My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
Kiddy123 Frame

Labuan Marine Museum

2811  2106
Labuan Marine Museum


The Marine Museum will focus on marine life around Labuan Federal Territory, namely Labuan and generally Borneo. It is housed in shell-shaped, two-storey building and is divided into 16 galleries. It starts from general information on marine life in Labuan waters, Labuan’s advantages as a marine kingdom or marine paradise followed by expositions on the marine life’s habitats (swampy habitat, seashore habitat, coral reef habitat ans sea/ocean habitat), fishing activities and lastly research results and publications related to Labuan fishing activities.
Also created is a discovery room specially geared towards chilren’s education. The objective is to turn Marine Museum into a scientific reference center as well as to educate visitors on the importance of preserving and appreciation of nature’s gift (the do’s and don’t’s aspects). Exhibition items will cover live specimens and preserved species of fish, sea corals, snails and moluscs, reptiles and zoo planktons, sea plants, artifacts from shipwrecks, sea research through the aquarium method, touch-pool, video wall, graphics, models, posters and charts.