of course, the timely feedback is also important for me to help my kids in whatever aspect that they may be struggling with and also exchange ideas with teachers on how to help my kids improve. My son who refused to speak Chinese in his previous school, learned to open up to Chinese with the teaching method here and grew to show much interest and improvement that we are confident to send him to a Chinese primary school.
Another thing commendable about the school is that they organise many exciting and fun activities which my kids really enjoy and we as parents were also very engaged and feel that the events are very well planned. Thumbs up for the all efforts of the teachers as they sacrifice a lot of their time to make memories for the kids.
One small thing that I hope the school can improve is to update the events calendar so that we can always look forward and have better planning on the dates of the activities.

19/10/2023 - 03:30 pm


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Phoon Sit Yee rates this listing with

Just to share some insights into our experience with Rise n Shine. The teachers' passions and their dedication to organizing a wide range of engaging activities impressed us, especially the mooncake festivals activities. Other activities like sports day, field trips and outdoor picnic have also made our child's educational journey truly enriching.
Even within the Montessori framework, it did strike a perfect balance between academic rigor and playful exploration. The school's clean and cozy environment creates a welcoming atmosphere that further enhances the overall experience.
Last but not least, the most remarkable transformation we've witnessed in our daughter has been her transition from shyness to outgoing confidence, all thanks to the constant encouragement she receives from the teacher.
Overall, Rise n Shine has not only instilled a love for learning in our child but has also helped her become more self assured and excited about each school day. We’ve truly grateful for the positive impact it has had on her development.

19/10/2023 - 03:29 pm

+ 1

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SooHeng Lim rates this listing with

Wow cannot believe that my youngman will be graduating from R&S in 2 months time. Mei Ling and her team did such a great job in the past 2 years that it is only fair that we leave a testimonial for rememberance.
What we about Rise N Shine:
1. They manage to strike a balance between study and play, with weekly art and craft , cooking class, music class, playground time (yes they have a mini outdoor playground within their premises). For studies, some form of rote learning is unevitable due to Chinese language, but there's weekly fun activities arranged for the kids that helps them learn, every other week my youngman comes home with mini crafts, props or mini toys from the science experiment they did in school. 2023 was an exceptionally fun year after the gov normalizing covid, they organized activities with parental involvement every quarterly. They open up the school during Father's and Mother's Day inviting the parents over to do fun parent-child bonding activities with their children. Just last month they had mini funfair in school to celebrate Mooncake Festival that was packed with fun games, crafts and food. Not forgetting field trips, sports day, concert, educational visit from external parties (they had dentist visiting to teach the children about oral hygiene, and yakult team to share with children about gut health). BIG KUDOS to meiling and her team for constantly having creative ideas to organize different types of event every month.
2. My youngman isnt like a typical child, he is a very strong-willed boy and sometimes it can be quite difficult to communicate with him as he selectively mutism. But I really appreciate his teachers to be so patient with him and constantly reaching out to me to understand his behaviour or any special incidents that may cause him to act out for the day, and open to my suggestions of different ways to reach out to my youngman. I feel his love/hate feelings towards his teachers because some days I see him rushed to get out of the car to enter the school area upon seeing his teacher at the front entrance. At times when he was feeling moody from too much homework, I would ask if he wanto change kindy or change teacher, his respond would always be he loves his teachers but not their homework.
