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De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai

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De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai
De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), Skudai

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2015

Student Age Group: 3 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: Sensory and fun interactive play learning approaches by using real objects and focusing on hands-on learning

Medium of Communication: English, Chinese

Average Class Size: 6 - 12

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, Art & Craft

Facilities: Indoor Playground, Science Lab, Reading Corner, Art & Crafts Corner, Music & Activity Hall, Fitness Corner, CCTVs and so on.

Admission & Fees: From RM580 - RM890

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: No

Other Services: Nursery, Enrichment Class

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 7:45 am - 6:00 pm

Editor's Review

De JowiTop Preschool (Tadika Impian Terpintar), SkudaiThe fundamentals of the curriculum at De JowiTop Preschool are based on a humanistic approach that’s progressive and child-centred to meet children’s learning and overall developmental needs. READ FULL REVIEW


The fundamental of JoWi curriculum is based on humanistic approach anchored on progressive philosophy and child-centered movement to meet the children’s learning and overall developmental needs.

The JoWians believe that successful education is an ongoing efforts and collaboration between parents and teachers. Children are process-oriented active learners; they are unique and have something they can bring to education. Most genuine learning occurs when children are provided with an encouraging, safe, friendly and supportive learning environment (family, school, community and culture) where they can explore physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and intellectually balance and harmonies.

De JowiTop Preschool advocates “Education for Real ”. Learning has to be through fun, interesting and meaningful activities, experiences and projects. Play is the greatest way of offering children these hands-on and authentic experiences.

Our belief, approach and pedagogy of teaching and learning are greatly influenced by Cognitive Developmental Psychologist Jean Piaget, Developmental Psychologist Lev Vygotsky, Psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, Physician Dr. Maria Montessori, Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and Bloom’s Taxonomy.

- Small Class Ratio
- Group and Individual Presentation
- Resilient and High Order Thinking Skills
- Professional Early Childhood Development Consulting Services
- Innovative Integrated Curriculum
- Hands-on Learning Opportunity
- Sensory and Fun, Play Learning Approaches
- Real Objects Teaching
- Child-friendly environment
- Outstanding team of trained instructors
- Care for children's emotions
- International Preschool Conferences & Students Exchange Program
- Equipped with Science Lab, Reading Corner, Art & Crafts Corner, Music & Activity Hall, Fitness Corner, CCTVs & so on




Parents Testimonials (12)

Santhini rates this listing with

“I am from Penang. It was really struggling to find an appropriate preschool for my daughter as I do not know anyone here. I visited many kindergartens to enquire about the skills they use to teach the children. I am not quite satisfied because most of the kindergartens are using Chinese language as the primary language. It is hard for parents like us to cope with since we do not know the language and so how are we going to help our daughter in her learning?

In desperation, my husband told me about De JowiTop Preschool. His friends recommended and rated this preschool as one of the best preschool in this area. They said the teaching methods and skills of De JowiTop Preschool are tremendously good and they follow international standards which tailor age appropriate activities to stimulate sensory learning. I am so impressed and we (my husband and I) visited the preschool the next day. Ms Loh greeted us friendly. She explained patiently to us about the school’s rules, techniques and skills they use to guide the children in their studies.

De JowiTop uses English as the primary medium language and in subjects teaching including Maths which I’m very concerned of. Besides that, the Moral and Character Buildings education is very well planned. The subject is taught through individual and group presentations. It provides chances for children to voice out their ideas, emotions and to cultivate team spirits. And for Science, it is all hands-on! The children are allowed to do research studies and lab tests to see how things function, and there is always a ‘bring home mini project’ which promotes parents-child relationships. Furthermore, the preschool also have cooking and art and crafts classes. The children can freely play to their creativity.

There is many more to say about De JowiTop Preschool. The teachers are so kind and friendly. I have seen a lot of improvements in my daughter. She gets to know how to write her own name within 6 months. She remembers every single thing those teachers taught her. I’m sure it is because of the fun teaching methods and also the activities the teachers plan. I’m very proud and thankful to have sent my daughter to this preschool. My daughter has even learnt to communicate in Chinese with her Chinese friends. This is all because of you, De JowiTop.

