Epsom College in Malaysia, KLIA
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Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang

Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang
Krista (Tadika Manjaku Bistari), Selayang

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 1989

Student Age Group: 3 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Krista CAPABLE programme

Medium of Communication: English & Chinese

Average Class Size: 15 students

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, Taekwondo & Art class

Facilities: Outdoor Playground

Admission & Fees: From RM360 to RM680

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed


Trusted and Quality Early Childhood Education provider.

With Krista CAPABLE programme, your child will surely be a CAPABLE child.


Krista Selayang Jaya was established in 1983 by Madam Teo . Now it is succeeded by her daughter, Ms. Cheng, an Australian Degree Graduate.

We even have second generation students in Krista Selayang Jaya. The graduates from our kindy include doctors and engineers.


Krista Selayang Jaya aims to provide a platform for children to explore and expand their mind and social interest.

We aim to partner with parents to bring up a well-rounded child. Involvement of parents are crucial for every child development.


Learning together in a group is fun. Child-centred learning, by having 1 to 1 time is also crucial. Small class size for individual attention.

Emphasis is placed on reading because once a child can read, he or she has the whole world in his or her hand to explore.

We are teaching children science by fun experiment. Teaching programs also include music, computer program and mental arithmetic in addition to academic subjects.

Children are encouraged to talk and ask questions instead of “Teacher-Talk-Children-Listen” tradition.

Our experience teachers are ever ready to guide and nurture the precious ones.



Our medium of instruction is English and Mandarin. Therefore, our children can handle International School syllabus, Chinese School syllabus and Kebangsaan School syllabus. Our students can even advance to Year 2 in International School syllabus.

For enrolment, please fill in the Google form below. 

Enrolment Form


Parents Testimonials (5)

Dr. Kumaran Krishnan rates this listing with

Great School with excellent syllabus and excellent teachers. Highly Recommended!

22/04/2021 - 02:51 pm


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Ms. Soorekya Ziya rates this listing with

Krista, my daughter enjoys going to this kindy without fail..enjoying the affection & patience of the teachers, friendly cute friends..
Teachers are caring & focused on the well being of little ones, no doubt a safe and playful kindy for the kids to grow up..kudos to the teachers.

04/06/2018 - 10:03 am


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Ka Jun's Mother rates this listing with


Krista幼儿园每天早上都会有小聚会。聚会里,孩子们都会唱国歌,儿歌和做运动。每个星期的聚会都会有不同 的主题。除了主要的科目以外,还有音乐班,电脑班,画画班,珠心算班等等。不仅如此,Krista幼儿园也举办了学校假期营。孩子们除了学习还可以参与他们喜欢的课外活动,增广见闻。

校方有时也会邀请一些赞助商到学校去为孩子们讲解,如:Vitagen,PlayDoh等等。目的是为了让他们学习到课文以外的知识。Krista幼儿园也举办了一些大大小小的活动如:中秋游行晚会,填色比赛,Batik Painting,运动会及一年一度的校庆等等。



29/12/2016 - 11:43 am


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Puan Nasuha rates this listing with

Tahun ini merupakan tahun pertama, anak saya pergi sekolah, namun ianya bukan perkara baru untuk saya. Saya telah menghantar kakaknya ke Krista jua empat tahun yang lalu.

Saya gemar menghantar anak ke sana kerana cikgunya yang terlatih dan guru besar yang berpengalaman. Mungkin ramai orang muda tidak tahu, sebenarnya Krista yang juga dikenali sebagai Tadika Manjaku Bistari, telah beroperasi dua puluh tahun yang lalu.

Anak lelaki saya, amat saya risau sebab dia kurang gemar membaca. Tetapi selepas bersekolah di Krista, dia begitu gembira dan pandai mengeja dan membaca. Dia cukup minat matapelajaran mental arithmatic, malah jadi cikgu mengajar kami yang tidak tahu. Seperkara lagi, apabila saya mengalami masaalah pengangkutan, dengan bantuan dari Cikgu Renu dan guru besar Puan Cheng, saya dapat tenangkan diri.

Akhir kata, saya harap tadika ini bertambah maju dan dapat mendidik generasi muda dengan menjadikan mereka sebagai orang yang berguna dan lebih bersedia untuk memasuki Sekolah Kebangsaan.

Sekian, terima kasih.

29/12/2016 - 11:22 am

+ 1

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Sugeetha's Mom and Dad rates this listing with

Teachers in Krista Selayang Jaya, you are the precious asset of the kindergarten.Every one of you shines in your own unique way. With your magical touch of unconditional love and care, you have brightened the life of every child.

Besides teaching the children alphabet, you also educate them with life's basic skills and promote good manners. We have seen the wonders you all did, with our daughter as a proof. You teachers are superb.

We are very grateful and appreciate everything that you have done for our daughter. All of you make my daughter's childhood more meaningful and worthy. Only God can repay all your good deeds. Thank you to all of you teachers. We love you all.

29/12/2016 - 11:11 am

+ 1

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