3. If you think your child is a picky eater, my youngman will show you a different level of picky eating. I would say besides junk food, my youngman has zero interest when it comes to food and can go hungry for very long hours. This issue is still quite apparent with him, but I was very proud that after 2 years in R&S, I sometimes get a shocked in my life to see my youngman eating vegetables. I think its really amazing how they managed to instill good eating habits in the children.
4. Love R&S for their big space and reasonable ratio for the classes. As the kindy is in a shoplot, so they dont have the limitations of walls and too many children confined in a small room of tables and chairs like some housing kindy. They also had minimal partitioning, using low height cabinets to separate between classes or areas. some may dislike this as they feel the distruption from other classes during lesson time can affect the children's learning. But during one of the event this year "Come and see us learn", where parents are invited to be a quiet observer in the class to see how their children learn, I saw how the teachers managed the classes well that I feel the disruption is kept to a minimal level.
5. R&S guides the children to be independant. So as mentioned earlier they had a "Come and see us learn" event, and i was there to observe the children for 2 hours. I was quite impressed with how all of them managed to auto pilot with their school work, with minimal instructions from the teacher. When the children has issues, they would approached their teachers for guidance. The children would take the books they need from the rack, complete their work, and put them back at the right places, they had such proper routine that the children just seems to know what to do next. On some random days when I drop by during lunch to send some supplies to my youngman, I see the children cleaning up after lunch, putting away their own bowls after eating, then wiping the tables and table mat. During nap time they will help out to bring out and arrange the bedpan, and take their own sleeping bag, then keeping it back in place after nap noon. Things which my youngman never does at home prior joining R&S, he suddenly come home volunteering to help. I really hope my youngman can continue all the good habits when he entered primary school.
What made us "Not a fan" of Rise N Shine
1. The pebble wash flooring at the staircase. I always felt that children and steps is a hazard combination, although there werent any known incidents, but the fall could be quite painful and leaves a bad wound. Feels that the surface should be more cushy/padded for safety purpose.
2. We joined R&S in Feb2022, and I vividly remembers the smell of OnGuard/Thieves being diffused at the entrance when we joined. My then feelings was WOW this school really cares for the health and wellbeing of the children, and is willing to invest in such expensive product. I think they stopped it a long time ago, although I feel it is good and should continue. but I guess its pretty personal la, some people believe in it and some doesnt.
3. All books and homework are kept in the school premises. While I feel it is a good practice to keep school work in school, because they just kids kan. go home should play instead of being plague by more schoolwork. but at the same time i feel like i dont know enough details of what my son is learning in school (we receive a weekly summary, but not in detailed). sometimes i feel like i want to do some revision with my youngman, but this is normally own effort and own materials, rather than being in line with what the school is doing. Like maybe fixed a schedule once a week, they can rotate the books they bring home for the week. Or maybe just for the 6yo kids to slowly prepare them for P1.
4. Some times when there are issues with the child, I only managed to find out after the end of the week during the weekly update. I supposed if the teacher sees anything out of the norm behavior can inform the parents on the same day so they can speak with the child about it? Rather than wait til end of the week and the child probably forgotten bout the incident already.
this is getting too long, i think i need to stop here. I never intended to write so long, but so many good things had happened in the past 2 years and its not possible to share them all.
I hope Mei Ling and her team can continue to maintain their high standards in preschool education and that future children can have a memorable journey in Rise N Shine like we did.