Thank you very much De JowiTop Preschool for providing the best ever education to the children.”

07/01/2022 - 07:11 pm


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杨秋仪 rates this listing with

“我的孩子的名字叫陈行宇,今年4岁。当孩子2岁半时,我将孩子送去了智乐园 (De JowiTop Preschool)。当初的我因为发现孩子已经到达可以学习的年龄,并意识到孩子已经有基本的能力去表达和与大人沟通; 孩子在家也只是玩玩具或看卡通,而且一个人玩也很无聊,所以决定把他送去学校读书和多交一些朋友,让他能和大众接触,并互相学习。借由朋友和家人的介绍,我将我的孩子送去口碑不错的智乐园学习。





07/01/2022 - 06:33 pm


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郑振瑞 & 赖桂忆 rates this listing with

“在礼恩两岁四个月的时候,我们决定让他到学校里 ‘玩玩’。一开始,几乎他每天都很抗拒,每天早上都会哭闹,我们想过放弃; 和很多父母的想法一样,反正他还小,两岁半开始读,要到大学毕业,是那么多年啊!现在不要逼他吧!心想四岁的时候再去学校好了。

当时Miss Loh 也明白我们的忧虑。她告诉我们孩子需要时间去融入和适应新环境,应该给予他机会。她也和我们分享其他小朋友的入学经历。 我们犹豫了很久,决定再让礼恩试试看, 希望他会有所改变。

在尚未去 De JowiTop 的时候,礼恩会表达的字眼真的很有限,陪他阅读,闪卡或有图书,他的专注力都不持久,总是要看手机的Youtube,而且脾气真的很倔强固执,有时候他真的让我们束手无策。加上礼恩从小都不太爱说话,他表达的时候口齿不清,非常含糊,当我们不理解他的要求时,他就大哭大闹。

现在,礼恩会的生字越来越多,也更懂得表达自己的想法了。他不再为了想要得到自己所要的而一味的发脾气。而且,在老师循循善诱的教导和提醒下,他也开始学会礼让和友爱,每天放学回到家都会抱抱弟弟,说: “弟弟,爱你爱你”。每一次看见这样的画面,我们都觉得很开心很温暖。现在还会唱歌尽管不是很清楚,但是 还是可以知道他唱什么,真的觉得很开心很惊喜。除此之外,我们也发现到,礼恩比从前更能掌握生活,他会自己收拾玩具,拿了东西放回原位。可以见得他在学校学习到很多的生活技能!如果当时我们没有坚持下来让礼恩继续上学,我想他还是在家每天看手机,对于玩具不懂得珍惜,喜新厌旧。

其实生活上许多对大人很简单的事情,要孩子们掌握是很需要耐心的。很多人说那么小就读书,很可怜,但是De JowiTop不同!我们喜欢De JowiTop,这里不是读书背书写字“死读书”那样。这里准备了许许多多的教材供孩子们亲手去尝试,去感受,去体验。Hands on and Minds on的教育理念对一个小朋友的吸收力是非常有影响的,欢愉的群体生活,让我们家的礼恩更有参与感和充实感。


07/01/2022 - 06:19 pm


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Mohd Azrin & Norlia rates this listing with

“We send our children to De JowiTop because we want to give our children a chance to socialize with kids of multiple races and for better education.

At JowiTop, classes are in small groups, our kids have received adequate attention from teachers. Besides, teachers there are trained to cater to the needs of every single child. They really know how to handle kids’ emotions, tantrums and to make them feel comfortable before they start the day. There are many well structured activities too in each lesson. Our kids are always excited to go to their preschool and they will tell us what they’ve been doing in the school. We found that since enrolled, our kids are more matured in thinking, more independent and confident, and are educated. They take initiative to learn. They manage to complete their homework with less supervision from us and they can speak English, Malays and Chinese well. Another point to add, they love
to help us with house chores and will take care of each others.

Thank you, De JowiTop!”

