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3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan

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3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2009

Student Age Group: 3.5 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: SMM Skills

Medium of Communication: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese

Average Class Size: 6 - 15 students per class

Available Classes: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese

Facilities: CCTV, indoor playground, reading corner, science corner

Admission & Fees: RM590 - RM1,040

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Other Services: Nursery, Infant Care

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Editor's Review

3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan3Q Signature Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan welcomes children up to 6 years old to learn through the proven 3Q curriculum. It focuses on nurturing children’s whole brain development, multiple intelligences and unique talents. READ FULL REVIEW


3Q™ Junior is Malaysia’s first kindergarten school that utilises the proven 3Q™ system. Children will learn using the most effective study tools that synchronises their left and right brain development to nurture whole brain development. 

Also, the Innovative Systematization Teaching Method deliver by educators included Thematic Teaching, Open Concept Learning Corner and Project Approach Teaching.

The program provides 9 different subjects according to age, ranging from 2.5 - 6 years old, and is divided into three different age groups (J2 - J4). Each semester requires 5 months to complete.

Features of the course:

Parents Testimonials (39)

Yew Soon (J4 2024) rates this listing with

不知不觉孩子就快要毕业了,还记得开学前就忙着找幼儿园也去了几家做个了解和观察环境。最后我们选了3Q Mrc Atmosphere, 主要是环境舒服,卫生都做的很好,还有室内游乐场小孩看到也很喜欢。虽然小孩上幼儿园只有短短2年时间,看到他从不认识字和不会握笔写字到现在已经有很大的进步,这些都是有老师们的细心教导。还有每年的才艺表演也让孩子有很好的尝试。真心的谢谢老师们的耐心教导也让孩子有个美好的记忆。

23/09/2024 - 05:33 pm


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Anya (J4 2024) rates this listing with




我们对于学校的评价是赞赏的。在只有四至五位老师的学校也能拥有三大种族的老师,是相当难能可贵。每天早上当送孩子上学,老师迎接安雅是,老师都会叫孩子的名字,这也会让我们安心。 而孩子会有不同的语言说早安,Selamat Pagi, Good Morning 对应不同种族的老师,让我们会心一笑。

23/09/2024 - 05:32 pm


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Sao Xuan (J4 2024) rates this listing with

时间流逝,一晃孩子在3Q MRC JUNIOR度过了快三年的时光,今年将迎来二儿子的毕业年,我们作为家长很欣喜的看到孩子这三年的收获。




23/09/2024 - 05:30 pm


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Cassey Lee (J4 2024) rates this listing with

5 ½years old, choice was made by my daughter, and as parent respect her choice, as per daughter described was good place and kind teachers there.

She quite independent I had no worried much for her, improvement: willing to share things with friends, toy, thoughts, etc.

Appreciate teachers are well taking care with my daughters, they done awesome job and my daughters love every teacher so much.

4.5 out of 5 ratings, MRC not just a place provide knowledge, also teach kids how to be part of the team and how to communicate well with family and friends.

23/09/2024 - 05:29 pm


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Jing Yee (J4 2024) rates this listing with

4岁的时候我们的女儿加入了3Q Atmosfera Seri Kembangan, 当时正找着一间适合我们女的儿的学校,因为我们注重教学环境的舒适和安全。在还没选择3Q前,已经物色了几家可是还不是很满意,直到我们参观了3Q和听了老师的解说关于课程和教学方式。同时也提供day care,很适合都在工作的父母们。

很庆幸我们的女儿进了3Q没有任何的难适应或不喜欢上学。在我们偶尔的询问,依然都答是喜欢上学因为“ because got friends and the teachers are very nice".




23/09/2024 - 05:27 pm


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Genesis (J4 2024) rates this listing with

Dear 3Q MRC Junior Atmosphere,

Thank you for being such a great teachers to our daughter Genesis for the past 4 years. We are so thankful & proud of her improvement.

We hope the same for our son Gabriel. We also hope that the teachers can be patient with our son who is a little different from his sister personally.

May god bless your hard work & wishing all 3Q MRC Teachers best of luck and health Amen.

23/09/2024 - 05:24 pm


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Ho Jia Zheng’s Mummy (J4 2024) rates this listing with

1. 孩子何时加入我们学校或者是第几个孩子在我们学校上课?

首先谢谢3Q MRC的 Teacher Moon , Teacher Chitra.
迦政是我的第二个孩子,他是在2022年进入学校的,在之前我物色了好几家幼儿园, 最后我选了3Q MRC 因这里的环境,卫生,COVIQ SOP让我满意.

