Peninsula International School Australia
Kiddy123 Frame

Himawari Preschool, Selayang

Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang
Himawari Preschool, Selayang

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2008

Student Age Group: 2 years old - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Thematic approach, Montessori & Jolly Phonics

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia & Chinese

Average Class Size: 3 years old (2 : 12) 4 - 6 years old (2 : 15)

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia & Chinese

Facilities: Outdoor Playground, Learning Corner, Play Corner, Science Room

Admission & Fees: From RM1,000

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 am - 6:30 pm

Editor's Review

Himawari Kindergarten, SelayangInspired by the beauty of Japanese education, Himawari Preschool, Selayang puts a high value in cultivating good character traits in children. The school is well-received by the parents and children love that it is such a fun place to be. READ FULL REVIEW


Our Vision

To be a preschool at the forefront of Early Education and Child Care service that possesses best practice, quality service with creative teaching for effective learning. 

Our Mission

We aim to provide quality preschool education where every child's uniqueness is nurtured. We touch our young lives with LOVE, CARE, and EDUCATION so that they will become INDEPENDENT LEARNERS with ANALYTICAL MIND, ready to embark on the long journey of Education. 


Parents Testimonials (50)

Jasper Gan rates this listing with

很感谢 teacher kinki 她很细心。也很有耐心。每天都会打来跟我说孩子在学校的情况。让我很清楚了解到孩子的状况,让我很放心,很喜欢她的态度。每次都是笑容满满对着家长或者学生,对学生也很有耐心很温柔。我很放心把孩子交给你们 俩个孩子都在himawari上课。我的孩子们学到很多东西。行为态度性格上都有改变。看到孩子的进步改变。让我很欣慰。谢谢你们。谢谢teacher kinki

11/05/2023 - 01:00 pm


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Ilman Dayyan rates this listing with

所以,弟弟也报读了这里进了Teacher Kinki的班级


谢谢老师们的耐心教导,特别是Teacher Kinki,每次都会跟我update弟弟的进展。

11/05/2023 - 12:59 pm


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Ariel Shuen Wong rates this listing with

Recommended by a friend, and my daughter has been with the school for about 3 months now. She enjoys going to school and teacher kinki has been very patient as my child adapts to a new environment. Teacher kinki communicates, listen and ensure parents are involved in many aspect of a child development. Once again, thank you!

11/05/2023 - 12:59 pm


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Colson Wong rates this listing with


11/05/2023 - 12:59 pm


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Yeo Xin Yu rates this listing with

Teacher Olivia 很有责任感
孩子从小就粘着我 比较缺乏安全感
用了三个月的时间 扣除MC和PBH
就大概只有1个月的时间 我孩子可以开开心心去学校了
孩子很爱上学 很喜欢老师
谢谢老师常陪伴孩子 耐心教导
让我可以不担心 而且孩子的学业真的很突飞猛进
第一次上学 接触笔和字 孩子竟然可以写得很好
谢谢你们 没有后悔再次让第三个孩子在这边读书

11/05/2023 - 12:58 pm


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Tan Jun Khai rates this listing with


现在轮到我的小儿子也是Teacher Kitty教

11/05/2023 - 12:56 pm


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Pua Yong Yu rates this listing with

在网上看了许多 Himawari 的好评,决定过来看看环境,发现这间学校的教学理念是我们要的,虽然学费会比较高,但是我们还是下定决心把女儿从原本的学校转过来,非常庆幸没让我们失望。


女儿的班主任 T.Ashley 也很细心,会时不时信息 / 打电话给我们 Update 女儿在学校的情况给我们听,让我们很放心的把女儿送到学校,这是之前的幼儿园所给不到的体验。如果你也在找幼儿园给你的孩子,不妨考虑过来看看。

11/05/2023 - 12:56 pm


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Howie Tan rates this listing with

满意学校。能看到孩子在学校。 一天一天慢慢的适应。TRACHER CHIA 教导也看到孩子每天都在进步。整体是很满意加分的学校。很感谢Teacher Chia班主任细心照顾和教导孩子,让孩子在新学校开心快乐学习…也感谢Teacher Kinki每次会来电细心说孩子状况

11/05/2023 - 11:32 am


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Tan Yu Qin rates this listing with

我选这间幼儿园的时候主要是喜欢环境很干净老师们都很友善 也有爱心 我有什么疑问可以在app问,teacher chia都会交代我女儿day care的情况~真心推荐这间幼儿园

11/05/2023 - 11:31 am


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Chooi Kang Jeng rates this listing with

