My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
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Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang

Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang
Happy Bear Preschool (Tadika Rimba Ilmu), Selayang

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2013

Student Age Group: 2 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Montessori, Thematic Approach

Medium of Communication: English

Average Class Size: 15-18 students per class

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia & Chinese

Facilities: Outdoor Playground, Reading Corner, Science Corner, Montessori Corner

Admission & Fees: From RM750 - RM1,300

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: No

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Editor's Review

Happy Bear Preschool, Taman Selayang JayaA HAPPY sanctuary of knowledge, love and laughter amidst the hustle and bustle of Taman Selayang Jaya. An ideal environment where a child’s development and learning process come easily. READ FULL REVIEW


Happy Bear Preschool provides a happy learning environment for young children.

Happy Bear Preschool adopted the Thematic Montessori approach. We provide a holistic learning in early years. We believe in development and laying the foundation of learning for life. Happy Bear Preschool is a great place to GROW. Your children are our children.


Class Size

2 years to 3 years old - 1 Teacher : 8 Students

4 years to 6 years old - 1 Teacher : 15 Students


Parents Testimonials (19)

Parents of Jackson & Jasper rates this listing with

作为家长,我衷心地感激happy bear preschool 老师们的付出与教导。我的双胞胎儿子们在他们2岁半时就进入这间幼儿园开始他们学习的路程。由他们第一天忐忑不安、又哭又叫着不要去学校,到每一天都期待回去学校看见他们喜爱的老师与朋友,这一路来老师的引导与鼓励是不可忽视的。bear 给他们感觉就像他们第二个家一样,回去学校就像回去另一个家一样温暖。老师们教导他们学习自理能力,简单的事情他们也可以帮忙了!






23/11/2022 - 02:45 pm


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Hui Jien's mummy rates this listing with

Our son, Hui Jien, has an incredible 3 years in Happy Bear Preschool (HBP). Words could not expressed how much we appreciate on what HBP provided to our son, be it by providing healthy foods, hygienic practices and plenty of fruits which hardly you could found it in other pre school. Although we do not emphasize much on his academic, but we truly impressed on how well he managed to cope with his Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese. Kudos to all his teachers for all their time and efforts, most importantly, their dedication of taking care of our kids in HBP, just like theirs. We truly blessed to be part of HBP family and Hui Jien loves every moments he has there. He will definitely be back to celebrate pre school reunion, if any, especially with his teachers and pre school.

23/11/2022 - 02:20 pm


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Parents of YiFung rates this listing with

It has been a wonderful 4 years journey for YiFung to be part of the baby bears team from Happy Bear Pre-school, with proper guide from all teachers especially under the guidance from Teacher Sheena!

Honestly speaking, it was like a “roller coaster ride” for daddy and myself searching up and down for a suitable pre-school for our first born. The moment we have decided to send YF into pre-school at the year he is turning 3, we were having so much headache thinking which one to send (there are too many pre-schools and kindie at the surrounding area). Shortlisted a few to pay a visit and decided on Happy Bear! Mainly due to the overall school environment, cleanliness, structure and how teacher manages the kids in class – it’s full of positive energy and vibes!

We have seen the transition from how a 2+ years old crying little boy grown from the day he entered school, where he can’t pronounce his name as per the correct “sound” and reluctant to converse in English with us at home (Mandarin speaking). To my surprised, he replied us in English (in a natural way) not too long after he started pre-school. More importantly is the patience that Teacher Sheena and all teachers gave to the children - to really guide and educate them based on individual needs. Not forgetting to note that YF has never tell mummy and daddy that he doesn’t want to go to school! J

I have always been appreciating how Teacher Sheena is willing to spend her valuable time to work hand-in-hand with parents to ensure the child’s well-being and assisted us as a parents to work towards a better goal for the child. A positive two-ways communications support from school is also a value add to this journey! In short, for anyone who asked me (and also in the future) for pre-school’s recommendation, Happy Bear will be the answer I will be giving.

20/01/2022 - 10:28 am


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Parent's Review rates this listing with

When my son was 4 years old, I helped him change school, a friend introduced me Happy Bear Pre-school.

HBP really made me very satisfied. I saw school hygiene, the patient guidance of the teachers. I truly appreciate all efforts of the teachers. My son likes HBP very much, this is the last year in school, he still asks me if I can still continue to study here. I really like the school’s scientific experiment” Chicken hatching process, my son will tell me that what he saw the process of little chick came out from the egg. A big thank you to all the teachers of HBP.