2. 孩子刚入学时的情况以及之后的发展。
刚入学时,他每个早上都闹别扭,甚至去到学校就哭,到现在会自动起来准备等出门去上课然后放学一上车就跟我分享学校的事, 渐渐已经变成了习惯也学会了自律。
在这两年里,他学会了数学加减法,Phonics 和suku kata, 如何使用 Abacus,透过flazzle cards学会了很多华语,英语和国语的生字.

3. 现在即将毕业,您作为家长的感受。
最后还是要再次感谢Ms Moon, Teacher Chitra 和所有老师们的辛苦与默默付出陪伴小朋友们一起成长.

4. 请给出对我们学校的评价。

18/03/2024 - 02:47 pm


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Broly’s Mum (J4 2024) rates this listing with

I'm one of the parent for the J4 student. My son started to join 3Q Equine park since April 2022.
He was 5 years old when we decided to move him to 3Q Equine, this was due to after surveying for a few kindergarten and visited a few center, we feel that 3Q Equine fulfilled the creteria of kindergarten that we are looking for. 3Q Equine park centre has adequate space which allows their students to have physical activities at school, this is vital for their physical body development, other than that, their teaching methods is fun, students able to enjoy the learning experience. After few months in 3Q Equine Park, we can really see improvement in our son, not only on his studies, he has also become more active and able to express his feelings.
During his 2nd year (2023) in 3Q Equine park, we have communicated to the teacher hoping that teacher can focus more on his mandarin because he is unable to converse well in Mandarin, this was due to we have the plan to send him to Chinese school. After few months, we can really see that his Mandarin improve, most importantly he is not resist to Mandarin anymore. Previously he really resist Mandarin where he doesn't want to do his mandarin homework and doesn't like to speak Mandarin. But now he can finished his mandarin homework and even speak some Mandarin at home.
He is now soon to graduate, I'm really proud of my son improvement and achievement. I'm really happy that his BM, BI, and BC has greatly improved. His mathematics are good too which made us really surprise. Except focusing on the kids education, 3Q Equine park provides life skills teaching which is very important to prepare them for Primary 1. We are now confident that he is prepared to enter primary 1 in March.
We would like to express our gratitude to all of the teachers in 3Q Equine Park. Your commitments and dedication is appreciated. We have never regretted our decision for sending our son to 3Q Equine Park, the only regret we have is should've send him to 3Q Equine Park earlier.

18/03/2024 - 02:46 pm


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Broly’s Dad (J4 2024) rates this listing with

我是J4班Broly的父亲..我家小孩在3Qequine就读..孩子本身非常厌恶华语,无奈他即将7岁,入学小学一年级也即将到来,我们也为孩子报读华小,因为担心孩子华语跟不上,在学校沟通不到,我们拜托学校老师,在有限的时间里专注教导孩子的华语,也希望能让孩子点燃对自己母语的热爱,不再抗拒…果然3Q Equine的老师非常尽责和专业..在短时间内..让我孩子的华语听写成绩突飞猛进,在家也会尝试和父母用几句简单的华语交谈,也不再那么抗拒本身的母语了…感谢老师们的付出与耐心教学。

18/03/2024 - 02:45 pm


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Liang Ee Tzen (J4 2024) rates this listing with

真快,又说要毕业了!时间过得真快,我的老三即将要上小学了。我的三个孩子都在3Q幼儿园就学 ,毕业!就这个孩子最头痛的了,有时上学好像和他打仗一样 又拉又扯 ,又哄又骗的。不过欣慰的是,他现在肯乖乖去上学了,老师们也没有嫌弃他。有时还是老师们有办法,爱心满满,才搞得掂他。回想起,他从不认识字,不会写字,到现在会读会写,会唱会跳,都是老师们的功劳。老师们悉心教导,用心栽培,灌输知识,因为全日制,老师们还会教导他们日常生活的技能,(虽然他在家还不会帮忙),起码基本家务都会做了。很多时候回到家,他都会向我们报告,今天老师教什么啊,他学到什么啊。。。。就是讲个不停
虽然他不是最优秀的,可是看到他一点一点的进步,慢慢的懂事,掌握越来越多的知识,真的感到欣慰。除此之外, 老师们还会向家长报告孩子的学习进度。由于疫情持续扩散,老师们都会如实报导,确保学生的健康和安全。也因为这个疫情的关系,幼儿园多年没有举办中秋晚会了,很是怀念!