07/01/2022 - 02:03 pm


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Dr. Siti Khadijah Mustapha rates this listing with

“One specific reason for sending my kids to De JowiTop is because I personally favour interactive/holistic learning rather than the traditional approach. Other than that, the short distance between the school and my workplace is an added bonus.

Teachers of De JowiTop Preschool are dedicated educators who give their best to extract the best out of the children, which is evident in times of examinations or school performances. Their tireless effort is amazing!

Since enrolling to De JowiTop, I have noticed my son has much boosted self-confidence, and has better grasp in language, especially in English and Mandarin. He also has better means of self-expression via arts and artistic projects as compared to previous. And for that, De JowiTop teachers all deserve the highest appreciation and praise; I cannot thank you enough teachers.

Without you, our children will just be children.
With you, our children are future leaders.”

06/01/2022 - 10:39 pm


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Robynne Nicola Clayton rates this listing with

“Myla was only one year three months when I sent her to De JowiTop. There wasn’t any centre willing to sign her up because of her age and many of them did not speak English. Back then, I was placed by Malaysian Bureau of Education in five primary schools basically to observe, revise their English teaching methods and to provide guidance. I found about De JowiTop from the teachers there.

Thanks to Miss Debbie, she is thoughtfulness and really helpful. After hearing my situation, she carefully planned a learning schedule for Myla. It’s flexible of which it fixed my time and at the same time Myla got to join friends and activities.

De JowiTop has a good team of trained teachers. They are kind and supportive. They follow children’s learning pace and will consider children’s sensitive periods to tailor appropriate learning activities for them. The learning covers the five major areas of child’s development, namely physical, intellectual, language, social and emotional. The traditional method of “Force and Push” is a big NO in De JowiTop. I’m impressed with the teaching philosophy in early years education of De JowiTop. Children of the town are blessed to have such a wonderful preschool.

Myla enjoyed her schooling. She picked up Mandarin in just three months. And she had learnt to perform some simple tasks like putting on pants, feeding herself without making a mess and so on before we flew back to our country. It’s amazing! Note that we were there for no more than ten months. I appreciate everything the teachers did to make impossible possible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Good work! We love you.”

06/01/2022 - 10:22 pm


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蔡懿敏 rates this listing with

“还记得4年前因缘之下认识了陈院长 ,刚好也在烦恼着帮长女何宇彤转校。我们夫妻俩带同孩子一起到贵校(当时是MRC Kids )参观,孩子看了学校也没有抗拒,就这样我把女儿(当时4岁)转入贵校。真正吸引我的是学校的多元化课程还有老师们都很有爱心。当时我把孩子报读全天制,原因是我个人比较喜欢午休后那些Montessori课程。后来,儿子何宇凡也到了入学年龄也一起送进来就读。

而现在的我更喜欢智乐幼儿园 (De JowiTop Preschool)。原因是因为它采用英国那些生动的教学方式,让孩子们很快的掌握学习课程。很庆幸自己的孩子在这个小地方还能读到国外的教学课程。孩子们也不会吵闹不要去上学,看着他们每天都开开心心的上下课也很欣慰。我的小儿子学习比较慢也比较调皮。令我刮目相看的是他在学习方面真的大有进步。想必是因为老师采用的这些多么生动的课程,让他们看,听,尝,摸的学习


我在想要不是当年我执意帮她转校的话,或许她现在只有英语一科比较优势而已,华语和国语也不会像现在那么理想。 在马来西亚的学校就读果真需要三语都强才行,所以我真的很感谢陈院长还有老师们的细心教导。谢谢你们!希望你们把这份热忱延续下去!”

06/01/2022 - 05:22 pm


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Goh Yen Kang rates this listing with

“当时我们会决定让孩子入读这间学校 De JowiTop,是因为我们觉得这间学校在各方面都相对平衡,不仅有注重到学术,也让孩子能接触到其他生活技能与及音乐等,这让他们有机会体验到学习以为的乐趣。我们相信只有心,智,体的平衡发展,才能筑构出较全面的人格,并健康快乐的成长。


老师们会使用有趣的教材以及配合生动的肢体动作来引导孩子学习 ,这样能够让小孩从游戏中学习,让他们自然而然地对学习产生兴趣,并自发地努力学习;而不是填鸭式的硬塞入他们的脑里,一旦厌恶与学习在他们的脑里形成正比,将来就很难让他们体验到学校的乐趣了。



06/01/2022 - 02:23 pm


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Carlito Navarro & Kaths Alvarado Navarro rates this listing with

“I think it is a big testimony to De JowiTop Preschool. Our elder son had joined a very good preschool with no problem.