18/01/2022 - 11:01 am


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Parent's Review rates this listing with

我是一位注重身心成长多过学术进展的妈妈,在孩子是否学龄前就送他们上幼儿园也挣扎了许久,直到我找到 Happy Bear 幼儿园,让我放下当时心里的忧虑,甚至现在已进入六岁的小儿子,看着他无论是身心,还是学习、言谈和行为都发展非常良好,真心感谢当初自己的决定,我两个孩子都在这所幼儿园里,得到了全面的身心成长支持。



我也可以透过孩子每天回家与我分享幼儿园的点滴,知道他在一个安全且从满欢乐的环境学习,感恩 Happy Bear 的用心,让身为职场妈妈的我分担了育儿教育这一块,知道孩子童年快乐学习,身心健康的成长,真的非常欣慰。

07/01/2022 - 11:04 am


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Parent's Review rates this listing with

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Happy Bear Preschool. I can’t recommend HBP enough! Thank you for three wonderful years. Summer and Autumn miss HBP so much. HBP played an important role in their childhood and means a lot to two of my daughters. The learning and play environments are excellent for my children. Everyday has been a joy of learning and growing socially and emotionally for them. I'm so lucky that we have made the right choice!

Thank you Ms Sheena for the prompt response whenever I text or call you. Truly appreciated. Good luck and all the best in your future undertakings.

05/01/2022 - 11:13 am


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Meelian (LiYuan & ZeYou's Mummy) rates this listing with

我有两个孩子都是就读Happy Bear Pre-school ( Year 2015-2018 & 2017-2021), 这期间孩子独立了很多,在家里自己的事情能自己做,进步和改变让我做家长的感到特别欣慰,我非常感谢多位老师对孩子耐心细致的教育。


疫情期间 Mummy Bear都遵守防疫步骤,保护每个baby bear的安全令我做家长的感到十分放心让孩子去上学。在此特别感谢院长耐心聆听家长面对孩子的问题也乐于分享方案和给予帮助,感恩深藏在心底,真诚的说一声:老师们,辛苦了! 谢谢你们!

02/01/2022 - 09:57 am


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Christopher Cheah rates this listing with

In between years 2016 - 2017, we were struggled to look for a pre-school that suitable for our daughter by interviewing a wide range of options from Batu Caves or even expanding to Sentul and Cheras areas, which mainly due to our daughter require extra care from low body immune system and skin allergic. Thus, it was challenging
for us as parents seeking a trusted preschool and yet we even got rejected a few of them due to the cause of troublesome and extra individual care. Then, we decided to
choose and enroll our daughter in Happy Bear Preschool as aware the principal and teachers have a great
experience from similar cases, as the positive experience of preschool continually carries on the same quality service and enjoyable practical education till my current son period.
I am continually impressed by how well all the teachers know their students individually. Especially of how patiently and careful when guiding and taking care of every single different characteristic and personality of students. From my own opinion and kids review, the learning environment was beyond our expectations, is clean, is a fun and comfortable place for every kid.
Besides that, Happy Bear Preschool always practices the culture of allowing kids in enhancing their own ability in adaptation and independent skills which most of the children might lack nowadays, and most importantly how well my kids get influenced by the behave independently from the preschool which eases her own decision making.
I still really appreciate how well the teacher was well trained and was careful in looking after my daughter every time she suffered a skin allergic reaction.
Academic-wise, I am surprised that the education and knowledge Happy Bear teach them something like an
adventure which allows my kids eager to look more and share more every time even after school. Even though
Covid and pandemic hit us hard, Happy Bear still did pretty well in online classes, and teachers continuously seek a new way to communicate and build student relationships virtually.
Without any doubt, the passion and support of Happy Bear's principal and teachers were lovely and always accessible, our kids were immensely successful in their primary school and future, every little bit of their
contribution is countable and will always be remembered.
I highly recommend your kids enroll here Statistically with I highly recommend your kids enroll here. Statistically, with most the parents both working timelessly nowadays and avoiding trouble the grandparents, putting your children somewhere really safe and yet fun for learning, this will be the right place.

24/12/2021 - 12:45 pm


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Ke Ching & Jacqlynn rates this listing with

Dear Teacher Sheena and All HBP teachers,
Time flies, this year marks the graduation of KC. It has been a wonderful 5 years journey with HBP, truly appreciate the great learning environment, good food and all sorts of interesting activities and celebrations. A big heartfelt thank you to this dedicated and caring team! We trust HBP will continue to do the best for all baby bears! KC will definitely miss the school and teachers.
All the best!

24/12/2021 - 12:29 pm


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Parents of Choo Zhe Yi rates this listing with

My 2 kids were attended Happy Bear Preschool since year 2016. All the teachers are responsible, friendly, lovely and truly care about the children. We love the way how they teach the kids in loving, caring, interesting and educational atmosphere. The environment is clean and comfortable. My 2 kids were grow and learned so much under teacher's guidance. I'm glad that I've made the right choice. Many thanks to all the teachers and HBP team!!