18/03/2024 - 02:45 pm


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Aimee's mother rates this listing with

Aimee是我的第一个孩子,她今年5岁。在她4岁的时候因为朋友的推荐我就选择了靠近我家的3Q MRC JUNIORTAMAN EQUINE ,因为疫情的关系,原本打算让她3岁就开始去学校上课,在她还没开始去学校之前,她是一个非常依赖妈妈的孩子,什么东西都需要妈妈帮她准备,而且连基础的ABCD,1234她都不会。一开始我会担心她不习惯学校的生活,毕竟是她第一次离开家里那么长时间,但是是我自己顾虑太多了,她非常喜欢去学校,老师们非常的细心和照顾她,让我非常放心。在进入学校半年,我发现Aimee开始变得越来越独立,可以自己吃饭,自己穿衣服,她在家也会拿颜色出来涂,也会拿课本出来读她认识的生字给我听,她不再像之前一直只会看YouTube ,这个让我感到非常开心。在学校一年的时间,她的华语,英语,马来文,全方位都有大大的提升,让我感到很欣慰。尤其是在学校一年一度的恳亲会,我发现Aimee很有跳舞的天赋,这全靠老师花了很长的时间去教导她。在这一年里,看到老师们非常的用心去教导孩子,而且每一个节日,学校都会精心为孩子们安排,让孩子可以感受到满满的参与感,这个是非常棒的。老师们也非常的亲切,Teacher Moon和Teacher Chitra非常细心,如果发现孩子有什么不对劲都会马上通知并给予协助。很庆幸自己当初做对了选择让孩子来3Q上课,3Q is the best

24/02/2023 - 02:43 pm


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Parents rates this listing with

首先我很开心在疫情后2022年7月,选择了将两个孩子(许子航J4和许依晨J2)送去Atmosphere 的3Q MRC。

J4 许子航,6岁(今年毕业了)
近来孩子告诉我:“他不舍得离开这里;也不舍得离开他所谓的“6兄弟妹组合”。 因为我们要搬家了,所以小学就没办法与他的兄弟们读同一所学校”。听到他的感言后,真的很感恩这里的老师们。 谢谢你们常给孩子们一些活动来促进他与朋友间的友谊,也让他拥有一个美好的幼稚园回忆。同时,他也学会了独立,会回来交代老师所吩咐的事情。

J2 许依晨,4岁
刚开始的第1个星期,就看到了孩子的改变... 我的女儿尽然会自动拿出华文识字簿读给我们听。 从来没教过她华文字的我,感到很惊喜又很开心... 老公也开心地告诉我,我们选对了centre。现在女儿可以掌握好基本的phonics与Suku Kata了,也会写A到Z和其它等。谢谢老师们的教导。

24/02/2023 - 02:42 pm


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Mdm Stella Hong rates this listing with

We have send our 3 year old kid last year. During that time, our kid cant grow well during the MCO pandemic, as he was lack with outsider communication and outdoor activities. And he become in emotionally sensitive, not able to eat well and more likely to grow up to be shy children. We are thankful to send him to 3Q Mrc Junior Taman Equine for early education with you. And we have found that our kid have grow with more confident, well communication, eat well and able mix around with other kids.

We also hope that our kid keep growing well, keep active to know more friends, learn more wording and to have a good behaviours along the way with 3Q Mrc Junior. I would like to express my heartiest gratitude and appreciation to all the members of 3Q Mrc Junior Taman Equine. All of you are awesome!! Keep up on the good work.

24/02/2023 - 02:41 pm


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Mdm Lim rates this listing with

不知不觉又一年了,我的老三又长大一岁了,今年在3Q MRC第三年了,也是我第三个孩子在这里上学!可是还是老样子,上学还会闹下别扭,长不大似的。不过还好他比较怕老师,(欺负妈咪)看到老师总会比较乖。也感谢老师们,管得住他,他在家确实比较难搞的,真的没办法之下,把他送去全日制。上了全日制后,我轻松了很多,因为功课在学校做完了,老师也会在学校帮他复习!他回到家也比较乖了,多得老师们的用心,陪伴!看到他肯上学,慢慢的学会写字读书排字卡涂颜色,会感到欣慰咯。希望他能再乖点,努力点,脾气好点,我就安慰了!老师们,还是那句,辛苦了!感谢你们对他的包容,细心教导,请继续帮我把他教好,多说点道理给他听!(我真的拿他没办法) 感恩!!