19/10/2023 - 03:28 pm


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Samantha Yen Ling Tan rates this listing with

I was scouting for preschools and came across Rise N Shine. Before enrolling I had a lot of questions for Ms Mei Ling and she is very helpful and attentive. Made the right decision as it is indeed a wholesome and all-rounded school.
I started my child in this school at 21mo, and he has blossomed from being shy and introverted to a confident and communicative child. He cried for almost a month when he first started, and now he eagerly says he wants to go to school. His teachers have been very patient and understanding, gently encouraging him out of his shell.
Academically, they learn through play and experiences with Montessori guided lessons. I especially like that class size is limited to a manageable number, and each child is given adequate attention by the teacher. There is an app for parents for progress reports, each week there is an update of child's activities with photos and videos (my favorite part, thank you teachers for carving out time to record these precious moments). E has learned so, so much in school and even surprised us with his knowledge (today he told me the body parts of an insect including the word thorax and abdomen, and he's only 3yo?). And every week there is a "homework" activity for the kids and parents to do together to recap the learning. E is always asking to do activities so I know he's enjoying learning in school.
From what I observed in the toddler class, E has learned about phonics, math, music (singing, instruments), physical exercise, cooking, arts and crafts, sensory and outdoor play, waterplay, and Mandarin. There are also thematic learnings, and they work individually and in groups. I love that Mandarin is taught using fun and interactive methods which makes it more interesting and easier to remember. However for toddler class, the Mandarin lessons are only 3x a week, I do hope for more lessons as Mandarin is not an easy subject to master (especially for non-native speakers like us).
Environment-wise, the school is bright, airy with lots of natural light, and is very neat and clean. It's especially important that the classroom is well-lit and not so crammed, so that students are able to learn conducively. For E's class, there is a blackboard decorated with students' work based on the theme of the lesson, and it truly lights up the room. Although it's in a commercial lot, the school has an open airwell with a small playground which is such a great idea coz children need fresh air and outdoor play! My only gripe is probably the coffee shop downstairs which is a bit hard for dropoffs and pickups.
His teachers are very nice and treat them like their own. When E had a meltdown and cried, teacher S comforted him and spoke to him gently but firmly until he calmed down. They have also kindly initiated parental involvement when it comes to aligning on the same page with developments such as potty training, managing tantrums, etc. His teachers managed to potty train E, even though he took quite long but they have been very encouraging. They will also update on his character and behaviors in school, how he interacts socially which is equally important.
There are also various activities held throughout the year, some that involves parents and family - parents day, field trips to exciting places like Aquaria, Farm in the City etc., dental visit, yakult visit, sports day, mid-autumn carnival, year end concert. Just recently they had an animal show and tell in school, E had a blast and enjoyed learning about animals first hand, and was even brave enough to pet a few. It's great that the school makes it a point to organize engaging activities for children and involve parents in these activities. The best part is the photographs of course, for keepsakes and memories.
For food, lunch served is nutritiously balanced (carb, protein, veggie) and they serve a variety such as rice with soup and meat, noodles, porridge, pasta, etc. Only thing that can be improved is probably letting parents know of the lunch menu, and offering less sweet food in the cooking class. Other than that, it's great and E seems to be finishing his lunch more in school than at home.
Rise N Shine also prepares their students to enter P1 in Chinese SJK schools, something which I look for prior to enrolling. Above all, this school engages students to learn in a fun and interactive manner which is important for young learners. I definitely have no regrets choosing this school for E, and his sibling next. Thank you Ms Mei Ling and all the teachers in Rise N Shine for educating and caring for the children so well, I know E is in good hands.

19/10/2023 - 03:22 pm


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Lyvis Lim rates this listing with

Our daughter is 5 years old and our son is 4 years old, and both has been going here since she/he was 3.
I first met with Mei Ling for a tour; her experience and professionalism made me feel comfortable right away. Their rates seem comparable. I was more than impressed with their holiday program. They really work hard to keep the kids occupied! Last year holiday program was, one week for little magician and another week was Pirate adventure.
The teachers are amazing, informative, and loving. They always communicate and are transparent about everything. I was nervous at first, but I am comfortable with their care now. I like the apps weekly updates; it is informative and highlight area to focus for teachers and parents.
Then there were field trips to Aquarium, Farm in the city and Picnic in the garden. My kids love it and have made many new friends.
Last but not least, special thanks to the teachers.
To Ms Ying Hui, Ms Melissa and Ms Alexis,
Thank you for your hard work in supporting my son and daughter as they develop. With your guidance, our son and daughter has developed into a confident and capable child. Thank you for being such an important part in our child’s development.
From Kheng Family

19/10/2023 - 03:20 pm


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Shu Ling Liew rates this listing with

When I started my child at 1.5 yo, he cried the whole first week having to go to school. However, the teachers were very caring and updated me that he was ok.
Fast forward to his 2nd year in this school, he has learned at lot and enjoys school very much. Even the teachers from various classes all say “Hi” to him and know him by name.
Definitely happy to have found this place where the teachers are caring and patient in handling the children - especially my son who has severe eczema and tends to fuss a lot.
One thing I wish I could have more insight into is the food provided by the school. Due to his paediatrician who monitors his diet closely, I usually would need to know what he is eating at school as a guide. This information however is not something that is shared by the school unless asked.
That said, the school does accommodate to allergies the children has and also allows parents to send their kids to school with prescribed medication needed (not many schools help parents in this much needed manner).
Overall happy to have a working partnership with this school so my son can learn and grow alongside his friends.

19/10/2023 - 03:19 pm


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Anna Khoo rates this listing with

Teachers require so many positive qualities like care, compassion, patience and commitment. Rise n Shine's Teachers have all these qualities in abundance.
With your guidance, my childrens have developed into a confident and capable child. Thank you for being such an important part in our child’s development.