T.OLIVIA 是位 细心,用心,爱心和关心宝贝的老师,宝贝的性格一言一行老师都观察到,的确是位认真负责和关爱宝贝的好老师。
希望老师可以继续努力 教育和引导我这调皮捣蛋宝贝。
感谢 老师们对我宝贝苦心教育,还有努力付出您们的爱心用心。

11/05/2023 - 11:31 am


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Lee Tze Hong rates this listing with

刚开学的时候宝贝是不太习惯去上学,哭闹的情绪,不肯换校服上学。在老师们的耐心教导和陪伴下开始有了变化,慢慢的稳定下来了。Teacher Olivia班主任总会细心的向妈咪分享宝贝在学校的进度好让妈咪放心,也会经常跟我了解和观察宝贝,如果他有什么不好的习惯,还是值得表扬的事情也会跟我分享或者纠正他。她也会细心的引导和提醒他。
特别喜欢T.OLIVIA 的态度,每次都是满满笑容的对着家长和孩子,的确是位认真负责和关爱宝贝的好老师。
也感谢其他的老师们(T.Siva T.Kinki)也开始看到宝贝的进步改变。

11/05/2023 - 11:15 am


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Lim Yu Qing rates this listing with

So far our experience at Himawari Preschool is excellent. Our child is comfortable with the environment and sanitary works are stringent and sufficient. In general, everything is systematic and well planned out, and one thing that stands out among the other kindergartens is the formal and scheduled teacher/staff training. Curriculum is not too studious and focuses more on learning through play and crafts, which we like. Most importantly our child is happy with going to school.
Teacher Kitty has been very warm, friendly, polite and responsible. She always updates us on any problems our child faces ,big or small, and is open to giving suggestions when we ask regarding our child's learning and wellbeing. We appreciate that she does not sugarcoat any problems our child happens to face. She is very professional and carries herself well.
Overall, thank you for your efforts and keep it up! This is definitely a place we will recommend to family and friends looking for a kindergarten.

11/05/2023 - 11:14 am


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Wong Min Na rates this listing with

We enrolled Nana to Himawari when she was 2 years 2 months old. She has been here for almost 4 months now and we absolutely love it. The environment is clean, safe and fun. All the teachers here are very friendly, patience and caring especially Teacher Kinki who really make an effort to engage with Nana and always update us about her development. When I thought of some questions, she was happy to answer them too even during weekend. It’s wonderful seeing Nana feel so excited to go to Himawari everyday.

11/05/2023 - 11:13 am


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Howard Chan rates this listing with

My son joined in 1 months ago, everything is perfect & the follow up is awesome.

Glad that Teacher Chia will always call & update Howard's status. And much appreciated that the update in the school apps, so happy when we can see how was Howard in school.

Feeling great that Howard can join in Himawari

11/05/2023 - 11:13 am


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梁渼欣 LEONG MEI XIN rates this listing with



21/04/2022 - 09:28 am


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黄柯升 WONG COLSON rates this listing with


21/04/2022 - 09:27 am


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杨芯瑜 YEO XIN YU rates this listing with

Teacher Olivia 很有责任感

孩子从小就粘着我 比较缺乏安全感
用了三个月的时间 扣除MC和PBH
就大概只有1个月的时间 我孩子可以开开心心去学校了
孩子很爱上学 很喜欢老师

谢谢老师常陪伴孩子 耐心教导
让我可以不担心 而且孩子的学业真的很突飞猛进
第一次上学 接触笔和字 孩子竟然可以写得很好
谢谢你们 没有后悔再次让第三个孩子在这边读书

13/04/2022 - 09:26 am


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张毅扬 CHONG YI YANG rates this listing with

My husband and I are very please with the school, be it the environment, cleanliness, or the teachers and staffs, no regret for choosing Himawari as our son's school. Thank you to headmaster, all the teachers and staffs.

12/04/2022 - 09:25 am


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黄婧恩 NG JUNG ERN rates this listing with


10/04/2022 - 09:25 am


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陈俊恺 TAN JUN KHAI rates this listing with


现在轮到我的小儿子也是Teacher Kitty教
谢谢你 Teacher Kitty

08/04/2022 - 09:24 am


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张芷瑜 CHONG ZHI YU rates this listing with

孩子喜欢这所学校 更爱teacher Kitty..
每天回家后都会模仿老师教课的模样 在孩子心目中老师地位很高
孩子在这里短短4个月 却学了很多东西
老师 环境 教育
We love himawari

04/04/2022 - 09:26 am


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黄慜蒳 Wong Min Na rates this listing with

We enrolled Nana to Himawari when she was 2 years 2 months old. She has been here for almost 4 months now and we absolutely love it. The environment is clean, safe and fun. All the teachers here are very friendly, patience and caring especially Teacher Kinki who really make an effort to engage with Nana and always update us about her development. When I thought of some questions, she was happy to answer them too even during weekend. It’s wonderful seeing Nana feel so excited to go to Himawari everyday.