24/02/2023 - 02:41 pm


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Vianna Chin rates this listing with



24/02/2023 - 02:40 pm


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Kayden's Mother rates this listing with

还记得当孩子开学前,妈妈我已经在附近的所有幼儿园都做了调查,当然最后还是选择了Teacher Moon 的3Q MRC。
2020 年开学后3个月后面临MCO,变成上网课,那一段时间我才意识到要教小孩真的是非常难的一件事, 就这样也因为某些事也选择了退学。。
直到2021年,今年孩子五岁了,疫情还是一样,想到无法再继续荒废下去,就选择重新回到校园, 因为停课难免很担心学业一直跟不上,跟老师了解后,也不想太多让孩子自己去学习自己去适应吧~一开始每个早上都闹别扭,甚至去到学校就哭,到现在会自动起来准备等出门去上课然后放学一上车就跟我分享学校的事, 渐渐已经变成了习惯也学会了自律。
很感谢老师们(尤其是Teacher Chitra)都会跟我分享孩子的进度,由回去学校到再上回网课又再回学校,我一直担心是课程跟不上,没想到现在有时孩子复习时,我和爸爸都会瞪大眼睛,“怎么他会?”真的很意外他有进步,虽然不是优秀但是心里真的好安慰。接下来的最后一年,希望孩子可以在加把劲。。

06/12/2021 - 12:39 pm


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Sao Kit's Mother rates this listing with

谢谢3Q MRC的Teacher Chitra, Teacher Moon, Cikgu Zainab的教导.

近这一年里,可以看到他学会读、会写出很多的华语生字,;未上3Q MRC前,孩子甚少接触英语与国语,那时的他除了A-Z之外就几乎完全不明白也不会说了。目前孩子也可以说说几句简单的了,也看到他使用珠算算盘也用的渐渐流畅。

06/12/2021 - 12:07 pm


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Hui Xuan's Mother rates this listing with


我和孩子的爸要借此机会感谢老师们的努力,在疫情下也坚持下去,让孩子们继续学习,没有荒废和拖延了学习进度, 所以如果有任何机会,一定会介绍 #3Q MRC Junior Taman Equine - Atmosphere 给身边的朋友,好让他们的孩子也能拥有一个好的学习启蒙点和环境.

06/12/2021 - 12:05 pm


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Colin Tan's mother rates this listing with

Teachers in this school are really caring and attentive. They helped potty training my children when they were still wearing diapers when they started kindergarten. My children have gone diaper-free in less than two months.
The headmistress and teachers communicate with parents constantly via WA and proactively send me footage of my children's progress in class on a daily basis without being asked.
The school used an app to update the children's in/out temperature and activity at school giving parents peace of mind that their children were safe at school.
During the pandemic, the school strictly adhere to SOP and teaches children to wash their hands, wear masks, and sanitise themselves regularly.
Their programme is promotes variety, aside regular classroom activities, children are taught how to do cook, undertake housework, i.e. sweeping the floor, folding clothing, and etc.
I'm glad I chose this school for my children.

06/12/2021 - 11:53 am

+ 3

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Zi Xin's Mother rates this listing with

转眼间,今年已经是女儿第二年在3Q MRC JUNIOR TAMAN EQUINE - atmosphere 上幼儿园了。



两年的时间,女儿已渐渐学会了一些基本数学加减法了,如何使用 Abacus,英语 Phonics 和国语 suku kata 朗朗上口,透过flazzer cards学会了很多生字包括华语,英语和国语… 从一字不识,如今还时常当起老师的角色来教我读书呢.
除此,女儿也学会了如何与同学和老师相处沟通。唱歌跳舞,游戏运动,画画手工… 女儿每天都带着期待与开心的心情上学去.


06/12/2021 - 11:52 am

+ 2

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镇皓妈咪 rates this listing with

孩子从2018年进学校上课,我还怕他不习惯。 可是去了一天他就很开心,一来是认识到很多同学和老师,二来是老师用心的教他们唱歌 跳舞 读书 写字。每次放学他会告诉我在学校学到的东西。今年也碰上疫情没的上学校上课,老师们还是用心的教导孩子,真的谢谢&辛苦了。

06/12/2021 - 11:50 am

+ 3

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Jven Pong's Mummy rates this listing with


最后还是要再次感谢Ms Moon, Teacher Chitra 和所有老师们的辛苦与默默付出陪伴小朋友们一起成长。我感到很庆幸地为孩子的第一步做了对的选择,也就是选择了3Q 幼儿园,我会继续让孩子们在3Q这个快乐大家庭里学习与成长。

06/12/2021 - 11:47 am

+ 2

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译轩妈咪 rates this listing with

这一两年其实过得不易,遇到这个疫情,很多活动都被逼停止,庆幸的是,老师们有提供线上教育,让孩子不至于停课,可以继续在家学习。(虽然家长有点累)。有时孩子也会把我们气疯,身心疲惫。要监督孩子上课做功课,一走开就不专心了,又要做家务,忙得透不过气哦!(加上老三后期又开始上网课了)陪他们上网课就好像自己在上课一样! 心想老师们每天都要对着那么多孩子,真不简单,真佩服你们的耐性!

