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Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru

8523  16535
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru
Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo), Islamic Preschool

Year Established: 1989

Student Age Group: 3 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: National Curriculum English Medium

Medium of Communication: English

Average Class Size: 12 to 14 students

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese & Islamic

Facilities: Indoor Playground, Outdoor Playground, Music movement, drama, library, art & craft area. Water and sand play

Admission & Fees: From RM850 - RM1,200

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: No

Transportation Service: No

Other Services: Extended Day until 3:30 pm

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Editor's Review

Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor BahruRainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru offers hands-on learning linked to thematic activities for children who attend this quality kindergarten. READ FULL REVIEW


Rainbow is recognised as a leader in the community for providing a strong foundation for future success.

Rainbow Kindergarten, Johor Bahru

Parents Testimonials (39)

Rezza Moieni rates this listing with

This is an amazing Kindi. My daughter went to Rainbow eight years ago and now she’s twelve. All the best to the lovely people there.

17/12/2021 - 01:44 pm


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Bee Koon rates this listing with

Caleb reminded us about this beautiful school. He told me last night, "Mummy, can I go back to Rainbow Kindergarten? "

17/12/2021 - 10:06 am


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Christopher Thomas rates this listing with

Excellent school environment, can see the children loving every moment of their time at school while learning skills, building character and developing as children. No.1 choice of kindergarten in jb

15/12/2021 - 12:42 pm

+ 2

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Mr and Mrs Toh rates this listing with

Dear Mrs. Jeffery & Mrs. Thomas,

We are writing this thank you letter with a grateful heart.

First of all, thank you for the wonderful concert on 31Oct2013
Thursday). The efforts of the teachers and children let us bring back unforgettable memories and thousands of photos.

A good decision we have made regarding schools for our elder daughter(Jen Cynn) - graduated in the year 2011 and our younger daughter (Jen Ee) - just graduated this year after having attended Rainbow Kindergarten since the age of two. We try to put in words to share our experience as parent.

We have peace of mind that our children are in a safe place here and that they are learning, not just about numbers and letters, but rules, manners, respect and getting along with others. The teachers keep us informed on anything that goes on, whether it's regarding our daughters or the classroom/school in general. We think it was a great, happy and holistic learning experience for our children.

Our younger daughter is fully prepared for entering primary school now and with great confidence, not only mentally, but socially, emotionally and education wise. Thank you Rainbow Kindergarten for helping our children in the past 4 years and they had been in good core and well-fought.

We would like to thank Rainbow Kindergarten's principal (Mrs. Jeffery teachers, (Miss Yana, Miss Moly and Mrs. Thomas ) for your dedication and hard work in nurturing my children.

From: Mr. & Mrs. Toh

13/12/2021 - 08:04 pm


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Suzy Zain rates this listing with

All the teachers are very dedicated, loving teachers.

13/12/2021 - 05:04 pm


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Melissa Yeo rates this listing with

Love love love this Kindi. After seeing quite a few kindergartens and hearing about the learning that goes on in most kindergartens, I am so glad Yui chose this school and I went along with it. The amount of learning through play is so wonderful for the little ones. And at k2, I remember how Yui was prepped to write summaries and she simply shone in their care. From being so anxious and avoiding school to wanting to stay on and go to school everyday! Being a special needs educator for over a decade, I truly support their philosophy of learning through experiences and play. And their reading programme is well structured with daily reading homework. Yui became a proficient reader in their care! Yui misses her time there even til today and we wish they could continue teaching primary level!

11/12/2021 - 12:14 pm


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Ima Maheswaran rates this listing with

They look so loved and happy. Me Leah wishes to be there again.

10/12/2021 - 10:07 am


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David Tham rates this listing with

Mrs Yang is a very dedicated educator. Keita loves her lesson ( Mandarin teacher)

08/12/2021 - 07:10 pm


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Mr. & Mrs. Song rates this listing with

Rainbow is a wonderful kindergarten. The teaching staff are very caring responsible and highly trained and educated.