18/03/2022 - 03:28 pm


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吴佳衡妈妈 rates this listing with

Jia Hang joined play school at 3 years old. We enrolled him early to school as we found out he has speech delay and eye contact problem. Hope that by attending the school programs could help to develop him better.

In the first week, I’m glad to see Jia Hang managed to fit into school environment as well as overcome separation anxiety. And now after 2 months, he is adapt well and enjoy in attending the school everyday.

Thank you to all the teachers who have patiently taught Jia Hang like self-feeding, social skills, self-discipline and so on. Also, would like to specially thanks Teacher Kinki whom very professional has kept close follow up and always discuss about Jia Hang development area and we do see his improvements day by day.

17/03/2022 - 10:24 am


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林伊馨妈妈 LIM EE XIN rates this listing with

宝贝第一所学校 Himawari Preschool


宝贝的第一位班主任是 Teacher Kinki 很开心宝贝能认识到 Teacher Kinki 并成为她的学生

每当有疑问,Teacher Kinki 也很耐心解答,让我很放心的让宝贝在学校学习,也总是很期待每当老师报告宝贝在学校的日常作息等活动


16/03/2022 - 10:23 am


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TAN KEYI 陈柯妤妈妈 rates this listing with


13/03/2022 - 10:21 am


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ILMAN DAYYAN 郭亦文妈妈 rates this listing with

所以,弟弟也报读了这里进了Teacher Kinki的班级


谢谢老师们的耐心教导,特别是Teacher Kinki,每次都会跟我update弟弟的进展。


09/03/2022 - 10:22 am


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ARIEL SHUEN WONG 黄懿萱妈妈 rates this listing with

Recommended by a friend, and my daughter has been with the school for about 3 months now. She enjoys going to school and teacher kinki has been very patient as my child adapts to a new environment. Teacher kinki communicates, listen and ensure parents are involved in many aspect of a child development. Once again, thank you!

08/03/2022 - 10:21 am


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SOO JIN HAO 'Mother rates this listing with


23/09/2021 - 11:58 am


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EISEN YONG EE XUN 'Mother rates this listing with

Amazing teachers with so much heart & caring mindset. It's wonderful seeing my son get excited about going to daycare here.
Teacher Penny really make an effort to giving encouraging to my son & supporting feedback to parents. Thank you for your patience and hard work. The school environment is clean & very detailed. And the school is really committed to providing safe, fun & kids loving this environment.
Definitely made the right choice by choosing this school.

23/09/2021 - 11:57 am


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IRFAN DANIEL 'Mother rates this listing with


今年刚进5岁班,新的教学方式。在Teacher Cathy细心的带领下,孩子可以顺利的学习与进步


23/09/2021 - 11:57 am


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TEH XUAN NAN 'Mother rates this listing with

Himawari 无论是大班还是小班的老师都是一群有耐心,疼爱孩子的老师。我儿子今年五岁,转去了大班,可还是时常会提到小班的老师,尤其是Teacher Cherry, 证明老师们都很好,所以孩子换班了依然会想念。
孩子今年级任老师是Teacher Mickey。孩子也是天天高兴的去上学,不会闹,因为他说很喜欢和老师和同学在一起... 谢谢老师们的耐心,营造出孩子都喜爱上学的环境。

23/09/2021 - 11:56 am


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HUIKY LOR 'Mother rates this listing with


06/08/2021 - 03:00 pm


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TIN BO WEI 'Mother rates this listing with

Teacher coffee 是一位很负责任的老师,也很用心教导孩子们,不会乱发脾气及骂学生们。也是一位会关心孩子们的好老师。

讲话也很斯文,我孩子也很喜欢她, 还称赞老师漂亮哦。


06/08/2021 - 02:59 pm


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CHAM MING HIN 'Mother rates this listing with

谢谢teacher coffee和一班老师们的用心。明轩进步很多,学会好多东西,每天放学都迫不及待的告诉妈咪今天teacher教我们这个那个,teacher给我chop chop,而且学会了自立,功课也会自己完成。
真心感恩有老师爱的教育 谢谢

06/08/2021 - 02:54 pm


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LIM YU QING'Mother rates this listing with

So far our experience at Himawari Preschool is excellent. Our child is comfortable with the environment and sanitary works are stringent and sufficient. In general, everything is systematic and well planned out, and one thing that stands out among the other kindergartens is the formal and scheduled teacher/staff training. Curriculum is not too studious and focuses more on learning through play and crafts, which we like. Most importantly our child is happy with going to school.
Teacher Kitty has been very warm, friendly, polite and responsible. She always updates us on any problems our child faces ,big or small, and is open to giving suggestions when we ask regarding our child's learning and wellbeing. We appreciate that she does not sugarcoat any problems our child happens to face. She is very professional and carries herself well.
Overall, thank you for your efforts and keep it up! This is definitely a place we will recommend to family and friends looking for a kindergarten.