06/12/2021 - 11:46 am

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阮丽阮满妈咪 rates this listing with

我的大女儿,2019年报名。第二女儿,2O21报名。感谢老师们的教导孩子进步了很多很听话。她们学会了帮忙做家务 会跟妈妈说妈妈休息我来做。我很高兴认识3Q学校 感谢老师 辅导的很好。妈妈们最喜欢看到的是孩子起床時笑笑去上学,放学回来 满脸笑容很可爱的宝贝 ,这些都是老师的功劳谢谢老师们 感恩。

06/12/2021 - 11:45 am

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Valerie's Mummy rates this listing with

看到孩子们一点一点的进步和成长我感到很是欣慰, 让孩子们在3Q MRC

06/12/2021 - 11:41 am


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Joseph 's mummy rates this listing with

非常感谢3Q MRC Taman Pinggiran Putra的老师们,在这个病毒侵袭的一年,上网课已经是无法改变的事情了,


当幼儿园老师真的特别辛苦,也需要很大的耐心去教导,孩子从零知识的送进幼儿园,现在A~Z, 0~100, suku kata, phonics, moral,science....都有进步,现在他还可以用简单的英文跟隔壁邻居(马来同胞)打招呼, 老师的功劳不少。

老师也是网课背后辛苦付出的人!辛苦了老师们! 谢谢

04/12/2020 - 12:03 pm

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Qi Yuen's mummy rates this listing with

Our relationship with 3Q MRC started in year 2016 when we first enrolled Nee into kindergarten. It was not our first choice due to the distance from our house and transportation issue, but somehow we decided to send her there. It was a wise decision we made. The principal and teachers are helpful, dedicated and committed into teaching and growing the kids. Both Nee and Yuan enjoyed their time at school and never once refused to go to school. We were especially impressed with the school and teachers’ dedication during this pandemic. Despite the challenges we faced, the school continued to deliver and educate the children. It was not easy especially dealing with kids with short attention span. But somehow they made it happen and never give up. Thank you teachers. Really appreciated it!

04/12/2020 - 12:02 pm

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Crystal 's mummy rates this listing with

Saya sebagai ibu sangat gembira menghantar anak saya ke sekolah Tadika Junior Gembira (3Q)di Pinggiran Putra Seri kembangan kerana guru -guru di sini sangat mesra dan baik hati. Anak saya Crystal juga sangat suka dan gembira belajar di sini. Dia sudah pandai membaca, menulis dan mengira. Tahun hadapan sudah memasuki 3 tahun belajar di tadika ini. Persekitaran sekolah yang agak luas dan bilik darjah yang sangat bersih, perabot tersusun rapi dan kemas, memberi keselesaan kepada anak -anak yang belajar di sini. Yang pasti Cikgu Moon, Cikgu Yap dan Cikgu Cithra sangat sabar dan mesra dalam pengajaran mereka , saya yakin dengan guru yang sangat berpengalaman dan berdedikasi mampu mendidik anak saya menjadi orang yang berguna dan bijak bistari dalam semua aspek. Sempena musim pandemik (covid19) ini, memberi pengalaman baru kepadanya bahawa cabaran dalam pembelajaran secara dalam talian tidak menghalangnya untuk terus belajar dan berjaya.

04/12/2020 - 12:01 pm

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Jia Xin's Auntie rates this listing with

感谢老师细心教导和维护她的小小心灵(因为她从小在单亲家庭成长),谢谢老师教导她在课本上的知识和生活自理。有时侯她在学校里学到新的知识会在家里和其他长辈分享。在这里要感谢叶老师,teacher moon和teacher Chitra's。

04/12/2020 - 12:01 pm

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Hayden's mummy rates this listing with


04/12/2020 - 12:00 pm

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Zu Hang's mummy rates this listing with