We were delighted to see that both of our sons have learnt so much and become very confident and creative since attending the kindergarten.

We were amazed how well both our sons' could read. They were able to construct simple sentences by the age 5. My elder son could even write a short story when he was 6 years old.

Through the 'Learn through Play' education method, the boys were having so much fun and found learning interesting and stimlating.

We are so glad that we made the right choice in choosing Rainbow Kindergarten for both our sons preschool education. I highly recommend Rainbow Kindergarten.

Thank you to all the teaching staff.
Mr & Mrs. Song

07/12/2021 - 04:56 pm


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Lee Yen rates this listing with

My boys love going to the school very much too! Tq Rainbow Kindergarten and all the teachers.

07/12/2021 - 12:09 pm


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Hany Chee rates this listing with

To All the Caring Teachers of Rainbow Kindergarten,

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers that have made a tremendous difference in Christian's early education and growth. Rainbow Kindergarten is a truly special place. You feel the warmth as soon as you enter the front door. The children are happy and I have seen them grow
emotionally, physically, and educationally over time. The staff is very competent and caring professionals who treat each child as if they were their own. Since the first time we met Mrs. Thomas and her staff at Rainbow during a tour
of the school, we have been thrilled to be a member of the Rainbow family. Our son's teachers, Mrs. Yana and Mrs. Bala, are wonderful teachers and they treat our child with respect and kindness while supporting his emotional and social growth. The staff has always been positive and welcoming to us, as parents.

Yours sincerely
Hany Chee / Thomas Saw

05/12/2021 - 05:04 pm

+ 3

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Yee Lin rates this listing with

For once my son is actually excited about dinosaurs. Couldn’t even get him to look at dinosaurs when he was younger. Thank you Rainbow for sparking his interest in something outside his ‘comfort zone’.

04/12/2021 - 02:22 pm

+ 3

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Rasheeda Begum rates this listing with

We'll always be thankful for all the hand work and effort of all the teachers in Rainbow kindi. All the teachers are very dedicated, children are so blessed to get inspiring teachers, THUMBS UP!!!

03/12/2021 - 03:10 pm

+ 3

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Mrs N Hamzah rates this listing with

Highly recommended. Good teachers. Good environment for preschoolers.

02/12/2021 - 04:42 pm

+ 8

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Mrs G Chin rates this listing with

Some of the best years of my daughter's life spent in Rainbow Kindergarten Teachers are well qualified, caring and responsible. Clean environment with dedicated spacious spaces for outdoor play and creative arts.

02/12/2021 - 04:39 pm

+ 7

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Mr & Mrs Z rates this listing with

We are truly grateful for everything you've done for Dean and Misha over the year! TQ for all the extra effort which Rainbow has made to help our children grow by creating a fun and educational environment for them. We really appreciate it!

02/12/2021 - 04:38 pm

+ 7

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Mrs S Brull rates this listing with

Talking about Rainbow, scrolling through the photo's and remembering good times. A year ago we left Malaysia. Nan still remembers Rainbow. He loved it!

01/12/2021 - 04:44 pm

+ 8

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Mrs N Azman rates this listing with

Great environment, great teachers, great syllabus, great facilities and harmony vibes. My eldest had some difficulties at his previous Kindy, but it
took him only two months to do what he's supposed to do; writing and reading, he was four at the time. It's all about passion. Passionate and understanding teachers.

30/11/2021 - 04:41 pm

+ 8

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Mrs GK Johnson rates this listing with

Thank you so much to all the wonderful children and teachers at Rainbow Kindi. Aidan has had a wonderful three year. With all your guidance and support Aidan is now ready to move to his new school. He is now a well rounded learner, thanks again for everything, he will never forget you all!