19/07/2021 - 10:39 am


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JESSY LIEW ZHE XIN 'Mother rates this listing with

Teachers are very responsive & responsible, kept parent updated on baby Jessy (2yo 8 mths) progress twice per day during 1st week enrolment. Kiddy environment is comfortable & high standard of cleanliness. Baby able to adapt to the environment easily without crying. Baby able to learn may artwork & mix around with friends around. Baby Jessy is so excited to go kiddy daily. Great job Teachers & HIMAWARI. Highly recommend

19/07/2021 - 10:38 am


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RENNE LEE LEI EN 'Mother rates this listing with


19/07/2021 - 10:33 am


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LEONG KE XUAN 'Mother rates this listing with

喜欢这间学校的风格,Teacher Kinki 都很细心的照顾小宝贝!不时还会update小宝贝在学校上课的进度和情况。 小宝贝在老师的领导下,学习更多。小宝贝也很喜欢上学

09/07/2021 - 04:18 pm


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JAYDEN TEH ZI TENG 'Mother rates this listing with


09/07/2021 - 04:17 pm


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CHIN RUI CHEN 'Mother rates this listing with


09/07/2021 - 04:16 pm


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CHIN HAO YIAP 'Mother rates this listing with

Teacher kinki是位很有耐心的老师,孩子都很喜欢她♥️老师也很经常很主动的让我们了解孩子在学校的状况,就算孩子有一段日子没上课,之后老师还会在帮我孩子revision回,帮助孩子跟上之前没跟上的进度

09/07/2021 - 04:16 pm


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丁柏瑋妈妈 rates this listing with


经过奶妈介绍说Himawari preschool 幼儿园不错,因为她亲戚孩子,小小年纪就认识很多英文生字。

于是我和老公带着儿子到Himawari preschool 了解后,最后决定让他在这里学习上学。包括放学后送他回奶妈家。

儿子非常好动调皮,自从去学校后就发觉他有改变了很多。变得比较有礼貌而且也认识了许多生字。老师们也非常有爱心及耐心地慢慢教导他握笔写字,和家长们了解孩子们在家里的状况及孩子们在学校的情况。非常感恩各位 k老师们的用心良苦和跟进

02/09/2020 - 04:39 pm


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Nuraisyah, Mother of Irfan Daniel rates this listing with

Irfan joined Himawari playschool at his 3years, 3 months. We decided to transferred Irfan to this playschool because we were worried about his speech development as both of us speaks different language with him. We did realise that he has some difficulties in speech as he might have some confusion on the language taught.

We both had been to Himawari Playschool visited for twice. At first glance at the centre, we were very comfortable with the center as it provides a systematic and fun learning environment for toddlers. We love their comfortable centre very much but the only things we took some time to consider is the distance from our home as we stayed at Setapak.

However, distance doesn't stop us sending Irfan to this centre. We finally decided to sacrifice some times and send Irfan to this great playschool to start his learning journey.

After 8 months being in this centre, we can see the improvement of Irfan. He can now speak more languages and he is very happy everyday. He also can easily communicate with everyone now. We both are very glad to see his great improvements

Thank you to all the teachers who have patiently taught Irfan like self-feeding, social skills, self-discipline and so on. Also, would like to specially thanks Teacher Kinki whom has kept close follow up and always discuss about Irfan’s development and we do see his improvements day by day.

Once again, thank you so much to all the teachers at Himawari Playschool. Himawari Playschool is AWESOME

02/09/2020 - 04:38 pm

+ 1

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官育銳妈妈 rates this listing with

We are incredibly blessed to have our son (Yu Kai and Yu Rui) attending Himawari Preschool. As soon as you enter Himawari each day you are greeted by such friendly, engaging and nurturing educators. They take the time to know each child and their families so that everyone is comfortable; the children and the parents.
Himawari is a wonderful preschool with very personable, dedicated and caring staffs and teachers . Both our children have learnt so much and developed as confident individuals since attending this centre.
Through the teachers guidance and structured activities we have watched the confidence grow and important social skills develop in our children that they will need, in particular, as they progress through schooling life.
We have been so amazed at how wonderful the kindy is, you really feel like part of the family here.
I recommend Himawari Preschool in the highest of terms.