16/12/2020 - 04:13 pm


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Mother of Aarya Kaur rates this listing with

I have only one kid, and surely I wanted the best for my kid. And surely I got the best for my kid. My kid joined Happy Bear When she was 2.5 years old as she is a December kid. I am very grateful to the wonderful teachers and helpers at Happy Bear as they help to build a very stable foundation for my kid. I never have to worry on how my child is doing at Happy Bear . I was so confident with the teachers , so much so, the moment I drop her off I can do my work peacefully. I am so grateful to Teacher Sheena for instilling healthy eating habits in my kid. I never had a dilemma Of kid not eating vegetables. Her favourite meals at the HBP are also being made at home as she constantly asks for it. Her favourite food is pumpkin porridge and corn soup (with mushrooms).
Not forgetting her learning activities such as the chickens, movie days and art & craft. Also a peak for my daughters HBP days is the play area. That was what I love the most. Kids come in play first. The mushroom house.. the new slide. I am so very grateful again and I'm so happy I made a good choice. I also remember my husbands words Can she stay in HBP until the very end. I just love that school.

16/12/2020 - 04:11 pm


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Parents of Joanna Tan Yu Shuen rates this listing with

I honestly do not think you realize how you guys made us (parents and grandparents) a better guardians of hers through the interactions of teachers with my daughter. Joanna. Words simply can't truly express our gratitude for all the effort that you all poured in.
If we are to point out a few, sooo thank you for
- Potty trained her in just a week time (1st week)! Awesome record/ miracle we reckon!
- Inculcating her with good daily habits especially with those related to hygiene parts
- Sparking her interest in music and art which makes her so happy everyday, inhabiting her the ability to appreciate and love music and art which is truly beautiful in her life
- The dedication in training her for months to perform on stage

Your passion in education is greatly appreciated and thank you for making Joanna's life more beautiful!

16/12/2020 - 04:04 pm


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Wendy - mother of Hillary rates this listing with

A RIGHT choice is much more important than BEST choice. As a parents, we always use our point of view to choose/ give the best our child. In fact, we only can help our child to get a right platform & let them to experience all by themselves. Thus, my spouse & I spent about 6 months’ time to do survey & visit to few preschool together with our child until we met HAPPT BEAR PRESCHOOL (HBP).
HBP  a seemingly inconspicuous school, in fact it bring lots of amazing & surprise to parents & children!
HBP is a licensed kindergarten which official register with Ministry of Education (Malaysia).
Our child is currently in HBP & experience since 3 years old. Thru the solid Montessori & Thematic academic that provided by HBP, she has groom up with an independent thinker with well selfconfidence, good character & responsibility in student.
During the schooling, we closely notice that principle, each teacher & all staff at HBP are so lovely, caring, honest & willing spend time patiently to interaction/ communicate/ encourage parents to be involved devoted to the progress of our child (very quick respond with all our inquiry/ ask for help).
The location & environment of school is welcoming, hygiene infrastructure is fine, campus is very peaceful, facilities is well maintained & best thing which is our biggest concern of safety has definitely been handled well by HBP team!
Our child very enjoy the healthy cook meal with less salt & no MSG (Breakfast: fresh fruits, Lunch: rice with soup/ porridge/ noodle, Tea Time: sandwich/ bread/ boiled eggs, variety sweet soup (red, green bean/ sweet potato/ barley) which serve in HBP. Her appetite gain lots after engage with HBP. As we know candy & chocolate are still not suitable to take during pre-age stage & we feel very excited when found out that HBP are supportive in anti-junk food! That’s a bonus for us!
In HBP, we impression that they are not to make every children to be same, but to delivery every children different.
Our experience convince us that HBP is the right choice we could have made for our child. It’s worth the investment that you might hard to find better.

09/08/2019 - 03:33 pm


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Rosy Lim - Mummy of Brayden Chai rates this listing with

It was my first time enrolling our boy to pre-school in 2018 and I had indeed a tough time deciding which school to go for. I went around asking for opinions and advices from friends and was lucky to be recommended Happy Bear Pre-school.

Like most kids, before joining pre-school, my boy was being taken care by a nanny. Nanny’s as usual do not teach much but resort to using TV to entertain my boy and to let him play with whatever he could find. Sad to say, at the age of 32 months, my boy still speaks very minimal and generally do not like playing with other kids. When I first sent him to HBP, I was a bit worried that he might not be able to cope but he proved me wrong. I was very happy that I could see a drastic change in him after attending school within the 1st month. He has improved a lot and he is now very independent and confident in his speech. He has also learnt to make new friends and is excited to go to school and learn new things each day. I believed all the pre-school programs and the teachers’ guidance has helped him a lot and I truly appreciate all efforts of the HBP teachers. A big thank you to all the teachers of HBP, we are so glad we found you!

