My Little World Preschool, Kota Damansara
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3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)

3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)
3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)

Essential Details

Centre's Category: Preschool / Kindergarten / Tadika / Taska, Taska / Childcare (below 4yo), Tadika / Kindergarten (4 - 6yo)

Year Established: 2005

Student Age Group: 3 - 6 years old

Program / Teaching Method: SMM Skills

Medium of Communication: English, Mandarin

Average Class Size: 1 : 12

Available Classes: English, Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia

Facilities: Outdoor Playground, 9 Multiples Inteclligence Corners

Admission & Fees: From RM100 - RM2,000

Disclaimer: School fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school. Kindly get in touch with the school for the most up-to-date information upon application and enrolment.

Meals Provided: Yes

Transportation Service: Yes

Other Services: Nursery, Music, Drama, 9 Beads, Coding program, Mamapapa Apps, Kids talent

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Editor's Review

3Q MRC Junior Menglembu Ipoh (Tadika Junior Mahir)There are seven centres under the umbrella of 3Q MRC Junior Menglembu. Whichever centre you choose, your children are assured of a holistic and engaging preschool education that will fully prepare him for school, for life and for lifelong learning. READ FULL REVIEW


3Q™ Junior is Malaysia’s first kindergarten school that utilises the proven 3Q™ system. Children will learn using the most effective study tools that synchronises their left and right brain development to nurture whole brain development.

Also, the Innovative Systematization Teaching Method deliver by educators included Thematic Teaching, Open Concept Learning Corner and Project Approach Teaching.

The program provides 9 different subjects according to age, ranging from 2.5 – 6 years old, and is divided into three different age groups (J2 – J4). Each semester requires 5 months to complete.

Features of the course:
That's what we have done during MCO : 

3Q MRC Junior Brochure

Parents Testimonials (9)

Jaxton's mother rates this listing with


我衷心的感谢3Q MRC Menglembu的所有老师们给予我宝贝的照顾和关爱。

老师们的耐心教导 让我的孩子从不认识中文到现在会读写中文,性格上也变得更独立了,每天看着他有小小的进步,我真的非常感激老师们的付出。



21/08/2024 - 01:01 pm


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Ong Zhe Wei's mother rates this listing with

您好,我是Ong Zhe Wei 妈咪。感恩MRC 3Q用心栽培他。

打从他三岁入学T4时,从他只是牙牙学语的小娃, 在您们细心的照顾下,他不仅学会说话,还是很能说呢,再来就是他的motor skills也看见了进步,最让我意外的是他成了班上的best performance模范生!

现在升上四岁班了J2A,他的成长不仅是学术方 面,还荣幸的参与才艺大赛呢。


希望Ong Zhe Wei能够继续在MRC 3Q发光发热吧!我妈咪为你感到骄傲!


21/08/2024 - 12:59 pm


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Foo Yee Xuan's mother rates this listing with

选 3Q MRC 作为我们家小公主的幼儿园是会令我们 放心送她去学习的地方。即使有些家长们需要长期在 国外区域工作,校方也能及时的把最新的孩子们的消 息通知在远方的家长们。很感谢学校提供良好的安保跟卫生习惯。每天老师们都会确认来接送小朋友的家 长,如有任何情况也会立即通知家长。即使在疫情 后,校方也会坚持在每天检查小朋友的体温及提倡在 学校配戴口罩。如是流感旺季,学校也会时时刻刻提 醒小朋友跟家长多加注意。



老师们也都非常的友好和细心,我们家小公主每次 回家都会分享她跟老师们在学校的愉快相处互动。 来自不同种族的老师们也加强了小朋友的语文及沟通能力。老师们也经常劳心劳力的精心策划各式活动及表演让小朋友们踊跃参与,激发他们的表演欲和艺术天分, 同时锻炼他们的勇气。

在各种活动中都能看见老师们都是真的非常用心和细心地照顾每个小朋友和给与他们很大的鼓励。此外,老师们也会给小朋友安排很多一些有趣的小游 戏,让他们创造无数的快乐回忆同时也能从游戏中 学习。

最后,在此非常感谢 3Q MRC Junior Menglembu及老师们作为我们家小公主启蒙的她学习的第一步。老师们无私的奉献和耐心,指导和帮助我们的孩子成长,让他们在校园里茁壮成长。


21/08/2024 - 12:55 pm


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Jovie's mother rates this listing with