19/10/2023 - 03:18 pm


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Sim Bee Ai rates this listing with

Montessori based school. Rise N shine organise a lot of activities, field trips, cooking class, dancing class, dentist visit the school, yakult company visit the school and even invite petting zoo bring the pets to school to show the kids. they always have new idea and new activities.

19/10/2023 - 03:17 pm


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Yvonne Ccsb rates this listing with

1. Active transparent communication with the parents: the teachers will update the parents on weekly basis and also through parents’ days. The teachers will also feedback to us about the kids’ behaviour and their lacking. So the parents can be aware of their development. The teachers also actively discuss with the parents and give suggestions to the parents in order to improve the kids’ shortcomings. We love this part because it shows that the teachers did pay attention to all the kids.
2. happy environment: my kids always happy and looking forward to go to school. The teachers (including other classes’ teachers) are patience and nice. So we knew that our kids are in their good hands. The school always arrange a lot of fun activities for the kids, e.g. field trip, Mother’s Day celebration (yes, I received a carnation!), Halloween celebration, Sport Day, Mid-Autumn celebration which some of the activities are opened for the parents to join (for family bonding). These activities definitely create an unforgettable memory for the kids.
3. help the kids to adapt to primary sch syllabus: I have liaised with their teachers and found out that their syllabus is designed to make sure that the kids can catch up and adapt well when they enter primary school. The teachers always update us their academic result.
In short, who says you can’t have fun while learning? I think this school did make it.

19/10/2023 - 03:16 pm


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Tan Ping rates this listing with

We are thrilled to share our heartfelt gratitude to Rise N Shine Childcare for my child’s growth and appreciation for your commitment to her education. The emphasizing on independence, self-discipline and a lifelong love for learning has evidently shown in my child's behavior and attitude. Thank you for fostering a healthy curiosity in A, she is now eager to explore the world around her with self-confidence which is very important for A development. Everyone in Rise N Shine is very passionate and dedicated in teaching the young children, a top notch Montessori styled school.
The recent field trips, picnic, carnival and many more activities were worthy an applause. Important as educational tools to connect children to classroom subject which increases my child interest, knowledge and motivation. We appreciate the teacher’s role in preplanning, implementation, as it leave a great impact on A.
The communication between the school and parents has been exemplary. The weekly updates via app, parent-teacher conferences, and open-door policy have been a wonderful platform that create lasting bond with parents to increase the likelihood of academic success for A.
Thank you for helping A improve and become a better person. We appreciate all the attention you put into making sure A is ready for the next stage. Keep up the wonderful job!
With deep appreciation.
A’s parent.

19/10/2023 - 03:15 pm


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Sabrina Tang rates this listing with

Rise N Shine is a good choice if you're looking for a Montessori approach school for your young child. As an educator myself, I take it very serious when it comes to looking for a place for early childhood for my son.
I am really glad that I found Rise N Shine. Started sending my son since he turned 18 months old and didn't regret that decision till today. That's because I see how school has helped us to groom my son into an independent boy.
I really love how creative the teachers are in preparing the activities for the kids. The curriculum covered is great for holistic development but not just focus solely on academic development as motor skills and life skills are equally important for a young child's development too.
I also love that Ms Mei Ling and her team plan different activities every month for the kids so that kids get to enjoy different activities every month.
School also prepare blue files every weekend as weekend task for parents to work with children so that parents get a clearer picture on what their children learn at school and can work hand in hand with teachers in helping their children to master the skills they had learnt at school better.
Thank you teachers at Rise N Shine for creating such a nice and conducive learning environment for my child.

19/10/2023 - 03:14 pm


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Wendy Sim rates this listing with

Our lil one joined Rise N Shine just before Covid hit Malaysia.. It was a few months of school before the closure due to uprising of covid. This resulted in learning and engaging with teachers and classmates via zoom video classes.
Parents had to play a pivotal role in being part of those classes and activities arranged by Rise N Shine.. Thankfully, the program's planned by Rise N Shine was interactive and relevant to nurture the kids brains and trigger their motor skills..The qualified teachers were able to garner the children's attention even via virtually..
Fast-forward to current where classes are back to normal physically, parents have jumped for joy that kids are interacting, learning and playing with their friends in school.
As we reach the final semester of our kid's time at Rise N Shine, we have seen vast improvement in our kid's knowledge, speech, interaction and confidence level over the 3 years of schooling @Rise N Shine. Thank you!
If there is any comment otherwise, is for continuous interaction's between teacher and parents necessary to nurture and improve the kid's understanding and attitude practiced in school vs at home..
Thank you Rise N Shine, its teachers and assistants over the period of our kid's education.

