by on 31/05/2018 3870
"Passively listening to Mozart - or indeed any other music you enjoy - does not make you smarter," explained German research ministry. This finding is further supported by Nina Kraus, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University, who later remarked that "We don't see these kinds of biological changes in people who are just listening to music, who are not playing an instrument. I like to give the analogy that you're not going to become physically fit just by watching sports."
The so-called "Mozart Effect" subject was believably first published in 1993 by Frances Rauscher, Gordon Shaw and Katherine Ky in British multidisciplinary scientific journal popularly known as Nature. Despite its popularity, Mozart Effect has yet to provide conclusive evidence to support what it says it can do, which is getting smarter by just listening to music.
Various research and findings continue to highlight numerous benefits of children learning a musical instrument. If you're on the fence trying to decide whether or not to sign your kids up for music classes, hear us out first!
In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of learning a musical instrument among preschoolers. Here are our top 5 reasons why learning to play an instrument helps preschoolers
1) Improves academic skills
Learning to play any musical instrument requires an understanding of rhythm and scales. By learning to understand these two, children are also learning basic maths, such as division, creating fractions and patterns recognising. What's more, music lessons also give children the opportunity to explore basic scientific principles. For instance, learning to play the violin and guitar teaches kids about harmonic and sympathetic vibrations. Nor forgetting memorising musical sheets or lyrics improves short-term and long-term memory.
2) Cultivates social skills
Preschoolers who had individual music lessons are likely to be less anxious than those who hadn't. Group lessons, on the other hand, encourage kids to socialise with other children their age. A study showed that a four-year-old child who participated in joint music cooperated far better with other people and helped others more. In other words, it helps children learn to empathise. Another study published in 2012, postulated that 6-month olds who took music classes (moving, singing, playing percussive instruments) developed communicate gestures and social behaviour far quicker than those who didn't.
3) Creates a greater sense of responsibility
Learning to play an instrument requires discipline, patience and dedication. Delayed gratification. Before a child can play a tune of his/her choice perfectly, s/he must first learn how to play the instrument. In other words, it teaches kids to persevere through months, years even, before their goals are realised. What's more, practising at home requires at least 2-3 hours of focused attention. This ultimately creates a level of responsibility in them. It teaches them to take care of themselves without having had to be reminded by a parent.
4) Boosts Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is often measured by how much we like ourselves. Learning an instrument helps preschoolers to express themselves creatively. The more we express, the more we feel comfortable with our inner selves. Brian Tracy, author of the bestselling book, “The Psychology of Achievement” argues that "The more you like yourself, the more confidence you have." The author furthermore believes that there are three key self-esteem builders: 1) determining your values, 2) striving for a sense of being in control of your life, and 3) knowing your goals and objectives. And learning an instrument and music in general, helps preschoolers accomplish all these three domains.
5) Introduces children to other cultures and history
Learning to play a variety of tunes, classical pieces, in particular, that commonly originate from many different countries, exposes children to the culture that aren't theirs. This is because music is a reflection of the culture, history and its people and epoch the composition was written in. An exposure to other cultures, albeit indirectly via music and instrument learning, helps preschoolers to develop and maintain the attitude of open-mindedness.
It's clear then that learning a musical instrument carries lots of benefits, cognitively, as well as physically. What's next? Knowing how beneficial learning an instrument can be to your children is the first step. The next step is, thinking of what instruments to consider for your child. Read "Best Musical Instrument For Kids To Learn in Malaysia" to learn more about it.