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Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama

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Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama
Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai Utama

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2010

Student Age Group: 2 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Montessori program - 2 to 3 years old, integrated and Malaysia kindergarten syllabus for 4 - 6 years old.

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin

Average Class Size: 10 students per class

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Science and Math

Facilities: Outdoor playground, reading corner and play corner.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:30 pm

Editor's Review

Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre, Damai UtamaKiddies Wonderland Educare Centre provides a nurturing environment for children aged two to six years old. Its preschool programme emphasises Mandarin and Mathematics to prepare children for SJKC schooling. READ FULL REVIEW


We uplift our motto of ensuring a conducive learning environment filled with warm and care in our mission to cultivate young children growth through fun learning and playing. Our preschool syllabus is designed as an integrated approach, focusing on helping children acquire basic learning tools. Our syllabus also covers good moral, disciplines and reading habits in children. Upon completion of the curriculum, our children will not only be equipped with good foundation in all subjects, which later can be linked to SJKC stream, but also with good ethics.

Parents Testimonials (2)

Parent of Phang Li Xiang, Kai Yu and Zheng Yuan rates this listing with




回想孩子们在幼儿园度过的点点滴滴,我的心中更多的是感激! 走入幼儿园,是孩子们人生中第一次走出家庭、离开父母,接触社会; 和心乐园让孩子们来到了另一个快乐而温暖的大家庭,园里的老师们让孩子们真切感受到了除父母外的另一种亲人般的呵护。和心乐园给了孩子们创造了一个安全, 快乐,充满宽容向上气氛的环境; 老师们让孩子们学会了讲卫生,懂礼貌,热爱学习,敬爱大自然。。。。为孩子们迈向人生的下一个台阶,积累了知识,奠定了基础。



24/07/2024 - 11:00 am


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Parent of Yap Carson, Yap Eason and Yap Hauson rates this listing with

We have been a parent at this school since year 2016 for three children; two graduated while the youngest is still with Kiddies Wonderland Educare Centre. We have also placed them for the daycare services as well. We are extremely satisfied with their good, clean and safe environment, their teaching, discipline and also ways of handling children. Particularly since both of us are not Chinese educated, we are impressed by how well our children can write and speak so fluently. No doubt it really helps to prepare our children into Chinese primary school.

We are very thankful to the principal and all the teachers for their great efforts and tireless dedication to guide and take care the children to become whom they are today, a bunch of healthy and happy kids!

20/06/2024 - 11:58 am


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