院长,老师们大家好。我是Jovie Chye Zhi Yu的妈咪。Jovie是我的第一个孩子。我和我先生都在新加坡工作。因为疫情的关系我照顾Jovie到18个月就回新加坡工作。之后Jovie就交给我的父母照顾。Jovie是十二月份的宝宝我和我的先生初为人父母都很担心她的学习,而且我们都在外地工作没能教导她学习。感恩的是我们选择了您们,她显而易见的成长让我省心了一点心。因为我信任您们的教导。现在我是两个宝宝的妈妈了。为了想要陪着Jovie 和她的弟弟成长。我暂时停下了我的工作。我们的家比较远,每次来回都需要两个小时多的路程。我是打算让Jovie转校去我们家附近的学校。可是Jovie坚持要在这学校。Jovie很爱这学校也变得爱上学了,这是我很感恩的。Jovie说话比同龄的小朋友慢很多,她三岁了还不能说完整的句子。我和我的先生都很担心。我还想找什么让她学习。感恩的是,学校突然通知有新的语言课程。我毫不犹疑的报名了。感恩有何老师的教导和耐心,Jovie进步了。我也看着Jovie努力着。Jovie加油哦!院长,老师们,谢谢您们,感恩也特别感恩Jovie现在的班主任的语言老师。谢谢您们的耐心教导和爱心满满的。Jovie就拜托您们了。感恩

21/08/2024 - 12:46 pm


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Yeoh Zi Xuan's Parent rates this listing with


04/08/2021 - 02:39 pm


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Teoh Zhan Kee's Parent rates this listing with

哈喽大家好,我是展熙的妈妈。我孩子在MRC学习了半年的时间,在这半年里他的学习和语文有很大的进步。他还很主动和独立的完成他自己的事情。很感谢老师们给予我孩子的教育也很细心和耐心地教导他。 由于COVID-19的病情,老师们还每一天更新关于我孩子的情况,也很暖心的照顾他的一切。我在这边感谢MRC所有的老师们。谢谢。

04/08/2021 - 02:32 pm


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Jamie Lee Zi Qing's Parent rates this listing with

哈喽,我是李紫晴的妈咪,紫晴今年是第二年在3Q MRC 就读。在这两年里我看到紫晴有很大的改善,就是她学习的上面有很大的自信心,跳舞、唱歌跟同学的互动也很好,就是我很感谢老师这两年来的悉心教导让紫晴她也学到很多,在班上虽然她的话比较多,交谈比较多,可是她也可以在学习方面也可以学到很多和明白老师在教什么,就是我在这里借此机会谢谢老师,感谢老师的教导。

04/08/2021 - 02:27 pm


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Chong Ning Xiang's Parent rates this listing with

大家好,我是锺凝湘的妈妈。我的女儿呢今年四岁。她是在两年前2019年12月的时候开始在3Q就读的。那时12月的时候她是参加那个假期营,那么通过3Q的那个课程呢,我发现她说话的词汇量比较多了,然后她认识的字也比较多。我们在家里通常是以华语来交谈的。可是在3Q读了这两年以来呢,我发现她能够用简单的英语来沟通,我发现她认识的英语词汇量也比较多了。在她还没入学前,为什么我会在两岁的时候就送她去幼儿园呢?因为我发现她还没有读3Q之前,她认识的词汇量不多,说话的词汇量也不多。然后因为我的家里没有小孩子只有她一个,所以她沟通方面也比较弱一点,沟通能力比较弱一点。然后她跟小朋友相处也不多。所以我才在她两岁的时候就送她去3Q的假期营开始。 那么虽然疫情当下,她读的时间不长,可是我发现她学习的东西很多都掌握得不错。现在虽然疫情很严重可是我还是决定让她继续在3Q读,因为我发现他们在SOP方面都做得不错,他们得防疫措施也做得很好,所以我都很方心让女儿继续在这里读。 我希望疫情快快结束其他小朋友也能跟我女儿一样能够在3Q学习得更多。

04/08/2021 - 02:22 pm


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Low Chia Huey rates this listing with

My son Yu Yin, joined the 3Q MRC Junior Menglembu in whole brain holiday camp at age three and continue enrolled in the full day kindergarten preschool at age four. Education is truly key to a great head start for a child and you play such an important role in shaping and guiding.

I am very pleased with the kindergarten preschool programmes, with the holistic development of every kids' intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potentials. My son truly had a great time and learned so much! Kindergarten preschool programmes provided him with the self-esteem, social skills, manners, life skills, and academics. And indeed, my son comes home being able to learned more than letters, numbers, words, science, art, and music, somemore helping me in housework. He also has learned kindness, compassion, responsibility, and friendship.

I like the small class size, full day of learning and individual attention by caring teachers. A highlight was the teacher's qualities and the amazing education team!

Overall, I'm very satisfied the kindergarten's academy programme. And I hope my son would be achieve in his kindergarten year ahead. Thank you.

09/03/2021 - 11:01 am


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