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OKU Card Registration for Persons with Disabilities

by on 01/07/2023 15470

The Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 defined persons with disabilities (orang kurang upaya [OKU]) as “those who have long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society.”

There are seven categories of disabilities: Learning, Mental, Physical, Visual Impairment, Speech Impairment, Hearing Impairment and Multiple Disabilities.

Under Learning Disabilities, there are six sub-categories: Global Developmental Delay (GDD), Down Syndrome, Intellectual, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other specific learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia.

While registration is not obligatory, Malaysian citizens with disabilities are strongly encouraged to voluntarily register themselves in the disability registration system.


Image credit: OhBulan!


What’s the purpose of registering for an OKU Card (Kad OKU)?

The government requires registration of persons with disabilities (OKU) to serve several crucial purposes.

Firstly, it allows for the assessment of the population, distribution, and various categories of disabilities within the country. This data aids in planning effective prevention, education, rehabilitative programs, as well as training and services tailored to the specific needs of different disability groups.

Additionally, registration enables the government to plan and provide suitable facilities that cater to the specific requirements of persons with disabilities (OKU), promoting accessibility in public spaces, transportation, healthcare, education, employment and other areas.

Furthermore, registered individuals can access services designed to meet their particular level of functionality or disability, through their OKU card, ensuring they receive the necessary support, benefits and accommodations to enhance their well-being and promote their active participation in society.


How to register for an OKU Card?

To obtain an OKU Card, you have the option to complete the registration process online through the Department of Social Welfare (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, JKM) by:

  • Filling in the online  MyDaftarOKU  form; or
  • Visiting your district or state JKM office in person.


Or get the OKU registration form in-person from:

  • State and district JKM offices
  • Government clinics/hospitals
  • State and district Education Department offices (Special Education Department)
  • Download  Borang Pendaftaran OKU  from JKM’s website


Image credit: Utusan Malaysia


Guide to obtaining an OKU Card

1) Ensure that the individual has characteristics falling under one of the disabled categories based on specific symptoms.

2) Seek advice and opinions from medical officers or medical practitioners, including medical specialists (Private or Government).

If your child has a learning disorder, you have the option to get a diagnosis in the private or public sector.

Diagnosis in PRIVATE sector

i)      To conduct an assessment by a certified Clinical Psychologist or relevant specialist in:

a)     Psychology Centre or any private centre; or

b)     Specialist clinics in private hospitals (which has a certified Clinical Psychologist)

ii)      Provide the assessment report and relevant OKU form that meets the conditions/criteria for OKU card application from any government or private hospital/clinics that is signed and stamped by any doctor registered with MMC or relevant specialists registered with NSR.

iii)     The completed forms that have been signed and stamped can then be submitted to JKM for application submission.

Diagnosis in PUBLIC sector

i)      To obtain a referral letter from the relevant sources:

a)     A referral letter from a doctor from a private clinic; or

b)     A letter from the school/principal to make an assessment/diagnosis at the hospital; or

c)     A letter from relevant specialists/paediatrician/counsellor from clinic or hospital

ii)     To conduct an assessment by a certified Clinical Psychologist or paediatrician in:

a)     Specialist Clinic from Government Hospital; or

b)     Specialists Clinic from University Hospital; or

c)     Psychology Centre in University (which has a certified Clinical Psychologists)  

Image credit: Alisther Intervention Centre


3) Once confirmed as having a disability, the Application Form for Registration of the Disabled (BPPOKU) must be completed. To complete this form, you can seek advice from the nearest JKM office.


4) The most crucial step is to obtain confirmation from a doctor, medical officer, or practitioner.


5) Submit the completed and verified form, along with a passport-sized photograph and copies of supporting documents such as MyKad, Birth Certificate, or MyKid, to the JKM officer.


6)The OKU card will be processed within the timeframe determined by the JKM officer, usually within 2 weeks.



OKU Card Registration Conditions:

  1. Must be Malaysian citizens.
  2. Must have been verified or certified by a Medical Officer (Government) or Medical Practitioner (Private).
  3. Cases of obvious disability can be verified by the JKM Officer (Assistant Registrar of the Disabled).


What documents / information are needed for the OKU registration?

New Registrations

New registrations are for those registering as a person with a disability (OKU) for the very first time. The following documents are required when applying for registration:

  • A Persons with Disabilities Registration Form (BPPOKU-Pindaan 2019) signed and stamped by a Medical Officer / Medical Practitioner who is registered with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) only or a Medical Specialist who is registered with the National Specialist Register of Malaysia (NSR ) only who is currently practicing at a government or private hospital or clinic;
  • One (1) copy of the applicant's birth certificate / MyKid / MyKad;
  • One (1) passport-sized photo for the applicant's bearing a birth certificate / MyKid.

Re-registrations are for persons with disabilities (OKU) bearing an old OKU Card which was registered before 2011. Applicants are required to fill in the Persons with Disabilities Registration Form (BPPOKU-Pindaan 2019).

Only the following cases require verification by a Medical Officer / Medical Practitioner / Medical Specialists:

  • Any and all categories of persons with disabilities (OKU) who do not have a sub-category listed in any written reports. This information is required in order to update your sub-category in the Information Management System for Persons with Disabilities (SMOKU);
  • Persons with physical disabilities that are not clear or obvious.
Card Replacement

An application for a replacement OKU Card may be submitted for the following reasons:

  • Damaged / Missing OKU Card.
  • Change of address. Applicants are required to change the address on their MyKad first before submitting an application for change of address on their OKU card; and
  • Listing a sub-category of learning disability; as listed in the sub-category of the Information Management System for Persons with Disabilities (SMOKU) or any written report; on the OKU Card.

Card replacements do not require the verification of a Medical Officer / Medical Practitioner / Medical Specialists.


Image credit: Sarawak Voice


What benefits and privileges are available for OKU students?

National Education Program
  • Students have the opportunity to attend government special needs education programs, including Integrated Special Education Programme (Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi [PPKI]), Inclusive Education Programme (Program Pendidikan Inklusif) & Special Education School for the Blind and Deaf.
  • All students with OKU Cards who are enrolled into the Integrated Special Education Program (Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi [PPKI]) are entitled to an allowance of RM150 per month. This allowance will be applied by the school managing the PPKI.
Assistive Devices and Disability Equipment
  • A one-off financial aid for prosthetics or assistive devices, including prosthetic limb, wheelchair, hearing aid, other support tools and equipment replacement/repair. 
  • Exemption of import duty for imported replacement (spare) parts of prosthetic limbs/assistive devices.
  • Exemption of medical fees in government hospitals include specialists fees, Class 3 ward fees and medication.
Public Transportation
  • 50% fare discount for Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), Rapid KL & domestic flights for Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
Document Application
  • Fee exemptions for issuance of MyKad, Birth Certificate, Passport or Death Certificate.

For more detailed information, refer to the government’s OKU Registration Guidelines or visit  /

Parents of children with disabilities who are in need of counselling services, please visit JKM’s webpage.