亲爱的教师们,我想对您说声“多谢”!因为是您把我儿子从一个懵懵懂懂和不会写字的孩子教育成了一位懂知识、会写字的小孩。老师们用春风般的话语温暖着,耐心着教导每一个小孩的心灵,用博大的爱滋润着一棵棵未来社会的幼苗。谢谢老师, 细心教导我儿子。

02/12/2020 - 02:44 pm

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Yue Xuan's mummy rates this listing with

亲爱的老师们,转眼间小女yue xuan不知不觉的将要毕业了
在此感谢老师们这四年来的指导与教育 从一个牙牙学语直到今天学会了很多 虽然她不是最出色的 但总算也能做到一些自理的家务与功课 这也是老师无厌无悔的教导让她学会了.这里是她成长的第一个台阶
在学校也认识了很多同学们 开心的一起读书一起学习一起成长 留给孩子美好的成长回忆
谢谢老师们 幸苦了 此致!敬礼

02/12/2020 - 02:43 pm

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Hui Xuan's mummy rates this listing with

看着我的宝贝从懵懂到现在会读phonic, 会用简单国语与友族沟通,会数笔画,感觉真神奇。可以看得出背后老师们付出很大的精神力气。

02/12/2020 - 02:42 pm

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Angel Loo's  mummy rates this listing with

那些年,狠下心把女儿还在(22个月大的婴孩时期),放进入幼儿园(3Q),记得当年老师还提前说明,要试用期,不一定可以接受22月大的孩子,需要看孩子的适应力,还有配合之类。(据我所知道,到目前为止,我女儿是以最小岁数进入3Q的记录),这些年,拿成绩单都可以知道女儿在3Q都得到适合她的教育。因为她学到的,多过我觉得她可以的范围,甚至出乎意外的成绩(坦白说,老师问我看过女儿的书本吗?我诚实的回答,我都无需在家教女儿任何功课等。第一,尽量减少她压力,承认我属于完美主义者,所以对孩子来说,如果在家被我教,孩子一定很压力。)(所以看到出,老师们在学校都尽能力把最好的,用最适合孩子们的方式,(对症下药)。我知道以前到现在女儿都学会learning is fun and easy很努力学习,从来没听过她哭闹不去上学。从2016 年至到2020。这些年,除了在学校学习,还有 annual concert ,户外活动。今年最后一年了。感谢老师们的付出。

02/12/2020 - 02:41 pm

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Yong Jian's mummy rates this listing with


02/12/2020 - 02:39 pm

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Min Le's  mummy rates this listing with

        在这两个月陪在孩子身边上网课的我,我很肯定老师们的付出,感恩及珍惜老师的耐心教导,想尽办法在网络上留住孩子们想学的心,那是一个非常艰辛的方式。无可否认,“网课”比在学校教课,老师所面对的不单只是孩子们,还有爸爸妈妈。教的对象也不单只是几十个学生,还有几十个家长了!你说,老师能不感到压力吗?但是,老师的教学表现,真的另我不得不佩服身为教育者的毅力和耐心。在此,再次感恩各位老师- Ms Moon,  月老师和 Teacher Chitra 的认真教学,也让孩子适应了这种远距离的送爱送知识方式,这绝对是值得鼓舞的事!谢谢妳们!

02/12/2020 - 02:38 pm

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Isabelle Chin's mummy rates this listing with

每天在家就是上网课,做作业。作为一名母亲,我需要陪伴小朋友一起上网课教作业,还要煮早,午,晚餐。脾气不好的我真的会发疯。何况老师在电脑的另一端看到小朋友不听课在哪里动来动去,玩玩具啦真的会很生气。但3Q MRC(Tadika Junior Gembira)的老师们还是很有耐心的教导,这也是为什么我会选择将我的3名孩子就读在这里。

02/12/2020 - 02:37 pm

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Ee Xuan's mummy rates this listing with


02/12/2020 - 02:37 pm

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Soo Zhi Xin's mother rates this listing with

A great pleasure to take this opportunity to have countless thanks to Teacher Moon, Teacher Chitra and Teacher Yap. Both my girls are well equipped with the knowledge and the positive energy they need in their daily life and ready to go to standard one with no fear. They have always kept me well informed and I’ve always known what’s going on with my kids also their progressive growth as well. They even still ask about my elder girl’s study and provide me with some positive advice although she had left the kindergarten & daycare. This strongly spells that all the amazing teachers here treat all the kids as if their own child. Both my girls still ask will there be any events organized that they would be happy to join as they missed their teacher’s teach, care, fun and love for my kids. Would more than recommend and would give way more than 5 stars if I could!!

02/12/2020 - 02:34 pm

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