Yours faithfully

02/09/2020 - 04:37 pm


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朱恩頨妈妈 rates this listing with

My husband and I decided to send our girl to Himawari Nursery class when she turns 4 years old.

We can feel that she really enjoy her study life in Himawari as she goes to school happily everyday. Also, she likes to share with us what was happening in the school.

We appreciate very much the teachers especially during MCO period. They have been trying their best and creative in preparing the learning videos for the kids as well as conducted 1 to 1 video call kids for revisions / keep contact twice a week.

As parents, my husband and I are truly satisfied with the environment in Himawari. Hygiene, security and most importantly the teachers are friendly and responsible.

02/09/2020 - 04:36 pm

+ 1

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Yang Ying Hui's mom rates this listing with

Ying Hui started her first preschool experience when she was 2.5 years old. For almost 2 months, she had her separation anxiety. But knowing that she is in such good hands at school, I'm at ease. After few months since she started her first day, I can see changes in her confidence and independence. As an educator and parent, I'm pleased to see her teachers addressed the children's need and encouraged growth in positive way. Now, Ying Hui is in her second year and everyday, she's telling me how much she loves her day at school. I'm beyond thankful and grateful for the teachers at Himawari preschool.

02/09/2020 - 04:34 pm

+ 1

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M.Yen Ong rates this listing with

My 3yo daughter (Emma Ong) attended Himawari Preschool in December 2019. I am amazed at how much this school prepared her for the transition and how much she seems to already know from her time at Himawari. Not only the educational program excellent but the teachers and staffs are so loving and caring. It is exactly what my daughter needed. As a parent, there is nothing better than knowing your child is safe and in good hands. The decision to put my daughter in Himawari Preschool has been one of the best decisions I have made. Thank you Himawari Team for your support and dedication.

02/09/2020 - 04:33 pm

+ 1

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谢菀智妈妈 rates this listing with







02/09/2020 - 04:33 pm

+ 1

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Yen, Mother of Angela & Max rates this listing with

Angela joined Himawari playschool more than two years. She started at her age of 2years 5 months. Her brother, Max, joined since early of this year.
We founded this school two years ago at Selayang area.

At first, Angela having seperation anxiety disorder in her previous playschool. For more than a month, i need to sit in together with her to overcome her anxiety. But i found this couldn't solve the problem.

After we found Himawari Playschool, we both had speak this problem to Teacher Kinki. Teacher Kinki is a very professional and patience teacher. She understands our problem and suggested us to let Angela try a week for trial class

Surprisingly, she can adapt well at this playschool. We were told by the teacher that teacher dragged her attention to some outdoors activities like sands playing and some drawing in classrooms. The teachers are very creative and they had build trust with Angela. Angela become more comfortable and relax when we leave her at playschool.

We decided to let her continue her learning journey at this wonderful playschool.

After 2 years being in this wonderful playschool, her brother, Max, also joined at this playschool to start his early childhood education.

We can see their improvement after sending them to this playschool. Both of them now are very happy and enjoy to go to their school everyday.

Other than that, they learn social skills, self-discipline and excellent in their academic as well. This playschool is very comfortable and it provides a systematic and fun learning tools. We would like to specially thanks to all teachers whose kept close follow up and always discuss about our kids development and yes, we do see their improvements day by day.

Once again, thank you so much to all the teachers at Himawari Playschool. Himawari Playschool is EXCELLENT

02/09/2020 - 04:32 pm

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陈俞靜妈妈 rates this listing with

After visiting few pre-school during year end of 2017, Himawari Selayang has outshined several others, we had visited and finally we had enrolled my first daughter Yu Jing (2.6) years old to this wonderful pre-school.
During her early childhood, she had received the best foundation, love and care she can get in the age.
We loved how the kids are “encouraged” to become independent thinkers and hands-on, be in its academics and the practical side of her life and she often surprises us with things she learned from school which is beyond our expectations.
We are thankful to Himawari Selayang teachers and especially to Teacher Carol ( her 1 st teacher in Himawari Preschool ) which I always remember her smile, love and caring to my little angel! Thanks for all the teachers and assistants for the patient, continual help, effort and guidance over the years for making this preschool an amazing place for the children to bloom.

02/09/2020 - 04:31 pm

+ 1

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