We have moved to KL for work and so do our sons. Before moving, Miss Tan had helped to gather information of few preschools for us because we didn’t really know which preschool would suit Vincent better. Although our son has settled down here now, he thinks and talks a lot about his friends and teachers at DeJ. As to compare to his age group, we found that he is advanced in areas of Science and Languages. Thus, our sincere congratulations and thanks to teachers of De JowiTop. Thank you again for the great time that our son had at De JowiTop Preschool and for preparing him very well for the next phrase of learning.”

06/01/2022 - 11:45 am


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Eleanor G. Formalejo rates this listing with

“ We chose De JowiTop Preschool for my son to be his preschool in Malaysia because it is internationally competitive. The teachers are warm and kind. They are equipped with knowledge and know how to handle kids perfectly. Aside from learning, the school is paying attention to the children’s health and wellness. There are series of activities and celebrations in the preschool which promote chances for children to interact with children of different ages and races. My son has developed a good attitude with people. He respects us and takes good care of his younger sister.
Though our first language is Tagalog, Mikhail my son learns Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese easily. Thanks to the wonderful teaching methods the teachers adopt and thanks to Miss Tan for good management and supervision. De JowiTop is a great choice for preschoolers. May Lord grant De JowiTop gracious prospect! GOOD LUCK!”

05/01/2022 - 01:18 pm


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林传豪 & 王縯倪 rates this listing with

“其实当年的我们是个“新手”家长。我们并不知道要如何为孩子选择学校。我们一心只想为渴望上学的大 女儿,家佳找一所最靠近的幼儿园,让她有一个环境去感受学习的乐趣。随之,看见家佳逐日的在学校里,家里的进步,我们当初的选择一点也没有错。妹妹目前也在贵学园学习。


除此之外,让我更满意的是学校老师们也让孩子接触实体学习,比如学“D duck”时,老师会带小鸭子到课堂让小朋友观察,触摸,喂食等等的活动。学校也会教小朋友自理一些简单的生活技能,比如穿衣,刷牙,折被单,饭桌礼仪等等。

自从我的孩子进入贵校园后,我们发现孩子在品行,表达能力,和人相处以及礼貌上都显著的有良好的改善。她们的学习能力也加强了很多,而且对周围事物特别有兴趣,也会发问。姐姐妹妹的自理能力也进步了;回到家后会自己把书包里的水瓶,肮脏的衣服,饭盒拿出来,并自己准备干净的衣服放入书包。记得有一次, 家佳和妹妹家莹一起犯错了。当我正要开始问她们的时候,她们就已经意识到自己的错误了,姐姐家佳边哭边向我认错,妹妹也异口同声说:“妈妈,对不起。”那瞬间,我感到既惊讶又欣慰。我更感觉到我的孩子们长大了,做错事勇于认错,道歉。

我们很庆幸孩子能有机会在贵学园学习。希望学园能保持水准或更加强教学品质,愿De JowiTop更上一层楼。真心感恩所有老师的教导,也非常感激邱老师,教会我们家长如何让孩子更成功。感恩。”

05/01/2022 - 12:21 pm


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Mazuin rates this listing with

“My reason for sending my child to De JowiTop is to expose him to a good social interaction and early education as he is an active child, and at his age, it is important for him to start learning to read, write and interact. As I observed, the teachers and the teaching methods are very convincing and effective. My child has improved in his discipline as now he can follow some of our instructions and advices. He becomes a creative boy and is always curious about trying new activities. I hope De JowiTop will always maintain and improve in every way to keep the children's wellbeing as a priority.”

05/01/2022 - 10:18 am

+ 2

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