09/08/2019 - 10:39 am


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Cayzer & Gina rates this listing with

What can I say? HBP was in our lengthy survey list. On our first visit, sixth sense signed:" OH!, this is it. Our baby belong here..." The atmosphere, school setup, friendly teachers and welcoming staff captured our attention. That is how our 4 years old baby begin her school journey.

To our surprise, she looked forward to preschool everyday. In fact, feeling excited for "back to school". Always left preschool skipping or humming a tune! This I'm sure, would not be happened without some HBP magic.

For every passing-by of preschool on non-school day, she always proudly present her preschool to passenger in the vehicle without fail. "Look, that is my preschool."

In 1.5 years, noticeable positive energy, school spirit, motivated and engaged teachers. Not to forget, Principal Sheena a.k.a Mama Bear in an action person, hand-on from top to down about works, school and children. In such, relief anxiousness that our little one will be in good hand and supervision. Seeing growth and constant improvement and upgrade on keeping up with rapid change in education trend. "Import" material and adopt new teaching ideas from overseas that giving room for exploration and experiences for all the kids.

What is 'Red Soup"? It is beetroot soup. OMG! I learnt new vegetable in my late 30s. This is one of the favourite soup for my daughter. Delicious with well balanced nutrition.

We are happy to be part of the HBP family.

Please let me take this opportunity to express my appreciation.
- preschool, the facilities providing a fun yet engaging learning environment.
- to all teachers for giving their best education experiences, contribution and kindness.
- for all helpers that giving their love and care.
toward healthy growing of our children.

Great Job, Keep It Up!

09/07/2019 - 03:51 pm


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Nicole rates this listing with

I remembered 8 years or 9 years ago when I noticed that there are some renovations going on at the corner's house near my in-law's place. To my surprise, another preschool! Well, there were a lot of preschools around that area. But something caught my eyes. Not sure if it's the CUTE HAPPY BEAR or the environment I see from the gate that I took a liking of. Anyway, I made a note to myself to have it checked out once my girl reached the age of 3+.

When the day come, me and my husband went to a few preschools but we settled at HAPPY BEAR. The decision that I didn't regret until today. As my girl steps into primary one, leaving HAPPY BEAR was the hardest thing for her. She loves going to HAPPY BEAR! She made friends not only at her age but I believe that all the teachers are friends to her. Academically? I feel that children in the aged of 3 to 6 should have FUN while LEARNING. That's what I see throughout the 4 years in HAPPY BEAR. She comes home with big smiles and happy heart, telling me the story of her friends and teachers and even the helpers which I think is crucial for children to develop confidence and independence. And now my second girl is with HAPPY BEAR just like her big sister.

Why I have chosen HAPPY BEAR? Besides it is clean and bright, all the teachers are happy, friendly and approachable. I never heard once from my girl that she is scared with any teacher. One might say: A student needs to be scared of teachers.But I got to say is: a student needs not fear teachers but respect them, treat them as friends as they are "the other adult" that your children see everyday. HAPPY BEAR teachers treat their students as one of their own, no doubt about this.

I have nothing but praises for Teacher Sheena and her team at HAPPY BEAR. They have done a great job with the children. As what she once said:"A child future is shaped during their early education," what I truly agree and believe.

05/07/2019 - 11:07 am

+ 1

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Crystal rates this listing with

It is with great pleasure to have an opportunity to write this testimonial for Happy Bear Preschool. Happy Bear Preschool is really a wonderful preschool with friendly, dedicated and caring staff especially principal Teacher Sheena.

The very first day I step into the preschool, I feel the warmth of the staff, and the principal have an initiative to make time to tell you all the little details about your child's activities and progress in school. Through the staff's guidance, we can see the tremendous growth of confidence in the child and most important is that principal Sheena and the her wonderful staff make each and every child feel special and unique by providing them with lots of extra outdoor activities and advanced academic skills needed from preschool to primary and school real life situations. This is what I truly adore about Happy Bear Preschool.

Our daughter enjoyed every day since the very first day she stepped into the preschool and enjoys completing the fun and learning activities given by the preschool and I am proud to say that she can step into primary school life without any hassle and that is exactly what I, as a parent , want for my child.

From the bottom of my heart, we cannot thank the staff enough for the wonderful experience the school has provided to my child. A big thank you to all.

05/02/2018 - 01:56 pm

+ 1

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May (mother of Kylie) rates this listing with

School have big and clean classrooms. All the teachers are very nice and friendly. Most importantly, my child loves Happy Bear Preschool and enjoys her school life. She is always happy in school.

16/12/2016 - 01:58 pm

+ 2

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Mrs Ng (mother of Steve) rates this listing with

The study environment and the extra program provided are very useful and interesting. My child has improved a lot in both English and BM especially in his vocabulary. The year end concert was awesome too! Well done to all teachers.

16/12/2016 - 01:58 pm

+ 1

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