19/10/2023 - 03:14 pm


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Sharon Lay rates this listing with

Hi, I am Cong Huay's mummy. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible journey my 4-year-old child has experienced during two semesters at your school. The growth has been astonishing. Initially, he struggled with basic drawing and had no interest in coloring. However, thanks to the nurturing environment and dedicated guidance of the teachers, he now can draw shapes and cars nicely and loves coloring too!
What sets this school apart is its commitment to providing a well-rounded education through a wide range of activities. My child's favorite activities include the clay class and dancing class. Besides, the enriching school trips offer both joy and valuable learning experiences.
Furthermore, the exceptional level of communication and involvement from the teachers, including weekly updates on my child's development, has made me feel closely connected to his educational journey.
In conclusion, I'm truly grateful for the positive impact this school has had on my child's life. The nurturing environment, diverse activities, and teachers have all contributed to his growth and happiness. Thank you for providing such a wonderful foundation for his education and personal development.

19/10/2023 - 03:08 pm


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Michelle Ng rates this listing with

We rarely give feedback on anything that we buy or do, but Rise N Shine Childcare is really 1 that is worth spending time writing a good review. Rise N Shine, a Montessori-based child care centre, there are really a good number of things that we really love about the centre and we hope that they can continue with the practice even more.
First of all, we like that the teachers are very loving and took good care of our son. More of it is that we got the opportunity to communicate and engage with the teachers and to find out how we can both work together and teach/guide our son to be better in many angles, including academics, discipline, manners, eating habits, meeting friends and building confidence. Having responsive teachers that able to provide feedback on the info that we require in a speedy manner is really a plus plus point. 1 of the examples that we can give is that, because of MCO, our son was afraid of kids around his age and he couldn't interact with them, and only stick to adults most of the time. After sending him to Rise N Shine, now he is a lot more outgoing, has the confidence to speak with newfound friends, and would even put in effort consoling a sad or crying child.
Secondly, Rise N Shine provides tons of ad-hoc activities which are very very interesting and this made the kids have great bondings with parents and teachers, and they had tonsss of fun while they were at it! To name a few, we parents personally went to their 'sports day', Mooncake Festival parties, and we also sent our son to an outdoor picnic, KLCC Aquaria, and many more. And what's the best part of all this? It does not cost a lot! We were even wondering whether the centre would make any losses from these outdoor activities.
Of course, there are still many good things about the centre, but I shall leave it at that if future parents would love to explore this childcare centre yourself. We just hope that Rise N Shine can continue to create great memories for my son and let him grow up loving schools and friends.~

19/10/2023 - 03:07 pm


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Cheng Li rates this listing with

I'm Chanelle's and Chriselle's mum. When I was searching for a childcare/kindergarten back in 2018, I shortlisted a few to visit physically. I still remember the moment I stepped in to Rise n Shine, I knew I would pick this place. With lots of natural lightings, the environment looks so conducive for learning. There were rows and rows of montessori toys, life cycle of the frog on display, toilets are clean, the teachers are helpful plus courteous. I can totally foresee my child growing up here.
Fast forward today, both my kids have demonstrated independence and developed healthy relationships with the teachers and their peers. Weekly, the class teacher would keep parents updated with feedbacks on what they had learnt in every aspect (cooking, cutting, colouring, new words/numbers, as well as their behaviour), along with pictures too and these are just so precious!
Rise n Shine is an ideal place if you want your kids to learn through play. With the various themes and projects the school plans regularly, this is absolutely the kind of positive and engaging environment one would like for the kids to prepare themselves for years to come.

19/10/2023 - 03:06 pm


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Jared Yong rates this listing with

We couldn't be happier with our decision to enroll our son in Rise N Shine, especially after transitioning him from another school. In just six short months, we've witnessed an incredible transformation in him, marked by:

- Enjoyment: Our son genuinely enjoys going to school every day, which is a significant shift from his previous school experience.