23/11/2021 - 04:43 pm

+ 9

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Mrs Chin rates this listing with

To the Principal of Rainbow Kindi,
The purpose of this letter is to express my thanks and gratefulness to Rainbow Kindi for shaping and guiding my children during their growing years.
I have 4 children who have studied / currently studying in Rainbow Kindi since 2015 till present.
When we were searching for a suitable kindergarten for our eldest, we were looking for an English medium kindergarten that not only able help our child academically, but also to nurture good values and character, as well as social skills. We were so glad that the teachers in Rainbow Kindi are so caring and attentive, and my eldest loved going to kindergarten, and she learned so much during her time there.
We worked closely with the teachers when my 2nd child – who has special needs - was studying there, so to ensure he will be able to adapt well with his peers, and to learn as much
as possible while his needs were being addressed. We are grateful to the teachers for being willing to go the extra effort to help my son learn and grow during his time in Rainbow Kindi.
My two other children were still studying in Rainbow Kindi when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, and Malaysia had to go into lockdown many times during 2020 and 2021. Despite all these, Rainbow Kindi managed to put up a consistent and well-balanced time table for the children, taking into account the fact that young children have difficulty focusing in online-learning. The
teachers conducted their lessons live on Zoom, with study materials provided to us on a regular basis. Now the children are back in school, and they are happy to reunite with their teachers and friends, while adhering to the SOP.
As a parent, an educator not only should have the necessary qualifications to teach, but also
the love for children, and above all, to teach from the heart. I see that big heart in the teachers of Rainbow Kindi, which is also reflected in the joy I see in my children coming back from school every day. Even my elder two children still speak fondly of their time in Rainbow Kindi.
With this I am ever grateful for Rainbow Kindi and my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all teachers for their dedication and heart. Please convey my thanks to the teachers and all their efforts are much appreciated.

23/11/2021 - 04:35 pm

+ 8

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Rohayu Rahman rates this listing with

The best preschool, highly recommended it. My daughter has attended Rainbow kindi for 3+ years, and she had the best of her childhood there, this kindi has played a major role in building her self confidence and social skills as well. Upon going to primary school, she had no issues coping up there. As her fundamental was made very strong in Rainbow kindi. Thanks to all the Rainbows dedicated teachers for your concern and support towards my Childs growth.

15/08/2021 - 12:44 pm

+ 6

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Michele Tan rates this listing with

Both my children had an excellent experience at Rainbow Kindi. They both started at the age of 3 up until they were 6. They left completely prepared for primary.
Overall, GREAT school and your kids will be well cared for. Highly recommended

15/08/2021 - 12:41 pm

+ 6

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Norhayati Hamzah rates this listing with

Highly recommended, good teachers, good environment for preschool

13/01/2021 - 12:35 pm

+ 6

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Yee Lin rates this listing with

We choose this kindergarten as we want our children to learn through play, and I can say that they are very happy to go to school and learning at the same time. The teachers are very experienced, plus they are very caring and concerned about the children’s welfare. Highly recommended

16/10/2020 - 12:38 pm

+ 6

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Nashrudin Jafrey rates this listing with

Highly recommended for your children's growth.

26/09/2020 - 12:52 pm

+ 6

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Norainie Azman rates this listing with

Great environment, great teachers, great syllabus, great facilities, harmony vibes..
My eldest had some difficulties (that’s what I was told) at his previous kindy, but it took him only 2 months to be doing what he’s supposed to do - writing and reading... he was 4 at that time.. It’s all about passion.. Passionate and understanding teachers will definitely manage to educate and understand their pupil with the right way.

