In the quiet suburbs of USJ in Subang Jaya, there is a Taska named Taman Kasih. As its name suggests, it is a place of knowledge, learning and love. Taman Kasih prepares children for life through its motto of “We laugh, we love, we learn.”
The school is spacious and the place is well taken care of. The teachers genuinely care about the wellbeing of the kids and they take feedback and concerns from parents constructively. My son loved all his teachers and enjoyed learning at Amazing Seed Subang Jaya!
20/10/2022 - 12:44 pm
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A different kind of experience altogether with a different method while using the English language medium. This is a very effective way in creating a good command of English at a very early age and to teach our young the love for Islam. Keep up the good work.
20/10/2022 - 12:43 pm
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