- Happiness: Every day, right after school, the first thing he tells us is: "I had a great day! It was so much fun!". He's eager to share what he's learning with us at home. It's heartwarming to see him thrive in this environment.

- Good Communication: The teachers at Rise N Shine maintain open and effective communication with parents. Their weekly reports provide invaluable insights into our son's behavior and development, helping us understand him better (his previous school DOESN'T do this).

- Parental Involvement: Rise N Shine encourages parents' involvement without overwhelming them. It's a perfect balance that makes it doable for most parents to stay engaged in their child's education and development.

- Teacher's Passion: The teachers at Rise N Shine display a genuine passion for teaching and forming bonds with their students, creating a nurturing atmosphere where our son can thrive.

We believe that choosing the right playschool is a crucial decision for any parent, and we wholeheartedly recommend Rise N Shine to those seeking a place where their child can not only learn but also thrive emotionally and socially.

Thank you, Rise N Shine, for providing such a wonderful learning environment for our son. We look forward to more happy and enriching days ahead!

19/10/2023 - 03:00 pm


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Alston Khung rates this listing with

Very dedicated teacher. Mei Ling team is very creative and caring. Super duper highly recommended. Kudos to Mei Ling and the team (Review as of Oct 2019)
I couldn't be happier with the experience my two boys had at Rise n Shine! One has already graduated, and the other is soon to follow suit. The teachers are incredibly patient and understanding. My son was quite dependent and cried for a whole month before he became independent, but the teachers were there every step of the way, providing the support he needed.
I was initially worried about sending my son to a Chinese school after kindergarten, but this Mei Ling and team did an outstanding job prepping him. The syllabus is more than enough to prepare them for Chinese school.
Consistency is key, and the quality of education here has remained top-notch throughout the years, as evidenced by the growth and development of my two sons. I wholeheartedly recommend this kindergarten to any parent seeking a nurturing and academically enriching environment for their children!

19/10/2023 - 02:55 pm


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Michelle Cheong rates this listing with

My boy is doing so well in school and he looked forward to going to school everyday. Glad that he love all his friends and teachers at school.

19/10/2023 - 02:53 pm


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Crystle Cheong rates this listing with

2 more days to come to an end ,my girl often felt very sad when I told her that she wont be studying at Rise N Shine anymore as she will be entering primary one next year. We are pleased with the level of care that my daughter experiencing in Rise N Shine. Charlene is always looking forward, happy and enjoyed going to school. It's like a home away from home. A big thank you to all teachers for nurturing my girl. Thank you so much !
My baby son (Chace) coming up right next ! See ya around!

19/10/2023 - 02:52 pm


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Carole Sai-Raj rates this listing with

My son had a great time at The Little Scientist camp. Big shout out to Ms Mei Ling, Ms Tracy and Ms Yean for putting together a week of fun learning which had my son coming back from school sharing excitedly about how water and oil do not like each other and how he made ice cream by doing a lot of shaking! Very dedicated, loving teachers and I love its bright, clean environment - a great place for a child to learn and grow.

19/10/2023 - 02:49 pm


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David's Parents rates this listing with

He was not very good at puzzle, I started to provide him puzzles from 6-10 pieces. Now he can do a 36 pieces by himself and still enjoying the whole process.

05/07/2019 - 12:34 pm


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Evan's Parents rates this listing with

He did very well in explaining these two (Archipelago and System of Lakes) to us. We adults had to Google the answers to be sure. Well done !

27/06/2019 - 12:04 pm


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Kyson's Parents rates this listing with

I'm so glad Kyson enjoyed his school days. He love the school & sometimes when he stepped out from school, he will say ' I love Rise & Shine'. Well done Teachers! Thank you very much for making our children loving their school & learning.

09/04/2019 - 11:49 am


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Jaslyn Lee's Parent rates this listing with

Thank you for helping her out with her writing. At home, she can't seem to focus for long period.

04/04/2019 - 04:17 pm


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Valene rates this listing with

Hello teachers ! Thank you for being Kyson's new class teachers ! I hope our boy will enjoy another fun learning year with you ! I'm very thankful that he love this school & I trust the dedications of the teachers will allow him to enjoy his childhood. Thank you for your love, patience & kindness. Your dedication in teaching these little minds will mean a lot to us.

04/01/2019 - 01:27 pm


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