25/08/2020 - 12:39 pm

+ 4

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Shazlina Mohd Rosni rates this listing with

My son Danial Irfan attended Rainbow Kindergarten from the time when he was 3 years old until he went to primary school. Till now he still miss Rainbow Kindi and he wanted to visit the school.
Actually, when he was 3 years old I was quite surprised when he can speak English with me and my husband. The funny part, he can sing the 'Days of the week' and 'Go home time song' very well.
When he was 5 years old he can write numbers and letters with the correct formation. His writing was very neat even though he is a left handed boy, and his phonic sounds was very good.
When he was 6 years old, Rainbow's Annual Concert was held at KSL Hotel at Johor Bahru. I was very impressed with his performance on the stage and shed tears of joy. Danial has always been a very shy boy, but his performance on the stage made me very proud and impressed.
Rainbow's educator are very caring and did a great job at teaching my son the necessary skills he needed in life. My hearties thanks to all of you.
I would recommend Rainbow Kindi for those who are looking school for their kids. They are absolutely the best and their environment is safe and clean.

15/08/2020 - 01:02 pm

+ 6

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Geetha Kalaimani rates this listing with

Good school to my children. They learned a lot and boost their confidence level by mingle around and of course, thanks to the teachers who put their heart and soul towards their children.

15/08/2020 - 12:50 pm

+ 6

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Michelle Philomena Thomas rates this listing with

I’m 25 now but I still remember the amazing experiences that I had in Rainbow moulding me into the person I am today. The reading series made me get a head start on my English and also made me more confident when I started my primary schooling years. I love how they cultivate skills through play, giving children the opportunity to learn as well as improve their social, fine motor and gross motor skills. Grateful to Rainbow for teaching me so much.

14/08/2020 - 01:05 pm

+ 6

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Safwan Pny rates this listing with

Best early childhood experience for your child.

14/08/2020 - 01:04 pm

+ 5

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David Tham rates this listing with

Highly recommended preschool. The educators are very professional and dedicated.
The various cultural day events is highly commendable to nurture social cohesion from tender age in the multiracial Malaysia

14/08/2020 - 12:56 pm

+ 6

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Prieshantini Manoharan rates this listing with

Rainbow kindi is a special find ! has welcoming, warm environment that is spacious and comfortable.. my child looks forward to going to school everyday and thoroughly enjoys being engaged in the school activities.. the school syllable is a compilation of language, counting, art & crafts, music & movement and etc.. my child has matured both emotionally and developed so many new skills which are very essential..I'm blown away by what positive things these children are taught and their capacity to learn at such an early age..thanks to the wonderful program the school has offered.. million thanks to all the Rainbow educators for your outpouring care & concern towards the young ones.. I'm looking forward for my daughter to get best of both childhood & learning experience none other than here at Rainbow Kindi..

14/08/2020 - 12:55 pm

+ 6

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Jacqueline Antony rates this listing with

Spacious environment with fun n easy learning experience.

14/08/2020 - 12:54 pm

+ 6

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Uma Maheswaran rates this listing with

Rainbow Kindy, treats every child to their best..The teachers are very hardworking and kind...My son had glorious years with this kindy...He never missed his classes...For him Rainbow Kindy was more of like his own home and family.

14/08/2020 - 12:48 pm

+ 6

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Grace Chin rates this listing with

Some of the best years of my daughter's life are spent here in Rainbow Kindergarten. Teachers are well qualified, caring and responsible. Low turnover in staff. Clean environment with dedicated, spacious spaces for outdoor play and creative arts.

19/06/2020 - 01:00 pm

+ 6

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Navamalar Krishnasamy rates this listing with

Tadika berpontesi and berkualiti

27/04/2020 - 01:19 pm

+ 6

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Benny Khoo rates this listing with

Thanks Teachers for given the best caring and guidance to My child. Rainbow Best of the best !

21/11/2017 - 01:14 pm

+ 6

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Nagora Banu rates this listing with

When your son says "I love going to school!" Then you have found a good school.. Thank you Rainbow Kindi team!!

29/07/2016 - 01:18 pm

+ 6

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Hany Chee rates this listing with

Most caring n passionate teachers i've ever seen.

25/06/2015 - 01:15 pm

+ 6

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