Kiddy123 Frame

High 5 Bread Town

8133  2096
High 5 Bread Town

Essential Details

Admission Fee: Adults RM 15.00,
Students RM 15.00,
Children RM 12.00,
Senior Citizen (above 55) RM 12.00,
Children (below 3) Free Entrance


High 5 Bread Town, the first of its kind in the world was officially opened by The Honourable Minister Of International Trade & Industry on 25th May 2005. The brainchild of Silver Bird Group Managing Director Dato Jackson Tan, High 5 Bread Town is a truly unique attraction of its class. High 5 Bread Town is the architectural masterpiece showcase of the RM100 mil state-of-the-art plant of Silver Bird Group factory located on 6.07ha plant in Shah Alam. High 5 Bread Town was certified in the Malaysia Book of Records as the “First Bread Museum” in Malaysia.

Parents Testimonials

Alice yong rates this listing with

I want like to arrange this coming 9th August 2014 about 5 adult 1 señor 4 student to visit the high five bread

31/07/2014 - 05:30 pm


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