Kiddy123 Frame


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We also have other activities here such as Dance Classes, Party Packages, Lunch Sets and more... Here at Caterpillar we offer various forms of dance to foster and instill in kids alike the joy of dancing with an underlying philosophy of fun!

We offer weekly dance classes in a wide variety of genre:-
>Baby Fun (6 to 12 months)
>Boogie Toodler (2 to 4 years)
>Kids Street Jazz (6 to 11 years)
>Junior Princess Ballet (3 to 4 years)
>Princess Ballet ( 5­ to 7 years)
>Radient Yoga ( 6 to 12 years )
>Junior Hip­Hop ( 4 ­to 8 years )
>Street Jam(8 ­to 11 years )
>Teen Street Jam ( 11 ­ 18 years )