by on 01/04/2023 1439
If your child is entering preschool, you could be experiencing mixed feelings as you near this significant milestone. You're undoubtedly looking forward to seeing how much fun your child will experience and the new friends they meet. On the other hand, you may be a little upset that your child is leaving for the big world without you.
These feelings are common. The transition will undoubtedly cause your child to experience a range of emotions. It will include excitement at growing up while simultaneously experiencing anxiety over being away from you and embarking on a new experience.
To help your child have a headstart in processing the emotions, you can even start preparing your child 3 months in advance with some of the tips listed below. While some of the steps are unnecessary to prepare in advance, there are certain things like creating a proper routine, or even establishing daily tasks that can be done earlier to make the process easier when the day arrives.
It is unnecessary to start preparing your child for preschool months in advance. Some well-intentioned parents begin preparing their children for preschool too early. By the time school commences, the child feels as though this is a significant milestone in their life, which can be stressful for a young child.
Alternatively, begin casually discussing preschool around two to three weeks prior to the start of the school year.
A daily schedule helps ease your child's transition to the discipline of a preschool environment and offers possibilities for decision-making and responsible behaviour. Routines and daily regimens help children learn more effectively.
Routines offer the chance to understand chronological order, the sequence of events, and the concept of time. Smoother transitions and mental preparation for the day ahead are made possible by established routines, giving children a framework for creative learning.
Routines, when followed regularly, provide the preschoolers with a sense of belonging and security, as well as regular chances for parents to bond with their child, so it's best to be the following to meet your child's needs:
A morning ritual can include the following:
A Good Morning chart with the tasks stated in sequence and an image next to each task to serve as a visual reminder of what is expected of them is usually quite appealing to young children. Similar daily timetables can be seen in some preschool classrooms, which can assist in preparing and organising your child.
When it's time for bed, sleeping alone in a dark room frequently triggers anxiety of the dark. The following activities can be included in a calming bedtime routine:
These activities promote the following:
Due to kids' inherent curiosity about the outside world, life is rich with teaching opportunities. Find quick moments throughout a hectic day to sneak in basic life lessons.
Children can gain empathy skills and comprehension through teachable experiences. You can help your child achieve this by assisting others to increase their awareness of other people
Take advantage of the opportunity to educate your child when one of their friends or siblings is struggling. Address the circumstances and why the sibling or peer feels that way. Ask your child if they ever experience similar feelings and how they might be able to assist.
Teachable moments can occur in any of the following situations:
Despite the fact that a lot of that learning will happen spontaneously, parents can still encourage it.
Create a fun activity with your child before preschool to aid in the development of their fine motor skills during play that involves:
In order to get them ready for future handwriting requirements at school, have your child mould modelling clay into shapes and letters.
Additionally, your child can practise dexterity and hand strength by placing tiny beads or coins within the putty and having them find them. This will help them with simple projects like twisting fasteners and using scissors.
Even a young child is capable of helping around the
After completing a task, parents should always offer support and encouragement.
To encourage an interest in reading and expand your child's vocabulary, read to them daily. Giving children the gift of language and books helps them develop their imaginations, which is crucial for developing creative minds.
Always keep books available in various locations, such as:
Great children's literature gives the rich language required for your child to succeed in school, whether the books are borrowed from the library, purchased at the market or a bookshop.
Visiting the school while it is open and in session is a strategic idea. Allow your child to meet the teacher and have some time to look around and observe the classroom. If you can't visit a classroom during the day, go to the new school over the weekend or in the evening.
Describe the activities that will take place there, such as:
It's normal for children to have separation anxiety during the first few weeks of school. Expect some tears, but try to keep a positive attitude so that your child won't sense any concern on your part about leaving them.
Inform your child about their day on the way to school so they are prepared. Calmly remind them that you will pick them up once the day is over when you drop them off.
Keep your goodbyes brief and to the point. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you and your child to separate. Goodbyes will be much simpler if your child is used to the new school environment.